I do not make tasteless jest when I mention that time is a limited factor when dealing with the hostile, volatile ancient creations of the DKV. I warned you about the hyperspace ripple, I warned you about brute forcing the energy patterns on the Artifact. Desperation and hatred made you desire to use these dire circumstances, but now is really not the time for 'I told you so'.
Whatever illusion Caliban has you under, you need to dispel it and make connection with reality. Which is that with his presence, he will make things incredibly more dangerous with his scent as a Key.Stop letting him stay near the wound, his psychic mark is amplifying it. He is contaminated and must be kept away at all costs from this new bleeding rift.
Lazurith - the scientist who you not only watched as Caliban attempted to kill him, but made an attempt yourself at his behest. Let's put to context the circumstance of a young, naïve scientist being shot by a significantly better trained mercenary, while you sat by and watched. You're a seasoned veteran of this line of work, so I assume you understand the risks one might take in order to preserve themselves. Those risks often go above and beyond what we'd consider rational in the moment. Would you stay for guaranteed death, or take a risk, an opportunity chance to save your own life?
The lens I requested of you is a vital compartment to this path for creating tools to deal with the Sentinels. This particular wavelength, although a lot of the math and genuine material required was omitted for obvious purposes - to test the waters. The Order have no idea what they are doing on how to resolve this conflict, all their hopes rely on planting false hope onto them as being the heroes, causing division between the local factions, only to ultimately suggest attacks - working closely with the Corsairs, to assume power, rather than seek solutions - stemming from their trauma that they cannot move on from. Now we have a rift - a disturbance of huge hyperspatial energy - larger than ever - and now these colonies and outposts are in grave danger.
Enough of the game of daggers, of these whispers. Do you, or do you not, want a tool for the ease of dealing with the Sentinels? Be straight with me. I nearly have a working prototype for this threat.
Remember: They are everyone's problem. And even if we eliminate all of the Nomads - do not forget about them - they will silently destroy us from overexhertion of dealing with too many hostiles. They are here to stay, and we need to ensure that we can neutralise them. Or deactivate them. Or destroy their means of producing more hostile energy forms. Remember that. I do not want more and more harm to keep on spreading, I want healing to occur.
And do not worry about our mutual orange hamster, Caliban will be fine, his ego will be bruised as usual. He's 'too important' to die. But a lesson was due for his demeanour and actions. If you want, I have some secure data I can send to you, but we'll have to be closer for that to pass the private package to you.
I wouldn't be so certain my plan has failed. I'm sure you'll figure that out soon enough.
Ironically, Caliban told me about his whole means of attracting the Sentinels. He insisted on not approaching Thuringia or parts of Rheinland unless necessary. He's a mercenary, like you said, I've been hiring him to do mercenary work. I know who he is, I knew who he was the moment he decided to contact me again. I've not been fooled by him at all, and I've certainly done nothing for his well-being until today.
You're right Revenant, I do have a certain talent for flying spacecraft. It's why Civil Servant wanted me in the Buro from the beginning, he would've left me to be an assassin if I didn't plead my case not to be remembered as a killer. I was there when Lazurith turned up, he stayed put and watched me and Caliban near Freeport eight. Caliban had every opportunity to kill him from the moment he arrived, and if I were so blindly loyal to him I definitely could have as well. Caliban saw that Lazurith couldn't - for whatever reason - use a trade lane ring. Caliban saw his nagging and answered in a way I guess only someone as vengeful as him could answer - scaring him into moving.
[24.03.2024 19:06:17] Wilde.Bludnik: A technocrat and a mercenary?
[24.03.2024 19:06:55] Wilde.Bludnik: I'll make you a trade.
[24.03.2024 19:07:24] A/)-Lazurith: A little break would be nice. [24.03.2024 19:07:35] Wilde.Bludnik: Then, you'll stop and chat afterwards.
[24.03.2024 19:07:50] Wilde.Bludnik: Lay off, oh mercenary mine.
[24.03.2024 19:07:57] Caliban: Shozak?
[24.03.2024 19:08:08] Wilde.Bludnik: No, but close.
[24.03.2024 19:08:28] Caliban: This Key won't be yours.
[24.03.2024 19:09:20] BDM|Viper: You again.
[24.03.2024 19:09:27] BDM|Viper: Get out of my system. [24.03.2024 19:09:39] BDM|Viper: Activating discharge protocol: VENOM, engaging.
I didn't fully understand what was going on between Caliban and Lazurith. I definitely did not know that Lazurith was a key until today. While it was an extreme way of getting someone to leave, I'll admit, no one was killed aside from the alien that rushed between the two - the alien working for the Solomon K'Hara.
