Have not had a single unpleasant moment with you guys since returning earlier this year, and your latest members have been a joy to interact with. Reading their material and seeing y'alls involvement has been warming to the heart.
Starfliers bring a lot to the roleplay environment and fill an underappreciated role as 'the unarmed dudes'. You guys ground a lot of what you do in areas that make sense, and I appreciate that greatly as an onlooker and potential encounterer..errr...er.
Godslayer No-Sugarcoating Starfliers Dissertation(it was asked for, trust me):
Ingame: I've had very few interactions with Starfliers ingame (timezone differences). I was part of the BDM| security detail back in April of 2024, and I believe that was Kusari (we will get to that in a minute) who was a very solid, very sturdy roleplayer who knew their role and played it correctly and did so skillfully. I also swear I met a barge on my LH~, but I don't have the DSAce logs to back that up so I will not address it. That also might have been SLRC, not sure.
Out of Game: It's only Kusari. I don't know if the rest of you are super powertraders or base owned players, but I literally never see anyone but Kusari. It's looking like a powertrader faction, which you are decisively not. Where tf are the rest of you? You got 5 pages of recruitment and sure as hell don't have 5 pages of forum active members. I looked over the list of people on the recruitment and had several blindsided "damn, this guy is in Starfliers?" moments.
Also, for being the faction with a no-ammo anomaly scanner, I kinda expected a huge scidata sale. Again, 5 pages of members, not a lot of member activity. Seeing that much Scidata hit the field would have provided a catalyst for one of the biggest trolls Disco would ever have seen (For a brief moment, I was looking for 3200 scidata). I suppose there is an obligation to not abuse it, but I personally don't think that's an obligation to not use it to its fullest extent. Money makes the world go round, and Discovery Economy is definitely rotund.
Also I like the Earhart broadcast. I never use it but it's always nice to see on the activity bar.
Out of Roleplay: The idea for the faction is unique, interesting, and definitely a breath of fresh air. More entertainingly for me, it provides the ultimate Litmus Test for Discovery trolls. Wandering upon a ship with no (count em, NO) guns is the mf
for some of us, and is straight up a countertroll to the rest of us. It really shows which of us trolls finds pleasure in the kill, and which of us finds pleasure in the struggle. For me, the gunless Starfliers are the exact last thing I will shoot. For others, they are the exact first. If I was online at the same times as you, I would honestly make moral content of character judgements off of whether I see them blue Starfliers or not, and I look down on blue-centric trolls as lesser beings. The tossing and turning adds a refined and sophisticated flavor to the trolling.
I am thoroughly impressed that you've managed to make the selling system maps thing work. The number of disastrously offplane things in recent system changes kinda smells of Dev intervention, but there have been other such things before so its not really noticeable as such. Good job there.
Out of Context: Having Skywalker as a rank is based.
Being a Freelancer IFF and not a Zoner IFF is also based, and also seems to be infallibly redpilled as well given what I've seen going down with Zoners in the past year.
Seriously, where tf are the rest of your members? Beat them with a stick or something damn. I see the recruitment and I see the roll call but I have not seen Starfliers comms or missions or anything out of these guys. Being in an entire faction with TheKusari and not spending every Freelancing second spamming tf out of TheKusari bbcode is a shame of the highest order. Same with the SciData. The opportunity of a lifetime sits before you to be the leading scientists of Discovery Freelancer, and even though Scidata isn't used super extensively anymore, I still see these turbo-tycoons buying Longhorns and Bulwarks just to say they have one. PoB model changes (almost forgot you can buy these with regular credits), the old Cultist engines, the contrails, and MF JUMPHOLE GENERATORS still exist. There is a severe market for you.
Honestly would like to see Starfliers canonized in some fields of scientific interest. In the grand Meta of Discovery, Starfliers are one of the most ambitious factions to date, and have a place in the real story, especially in the post-Pulse time period.
Overall: Good faction. Great. Possibly even best. Missing out on some opportunities. Needs members whipped into shape. Insane potential that just needs to be realized. Leader unafraid of criticism is impressive as well.
I'll do something about my superiority complex when I cease to be superior.
"Whatever happened to catchin' a good old-fashioned passionate ass-whoopin and gettin' your shoes, coat, and your hat tooken?"
. . Thanks for the feedback @Vendetta & @The_Godslayer. Yes, it was asked of both of you to do this, I do want to get feedback on the faction - good and bad.
I believe the encounter you mentioned was the one in Inverness, about the Dark Matter Core? That's the only time I RP'd with BDM|. If that's the one, I appreciate your words.
Yeah, uh, recruitment does have a few people, but some element or another makes the faction not enticing to play I guess? I enjoy playing it, maybe a bit too much. I fully understand this isn't for everyone. The ammoless anomaly scanners are the beginning of (hopefully) my way into canonization. To paraphrase what I said on the PoBcast, I will continue to bring more custom equipment, more cool ideas and tangible pieces via the Starfliers into the game in order to canonize it. On the flipside, it means more cool stuff for the rest of you to enjoy. I hope all of my plans come into fruition, because in the end, this will benefit everyone.
Had to look up what the litmus test was, I guess it does apply here in a strange way. The selling maps was a way to generate activity and make money via roleplay. It has worked a lot in the past, not so much recently. We don't operate with any IFF, as we don't align with the Freelancers (despite our ID being based off of it). It's not a huge thing, but more as a reminder that many others have said the same too. There's still some use for scidata, but the rewards are slowly being cut down. Looks to me that it may not exist in the future, and that will be another task we could do that's off the table. Remember Jump Drive co-ords via surveying? Yeah, I had that down-pat and then it was removed.
I don't want to be the leader that beats my members with a stick. All I'd like to see is that they join to play the faction. There are some who have given it a lot of effort, and I appreciate them a helluva lot. With how things are now, I struggle to find out how we're still official.
(01-13-2025, 04:45 AM)The_Godslayer Wrote: Honestly would like to see Starfliers canonized in some fields of scientific interest. In the grand Meta of Discovery, Starfliers are one of the most ambitious factions to date, and have a place in the real story, especially in the post-Pulse time period.
That is the plan... one of which I am not guaranteed success. I will fight and I will die on this particular hill.