Hmm, well isn't this interesting? The Joker makes a move against the Zoners... I must say, this is a strange event. Why did he do such a thing?
Not like a truly care about the whiles of a madman.
Zoners, I have a deal for you, with you I have no quarrel... In return for 5000 units of Ship Hull Panels, 2000 units of H Fuel, 1000 units of Nuclear Warheads, 1000 units of scrap metal, and 1000 units of Quantum Multiplexors, I can dispatch my main fleet to either base that is in trouble...
That's 3 cruisers, dozens of gunboats, 14 Transports and a Dreadnought... I think the Joker won't be able to attack the refugees while they are being treated if I am there, and perhaps I can help with healing people aswell.
Just because I have not spoken does not mean I am not active Saronsen.
Now, as Mr. Lightwing and the other Mr. Cross said already, this is not the place to bicker among yourselves. The issue of Saronsen's indiscretion in Liberty has already been dealt with, there is no point in continuing the debate now, when there are many things that are more important and more time-critical.
Now, as Mr. Lightwing said, you never give in to a terrorist's demands. If you do, he, or others, will simply do it again because they know they can get what they want. Further, we had no guarantee that any bombs would go off, nor did we have a guarantee they wouldn't even if I resigned. I, for one, don't trust the words of a delusional man on these matters, nor should any of you.
I'm just disappointed things had to come to this to get other Zoners to realize that he was truly an enemy and to take steps against him.
Connected to channel Communique ID: The Discovered
This is such a tragedy. The loss of lives is always regrettable, but unavoidable. The Joker has, in his mind, done as he sees fit. He was doing his justice in his way. How are his methods different from the law's? When the police hold up a criminal, do they not attempt to destroy every one of their hovels?
The Joker was performing justice. However, when a criminal does it, it is called terrorism.
I am not taking his side here. I still believe that it was a wrongful act. By all means, blood must be repaid in blood. But here is the ultimatum; He was exacting his own brand of justice.
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Transmission incoming
Comm ID: Evad Htims
I'm tellin' ya! This is all a conspiracy! This ain't what it looks like; of course it ain't! The structure's closin' in man - it's all a conspiracy! Don't'cha see how it works? The powers-that-be and the structure's all buddy-buddy with the Joker, right? I know it, you know it! We all know it here at Freeport 14.
You seen the pic's? Yeah, I bet'ya have. You see the station itself? Oh no you haven't! Cloak and dagger man. The powers-that-be got the radio signals there, like, locked down or something! They're using the, what-ya-call-ems... Mental Blockasters to stop people leavin' too! They make em right out in the Omicrons with help from aliens...
It goes like this - The powers-than-be don't like Ms. Silvan right? So they gets hold of this complete and utter nutter and tell him to drop some threats. You get where I'm going with this? This is like totally a scam. I bet you Corfu is fine, and they're like... Zombies because of the Blockasters. They shoulda be wearing the hats I sent to all the Freeports back in '01 after Freeport 7 went up. I'm tellin' ya, the alien did it! But no-one listens to me!
Don't listen to the system! They're tryin' to break your minds, bend your reality! Like, seriously, put on the damn hats! I gotta go now. They'll finish tracing my signal any second now.
Settle down, settle down. Now I see many of you speaking out loud when it's just too late. Some famous, others not, trying to build their fame by taking advantage of this tragedy. Shame on you! Where were you when there was a chance to prevent all of this? The way I see it, at the first sign of trouble, the most of you simply... disappeared. Ah-ta-ta-ta! Now you're playing avengers who will hunt me in their capital ships. [color=#9999FF]Speaking of which...
Saronsen came to me last night, with his lil' Juggy. We had a long, very interesting conversation. Hell, I'll even admit that I like that guy now. It's true that he's too much... erm... aggressive for you Zonie standards. But unlike the most of you who didn't try to do anything, he's a man of action, he uses his brains to think for himself to actually do something. He even left his juggy later to come and confront me in his Zoner GB. I... I'm not a man who respects honor or anything else for that matter, but for others of you - that should mean something, especially if you wanna come looking for me in something bigger than my poor lil' Tridenty. Ho-ho.
Salazar Kitty? Weren't you a real terrorist or were you just acting as one? I thought you kill innocent people or something. Haven't you been paying an attention? I'm not innocent, at least that's not what Zonies deem. Well, So now I see you take sides in order to... hm... Get rid of competition? What's the matter? You can't do it yourself? I'd get you those supplies just as a gift if you only asked for it. That's how much nice guy I really am.
Let me finally summarize this"I'll-hunt-you"charade. For EACH Zoner that comes to hunt me, FIVE transports will get pirated or will burn. So think about it really hard before you, in-late-hour brave people, come to visit me. That's just one of my lil' games I've stored in case of rainy days, hahaha. So, if you wanna get more innocent people killed, come and get me.
I guess there will be more phun in this house for me and someone else will pay the bill, a-ha, ha, ha, haaa.