I think we both did Lazurith a favor at the time. But after attacking someone who's done nothing but provide actual intelligence for me since his resurgence not MINUTES after what happened today? Caliban hasn't been forcing a means to an end down my throat as if he has everything figured out.
Even I have my limits, and you actively sought me out to try and press this on me.
This is the only time I'm going to explain myself. Maybe Civil Servant owes you something, but I sure as hell do not. I asked for help here and there at first, but now in the wake of my apparent "defeat," I'm being left with an ultimatum that targets my conscience. I don't care to be in conflict with everyone, but it's obvious to me now that I should really trust no one.
I'll fight this on my own. You can stand by and watch as you did today, you can pursue your own avenue, but please do not get in my way. Even after today, I'm still much more sweet than what you'd see from just about anyone else in Rheinland.
What Caliban says, and does, are entirely two different things. His motives are intrigued by blind hate, and he will do anything at the sacrifice of everyone else. You will note a reoccurring theme with these individuals where they will twist things out of context and try to say that others are 'collaborators' - and then proceed to do exactly the same thing. You're playing into his games, his "actual intelligence" is whatever game he is playing at. A mutual exchange of whatever you two are working with. He will try to dismiss it, get angry, crack at the truth, but you should not let him dictate your actions. Why do you think he snapped and shot Lazurith? He wanted control. I wouldn't imagine you to swoop so low to attack right outside that Freeport either.
In relation to that, there are a few things I need to show you, but I cannot do so over the neural network. I've no intention of harming you, so I will offer you a neutral zone to speak and offer you some data - IF you want to see it. You think you're starting to have trust issues now? Nothing is ever black and white as you may imagine it to be. It is complicated out there. And you will find the only side I am on, is my own. And it is within my own desires to ensure that there is a future to live in. That we can understand more of this place that we reside in.
In regards to Lazurith, I was not personally present for obvious reasons, but from investigating further from the blackboxes and questioning, it did not seem he was aware of the cretinous Bludnik at the time. Fear, the very rush of adrenaline to claw for survival, will usually cloud ones awareness.
Civil Servant? He will do as he wishes. So it seems both you and him are dedicated to protecting your homes, but the matter of fact remains that there was a huge blowback that now has potentially marked a lot of people. This is the cost of leadership, Viper. Action is required on these circumstances, and there needs to be vigilance. You absolutely cannot hide the fact the ripple effect from the Imperial Government. I would suggest you also observe the maintenance teams on the Jump Gates to report any flaws or abnormalities. But, ultimately, that is your decision in the end. Make sure everyone gets adequately checked over in medical, it will take time but it will be worth the seal up the cracks.
Ahem, now...
I will make it as clear as day what I am trying to accomplish, ultimately I desire peace, not death. I want to find a resolution that does not entail the extermination of Humanity, for us to grow and find the truth out there. And from what I have studied from endless artifacts, the DKV's remnants... The Nomads are sadly a key to them - they are the only creations with familiar patterns to their devices - Until their energy patterns can be replicated to stop their devices from imploding and causing grave harm to the Sector. For now, it does appear the Nomads are bewildered as to why they cannot access the systems - thankfully they are not quite as ... creative as we are when it comes to problem solving, so for now, there is time on that avenue. The Sentinels, their security systems, are somehow connected to them in some capacity, they seem to operate on the similar wavelengths. Fortunately, the degenerate thralls are not a key component to this. Disgusting things.
You may wonder, why not simply kill them all? We could. It would also entail that the groups within the Omicrons become more dangerous than ever, more so than the Nomads pose - They cannot keep up with the prowess of Humanity's inventions. But Humanity will keep on inventing, creating new tools of destruction, far faster than they ever could.
The Nomads are trapped within a mental cycle, fixated on revenge, finding themselves inable to evolve beyond adaptions of creations they come across. Far easier to manage than the unpredictable groups of the Omicrons empowering themselves for the sake of war. It has been proven several times over that our true threat is our infighting. Even the Order are not immune to it, they can barely keep up with what is going on as is. I've had to rescue them a fair few times as they failed to operate experimental jump drives.
In addition, it would also mean that the devices that they have ever been so obessively maintaining are going to eventually decay, perhaps to cause tremendous damage. That superstructure, the Dyson Sphere... One tiny sample from there - held by Vincent, caused /this/ much damage of awakening up defensive systems. Could you imagine what would happen if more and more materials from it spread loose? Irreversible genetic damage, stellar destruction from improper machinations - implosion from failure, perhaps everything as we know it would change. I do not fear death, and I know the risks that are involved with this. Liberty has long since disturbed a fair few left over sites as is, we are now paying the consequences of reckless experimenting in the name of profits, not progression. People do not realise the gravity we are walking into here.
