' Wrote:Just give it to SCEE (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe) or SCEA (Sony Computer Entertainment America) if you want it to come out for PS3 as well. They did a decent job with some exclusives.
Down with CrashBox Please-Fix-Me
Sure, give it to Sony who ruined Star Wars Galaxies. Down with Sony Online Entertainment and all their affiliates!
I think that the dev team and the entire community should pull together to buy it.
Then we can make not FL2 but Freelancer 2: Discovery
That would be very cool
Look out for the killer of many star systems. STARKILLER http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac153...iller5.png | Thanks to ed-philips for the sig. | Have money to spare. Great, send it to [*USI*]Houston[T]. Your money will go towards funding the ''Clear out NY of lolwuts'' Campaign. Or a battle Razor will blow them to Omicron Iota. | Starkillers Story
One night recently I did a google search on discogc & found a couple sites that stated that the actual net worth of the site was only somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3 thousand dollars...it would be one of those 'stereotypical miracles' if we could pool together the multi-millions it would take to buy the rights to the freelancer product & make a real sequel.
But oh man, at the least, the idea of us disco people creating a whole new updated engine & incorporating indoor environments to all the dockables is a beautiful thought that warms my inner geek like sitting beside a fireplace on a cold night.
' Wrote:But regarding "what if" OP scenario, well I'd say put back in people who made Freelancer, add folks from Volition who worked on Freespace series so their minds would make the game epically in terms of scale and story, then best engine programming minds all across the companies around to make the gears running smooth and nice, artists from CCP to create visuals. And that's it. But unfortunately we all know it ain't going to happen, so yeah. :-)