I'd like to ask your advice on the ranking system for the forum. No one has lots of posts here yet, but this may change in future. So, here's the current system, quite simple:
I don't really care about postcount or titles, but I think it looks good the way it is. It can always be funnier or cooler but just don't make it so you gain new titles for every 4 posts you make... :cool:
I wonder why people are afraid the world will come to an end, when it came to an end so clearly already... - Cecasander
And it ends and it ends and it ends with glossy and managable hair! - Dave K
Um the post counts for some of the higher ranks seem kind of low, I know on other boards you have to get like 3000 posts or something to get the top rank. My suggestion would be:
Newbie - 0
Cool Newbie - 10
Pilgrim - 25
Rogue - 50
Ranger - 100
Warrior - 150
Assassin - 300
Knight - 800
Lord - 1500
Elvalia you are right, but I'd rather introduce 1 or 2 new titles somewhere between 500-1500 to make the system more logical. I'll think about it later... when post count of some members will get near 400-500.
Well, you can add baron, viscount, marquis, margrave, earl, count, duke, grand-duke, arch-duke, king and emperor ofcourse :)
"I must admit it takes balls to pull something like that on lil' old me"
"Heh... well, I..."
"No, I'm serious. Try that again and I will take your balls"
- Faye Whitaker, Questionable Content -
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.
The race for quality has no finish line- so technically, it's more like a death march.
No kings or emperors, i'm the king, i'm the emperor, power corrupts :P
In spite (or maybe because) of my corruptedness I will steal some of your ideas Cecasander.