' Wrote:some admins stepped down, including xoria and marburg and caylith maybe... dont recall who the third one was.
There a big hullabaloo about automatic rep adjustments based on ID, especially with the junkers.
Were you here for the official faction rights bit, there was that...
That's pretty much all i can think of for the moment.
Did Xoria and Marburg leave permanently with a "Dear John" letter or just stepped down from Admin position?
Are the auto-adjustments already there?
I seem to recall something about the official factions stuff, but honestly I think it's all the same old same old 'why being an official at all' debate. If that's not it then... meh. Does not really concern me.
But all in all, the summer seems to be have been quite hectic season considering the stuff I read here. And while things seem to be on a down a bit, they always have seemed to go downward. And not have affected my gaming one bit really. But I can't help but recall how a frog boils to death since it's not intelligent enough jump away.
Maybe more playing and less foruming would be in order...
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