I am taking the liberty of sending this report directly to you, as opposed to the public communications channel, in order to ensure it is given due consideration - as I believe the situation requires a resolution.
A number of days ago, I'd assessed the status of Mississauga Station, in Ontario, and detailed my findings here. Yesterday I had one of our explorers verify the status of the ongoing repair work--
--and it appears to be proceeding apace.
It'll be a while before full functionality is restored, but it is in markedly better condition and the crews onboard are somewhat assuaged. Not entirely, though, as there is uncertainty about the station's future.
Which leads me to the reason for this report: urging you to consider a stop-loss solution for the installation.
Financially, I regret to say, it is untenable. The refineries are currently lying mostly unused, as the resources needed to fuel their work is absent - I assume this is due to the closure of the jump gate into the system and the risks involved in moving the transports that would be needed through a dense asteroid field and into a lawless space - and the station struggles to feed itself via hydroponics.
The crews are well aware of this and are understandably anxious. For my part, I have assured them the repair work will continue while the situation is examined, but if no break-even point - at the least - can be identified, I would recommend Mississauga Station be decommissioned and its workers re-allocated elsewhere.
Arcetri is a refinery as well, so a retraining period wouldn't be as lengthy as one meant for the heavy industries of Akutan, so I would suggest this as a first option.
This concludes the report. I look forward to examining your business plans for the future.
Kind regards,
Hancock M. Fitzgerald
CEO, Golden Road EG (Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing SSC)
. User ID:Jaina Wheeler Recipient:Hancock M. Fitzgerald Subject:Mississauga Station status report .
Good day!
Now that the process of your promotion is through I may disclose some information about this installation. While its state of disrepair is unfortunate, it happened due to the unforseen consequences of that, still unexplained, energy burst within Ontario.
The installations original purpose was to provide stable support to the LFR which is active within the system. Yet the sudden intense presence of the LSF made us recall most support to hold the station in profit. It has been a drain on our financials just to keep it running but we'd rather not lose the supply line entirely.
We hope to engage in negotiations to... retreat our personnel safely while not losing the station to the rogues or junkers. A potential takeover of another middleman or the LFR directly is currently the most favoured position among the board. If the situation is more dire than anticipated we will move the schedule up to liquidise or trade in the installation. This information is of course strictly confidential. The official communication will be a loss of the installation. Interspace was not willing to ensure an installation within Ontario so we will not need to fend of any investigation into the matter either.
I hope that puts it into picture for you and I do look forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter.
Firstly, I wish to thank you all for the trust you are to me, my enterprise, and my colleagues. I will see that it remains well deserved.
Secondly, these clarifications are all welcome, although not entirely unexpected - during one of supply runs I'd personally overseen, we chanced upon a Xenos wing of fighters patrolling their domain, their flight leader greeting us and telling an overeager pilot to stand down from a confrontation.
Imagine my surprise when I'd learned my most veteran explorer happened to know him personally! I'd heard rumors of Bristol's relative closeness to their movement, of course, but rumors of all sorts always abound and it is unwise to put undue stock in them.
At any rate, we have been appraised of the broad strokes of our working relationship.
Taking this into account, I believe the abandonment of the station to be only a desperate measure; a stop-loss solution, yes, but attached to a major loss regardless in terms of credits and credit alike.
Far better to see it sold, as you say, to the Xenos... or better yet, to a front, as to not attract the ires of the LSF.
It does remain to be seen whether this arrangement may interest them, but I am confident the station could be repurposed according to their needs in case. A small-scale shipyard, perhaps? Best to inquire directly, though; we have a line of communication with them, courtesy of that encounter I mentioned earlier.
It is likely to come at a further expense to us, but it might repay for itself in time, especially if a shipping contract of sorts is stipulated.
These are my thoughts on the matter, at present. What say you?
Kind regards,
Hancock M. Fitzgerald
CEO, Golden Road EG (Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing SSC)