Comm ID: Amiral Arthur Levesque Target ID: Archives militarie de la Republique Subject: Report
While we were prepping transports for mock evacuation procedures, a large fleet of Gallic Royal pilots, Navy and Police, were sighted in the system. For a moment, I thought the massive force was here to break through out blockades, so I sent word to Reunion to brace as many reserve pilots for the fight ahead.
Agent Verite was doing a recon mission near the Dauphine jumpgate and immediately reported the hostile vessels jumping in. The enemy forces consisted of a single valor, a cruiser, a gunboat, and multiple police and navy fighters. Our own forces included one bomber and a fighter wing. Needless to say we had enough fire power to bring down the cruiser.
Although in the end we were forced to withdraw from the fighting, we did manage to take down multiple crafts and even the gunboat, however we took our own heavy losses.