I written more than one Mail to Igiss with a Question. He didn't answered me, so i tell my Question here again.
I would like to extend the View Distances of all Objexts in Space. Bases, Planets, Debris, Tradelanes, Gates.. and all that Stuff.
I can extend the LODrange of nearly all Things. But i have some Trouble with the Tradelane. I wish to see the Tradelande Rings over the whole System. But whatever i change on the LODrange, the Lanering will only spawn, when i be very near to him. 9K Distance.. I don't know, ho i have to handle this. I copied the LODranges from the Discovery Mod, i tested own ones.. Nothing will change. Trade lane Rings will not be displayed on the complete Sector over a wide Distance. Can someone help me pls? I will get crazy, when i cant handle that soon.
Next Question..
I will have some new Textures for the Vanillaships, but i dont have a Programm for it.
I heared, that i can use Milkshape for the .mat Libraries, but in the Demoversion, i cant open the Files.
What can i do, to make new Textures?
And.. gives a FL Mod pack for G-Max? I will build some own Ships for my Mod. Google.de will not give me some Targets for my seach. Again i will be very very thankful for Help!
Next Question will follow, when i found a reason to ask :D
Why can i not edit the infocards.dll? I changed different Things on the Ships. But wzhen i edit the infocards.dll and save it, the DLL wir perform a fallback. The written Things will not be saved even longer. I don't know why.. I can't find a Problem with the DLL. All other DLL's are still work and changeable. Only that one not. Do someone knows why?
i think some distance lod ranges are hardcoded - tradelanes might be some of those....
about the textures - milkshape can do .tga ( targa ) and .dds ( direct x thingy ) - but tga skins will show upside down ingame - so its not advisable to use them if you can convert to dds.
version 1.7.0 has no problems to recognize them - but i m not sure if you need a plugin for it.
I'm using 1.8.4 and it works just fine for TGA's. Also, I think that there is a hex for the max viewing distance in the EXE file, so you might want to check out the list of hex edits by Lancer Solurus at Digital Brilliance.
' Wrote:Warnings will be issued. Accounts will be banned. In game characters will be deleted. I will drive to your house and punch you in the mouth.
Now i token the effect from the discoverymod. Now the game will crash, when i go ingame. I can load the Singleplayer, i can view the Planetscape, but the game will crash when i undock the Planet -_- I cant find a Problem..
I need help!:(
EDIT: Starupcrash fixed.. The BS Encounter was corrupt.
My Problem still is, that Tradelane rings are not be visible on a wide Distance. I copiet files from other Mods, but nothing will help so really. I didn't know anymore what i can do, do reach my Target.
PS: @ Discovery UK
Digital Brillance? Do you have a URL;)? I can't find something by google.