For now, I have been keeping a very close eye on what they are trying to plan, what their long term goal is. As I mentioned previously, there will be some who attempt to slow down my progress of finding out the truth, trying to slander me as an infectee, as a collaborator. They are hypocrites, envious of my data collection, for communicating and interrogating them too. They are playing a game of propaganda. Some of your own have even inquired about him. Harbinger has harmed me several times previously too, I am most certainly still wanted for death by the majority of Nomads. A larger target has been pinned upon me for merely talking to you. They are afraid. They are aware that I know a little too much, but this is the delicate balance I must hold if I wish to keep finding out data, certain sites, what they are intending to do. Do not warn me about deception, I know very well what they are capable of. Never black and white, never ever. I need answers. We need answers. And the answers are not in blind actions of fire, no, but scalpel, precise points.
Now. I know the limitations of their mental faculties, I know what they are capable of. Most seem to forget how I was once a Guildkeeper, prodding and poking them everyday, destroying them when they made a move.
But as you may know with the Nomads, some are more fixated, if not obsessively, over the ideals of revenge. There are some Elders who are looking for some particular things. Where and what, is not quite certain as of yet.
I'll tell you something, my little weapon project? It is not only applicable to the Sentinels. It's applicable to the Nomad forms too, their energetic composition and crystal mattrices since the Sentinels are a derivative form - but not quite the replica. It's close enough to harm them... incase they attempt to enact ~genocide~ within the Houses, it is my own plan B out of various protocols - I would have rather kept this on a down low as they too can pick up on certain memetic scents. That is the little gift of mine with the damage to my mind. It is harder for them to gauge it.
But afterall, you and I should know the importance of keeping certain secrets away from others. Perhaps I should have been more forthcoming, but I was occupied with observing the effects of the Suhl, and I need to keep that memetic trace down. People love to speak.
If you want data regarding anything, ask away.
Naturally I must urge the importance of not sharing with others, especially Caliban. He has been historically known to work with various intelligence efforts, including the LSF, SIS, Outcasts and even the Order from time to time. He loves money, if not a bit too much. But I'm sure you've kept that in mind.
I will not let our fight ensnare you and if you do not wish for assistance - very well, but I cannot tolerate his scheme of allowing everyone to die for the sake of his obsession for revenge... It's quite ironic how similar he is to Shozak in that regard, hm. Alas. Please tread carefully.
It seems to me this entire debacle really narrows down to either yours or the Technocracy's grievances with the Order and Caliban.
You're right, Caliban is vengeful. He has - on several occasions - confessed his involvement prior with Harbinger. How he willingly was snared into its doing, eventually leading to the attempt on his life.
I have told him, Lazurith, and now I'm telling you - Rheinland will house this "debacle" no more. All of you are steering clear, Caliban is only permitted on occasion when I deem it absolutely necessary. His attraction of the Sentinels puts those around him in danger, but from the evidence I've gathered from ALL parties involved so is Lazurith - and so are you.
See Revenant, you're right about the Order at large. The Overwatch has repeatedly conspired with our adversaries, but the Order isn't limited to just those under Admiral Golanski - you know this. My interactions with Section 8 since Empress snuck up on me in Thuringia have been quite... unbiased, even against Caliban.
The difference is that Section 8 knows their limits, and in the wake of all of this they are the only people I have not seen breathing down my neck for answers - or telling me what I ought to do.
The end result of "Survival" as you put it seems more to me like "relative coexistence to hold things together" you might be right in regards to the actual nomads themselves lurking out in the Omicrons. There are devices and artifacts there that are very much beyond anyone's comprehension, to toy with them could inadvertently bring about catastrophe. However, the infected husks living in my home and the surrounding systems most certainly do not deserve the same respect. They do not possess the same relics, they simply infest man-made creations and cause problems for everyone in the process. I most certainly know now that I can, and will - wipe them from existence in Rheinland. My own designs have proven that I don't need to put lives to the sword, I just need to do what I'm good at.
The world is not mine to rule or police in any regard, but my home is my responsibility you see. I most certainly will take the role of judge, jury, and executioner when it comes to the infected.
The differences you have with the Order and Caliban are your own. Quite honestly you picked a fight in front of me at the wrong time, the errands & tasks Caliban has taken up from me have nothing to do with the ins and outs of the Nomads, Technocracy, or even the Order. The tasks I've asked of him pertain to something else entirely, and they do not take place in Rheinland.
I'll hear you out in person one last time. After this, you, the Order, Caliban & Lazurith - all will stay out of my home. Any alien threats I see in Rheinland will be eliminated with extreme prejudice. If you decide to breach my decision on the matter, I will make the same terms applicable to you.
Until I can sort out where the right path in this matter truly lies, I will keep this matter clear of everything I hold dear.
Please do not push me to resort to violence. Caliban & the Order would have me jump at you, I hope - if nothing else - this proves I am under no delusions from either party.