It's been a whilse since I've been in contact with your company, however I have a request, one which you may find odd, but I believe you've truly outdone yourselves this time. You've almost produced art when it comes to shipbuilding...
Please converse with me, I've been watching your stations for a little while now.
It is a pleasure to hear from the Outcasts again. Though you are right in our surprise that you'd be interested in our shipbuilding. The few things we know about Outcast craftsmanship is that it is of the highest quality. It is always a pleasure to provide new parts and materials for the arts.
I assume that this is about the Bulwark then? I can see why that might be of interest to you though I am not sure if it'd match your own craft. And I will be perfectly forward in saying that we cannot currently offer these for direct sales to you. Should the Liberty Navy have their eyes on an Outcast Bulwark, a proprietary design between Kress and Bristol to be exclusively sold by us, we'd very swiftly run into an irreparable issue.
I am sure you understand and do hope to be working with you soon.
Maltese shipbuilding is indeed the finest around, however, we have never built something which packs the firepower, cargo capacity, hull integrity and speed of the vessels you now produce. Maltese focus right now as a whole is in on security, so at present I don't feel our engineer's time is well spent developing a ship which already exists in the form of the Bulwark.
I am always many, many steps ahead of those around me, which is why I can appreciate you not wanting crosshair's pointed at you in your delicate position between Rheinland and Liberty. To counter this mutually, I've already taken steps to allow yourselves plausible deniability for the sudden disappearance of Five vessels, to which you can report as stolen or whatever you should so please to do.
I appreciate the five I have been watching are for other customers. The crew's which arrive to collect can mimic them exactly to enhance your plausible deniability, should you be able to work with me on this. The Lane Hackers have kindly advised they can produce the necessary more than passable paperwork for this.
I can also appreciate the upkeep and maintenance of these very ships is not something you wish to release maintenance documentation for, nor would you like to see come back to your shipyards for any repairs. So, I can also offer your own undisturbed space for your engineer's to work within Omicron Alpha, as and when maintenance is required. This would be well out of the way of any potential onlookers to affect your reputation. Your engineer's time would be paid as part of a separate, monthly transaction to yourselves for numbers you seem fit for works done. The space would also remain unhindered by anyone else, purely for your engineer's.
This is, of course in addition to the up front payment for the ships I am requesting.
Please, do feel free to say no with a promise of no hard feelings from my side. I do however wish you'd be willing to work with me on this, as the ships in our hands would prove very, very useful to us. We are very good at what we do in terms of Cardamine distribution. Your ships coupled with our cloaking technology, hidden routes and a desire to make passage unhindered mean that these ships would almost certainly never be seen by the authorities again anyway. The firepower of these ships would ensure any loose ends aren't missed.
I'll leave the decision without prejudice with you, senorita. I thank you for your time regardless, and of course hope to hear back favourably.
this is quite the request. Not only do you wish to order five ships, which will be a large order, they're supposed to 'vanish'. It is certainly possible to produce an order of this size but it cannot simply disappear.
If the Lane Hackers are already working on the plausibility of this task, we'd prefer a simple, legal purchase. There is companies they do business through. And while Bulwark purchases would probably need to be split among them, this would be far more plausible. I plan to work and hold my position within Bristol's board for a long time. Something I will not be able to achieve by losing an entire fleet of Bulwarks.
I am certain that they can make this happen. As for maintenance, sending crews and parts up to Alpha will be very costly due to the risk and sheer distance from Bering where we produce the proprietary parts. Again not impossible merely difficult. We can arrange for it whenever urgent repairs or regular maintenance occur though we should seek a different solution for the long term.
Do let me know if this can be arranged and if we ought to begin production. Discounts for bulk already assume, we'd be at about 14,000,000 per ship, not including any maintenance agreements of any sort.