The idea seems helpful in balancing weapons for the factions, but in other hand, in RP each faction developed their guns the way that they are now, Outcasts have the awesome Kraken, corsair the more powerful shield-busters, and more... the point is each kind of tech belongs to each faction. (unless for some miracle the spies on each side manage to steal the tech and start developing all kinds of their own guns)
Really im not seeing this changing so soon, but the idea of having more guns to choose in all factions is somehow interesting,it would balance the scales in the case of the shield-busters for an example. But the point is creating new ones, and not allowing the use of enemy faction guns.
I guess we can go somewhere from here...
PS: and for Mr Edmund, i got to repeat Sindroms, "did you bother to read the first post?".
<span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms"> Being in NY sistem all the time, means you are a lolwutt...</span>
weapon and shield-types are barely and argument here. Each faction has more than one enemy who are using different types of guns, therefore are effective against different type of shields.
First example that comes to my mind is the KNF: The graviton shields are good against the dragon Daito-guns but in exchange pretty useless while fighting a bretonian with Tachyons or even an outcast with Krakens.
Same goes for outcast: Liberty lasers can be blocked with a graviton shield again, while I think the Xeno guns are very effective against gravitons. Then again, some libertonians are mounting Plasma guns. Similar situation in the Omicrons.
' Wrote:- ship balance now takes into account guns that are used on those ships, say Chimaera with 700 m/s particle guns would suddenly be much better
I can haz, plox? :crazy:
edit: for the refire rates: Flashpoints are available to everyone so the 8.33 matter would be already solved
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
Now take a look. All houses (Corsairs and Outcasts included, they are houses too) has two types of guns (somehow the Order get's here, but it's single player canon).All smaller pirate factions like Rogues, who are not powerful in military terms, not well organised do not have any chance in developing second gun. But here is a plus. Pirates has allies and thy can use their weapons of course with the limit of RP (full kraken werewolf.. well wouldn't look cool).
We should keep diversity. ANd littiel factions should keep one gun. Besides you already have two guns. A shield buster + your own pirate facton gun. Just like Corsairs (We can't use civilian stuff) Pulse + neutron gun (all guns which are non corsair, but allied to us, are white in tech chart)
Whats the problem? If it is about shield, perhaps we should remove the shield dmg bonus and reduction of pulses depending on shield type, but this is all the diffrent story.