--Comm ID: Gabriel Caudill-- --Location: Freeport 14, Yukon--
I'm glad we have an understanding on our relations in regards to those of other Zoners. I will head out to New London immediately so we can get the proposal signed. I should arrive tomorrow around 12:00 SMT.
Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: John Felling
Recipient: Xavier Triton, Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Origin: New London
This is a notice that the Kingdom of Bretonia is still awaiting an acceptance or counter-proposal to the treaty by the Temporary Autonomous Zoners. I'd like to reiterate that your organization's authorization to enter Bretonia space is only a temporary one until negotiations are concluded. Please get back to us at the earliest possible time.
After looking over your terms again I agree and am prepared to sign on whatever dotted line you provide...if any.
Just to bring some light to the evidence you submitted earlier. The SCRA, much like the many groups who have come to our aid during the Omicron crisis took it upon themselves to help us out without invitation while Freeport 1 was in trouble. We are grateful for any help in these trying times and we were in no position to refuse, considering the lack of security at the Freeports at that time, since deployed to the Omicrons. This may have been in error for we did not anticipate that anyone would take offense. We sincerely apologize for the Zoners of Freeport 1 and for any Temporary Autonomous Zoners that may have caused offense to your people due to this.
I would also like to thank you for graciously allowing the majority of Zoner freedoms in Omega-3 in regards to our larger ships.
I look forward to the conclusion of our talks...
Regards, Xavier Triton The Trident of Eris, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin