[831 AS] New prisoner Station near Planet Hammersee
[831 AS] SEO cleanup efforts "a great succes"
[831 AS] Cologne in full development
[831 AS] Ambush on prisoner convoy deterred
Rheinland heading towards a new era
Dresden Liberated: After long preparations, Battlegroup Strausberg made a heavy push into Dresden to end the Hessian presence in the system once and for all. Despite the loss of Battleship Altenburg, it was a crushing victory for the Rheinland Military. With yet another victory after the Köln assault, the Military believes this will keep the Hessian menace in check for a long time. The Altenberg has been towed to Alster shipyard. Whether the ship is repairable remains unknown for now.
Speech of the Kaiser: With a rousing speech, the Kaiser managed to calm the masses after some turmoil created in the past by the Unioners and Red Hessians. His speech warmed the hearts of many and it seems that despite their differences, the people of Rheinland are united more than ever. Is this a new time of prosperity for Rheinland?
Increased budget for the Military: With the economy back stable and profits coming in from trade deals made with the other houses, the government decided to raise the budget of the Rheinland Military to bring extra security not only within their borders, but also to the edge systems in the Omega's, Dresden and Sigma's. "With better protection at our borders, we will decrease the inflow of unwanted guests into our house systems." A calm Konteradmiral Kunrad proclaimed.
New prisoner Station near Planet Hammersee: Lacking a proper station to place the increasing number of prisoners, Mecklenburg Prison was created to accommodate this issue. These prisoners will often be transported between the prison and Planet Hammersee to work on tunnel exploration and work sites on the planet's surface. "This way these convicts are working for a greater good. We assure the public that they work and live in a safe and healthy work environment." The director of the station proclaimed.
SEO cleanup efforts "a great succes": Having already succeeded in cleaning up both the Dortmund- and Honshu site, Sirius Entsorgung now has removed a considerable part of waste in Texas as well. Their station, Eupen Handelsplatz will move the station to New Berlin to lead and manage the cleanups of Toxic Waste and Scrap in and all around Rheinland. "We will still be working on other projects all over Sirius and Gallia, we assure you." Said Vorsitzender Basti Legion.
Cologne in full development: Cologne returns to the grasp or Rheinland. With cleanups going on by SEO's Wuppertal Refinery and the renegotiations with Planetform Incorporated to terraform planet Saarbrucken, Köln is expected to be a long-term investment by the Government. Research on the sand-worms on the planet might bring new possibilities for living in harsh ecosystems.
Ambush on prisoner convoy deterred: A prisoner convoy flying from Alster Shipyard was ambushed by the Unioners on it's way to Mecklenburg Station. Despite losses, the Rheinland Military managed to hold the Unioners long enough to let the transports reach their destination without damage. The Unioners kept pushing on the struggling Military and Police escorts, but retreated once a patrol consisting of a Donau Cruiser and a Oder Gunboat joined the battle. "This proves the Unioners are as active as ever and more security is needed for our transports", proclaimed Admiral Henze.
Wow this really doesn't seem like propaganda at all. I'm sure this news outlet is independent of the very democratic government. Let's ignore the unbearable cost of living, the lack of wealth distribution or the... I dunno, Fascist regime we're living under because yaaay the military gets more funding don't @ me.
Militantschnitzel69 16/10/833AS
This is bullshit! What are we supposed to do now, who will we fight? We, the people demand after this victory Liberty and Kusari become part of the House of Rheinland, to arms!