::::: transmission opened ::::: ::::: global authentication level set to Zoners, Outcasts, Corsairs ::::: From: Omicroner Leadership
To: All concerned parties
The Omicroner HQ has reviewed all reports and grievances and has asserted the following:
Aside for references made to incidents regarding NFZ violations, no party stated in the aforementioned reports is decreed to be in violation of Omicroner edicts.
All NFZ violations are to be reported in the following channel if they are to be considered for review by the Omicroner HQ: Reporting Channel
Reports made in any channel other than the one listed above will be considered invalid by the Omicroner HQ.
The encounter with the Outcast starship The Old One resulted in a security investigation of the vessel. Any further information is classified to Omicroner Security personnel and may only be released on a need-to-know basis.
Best regards,
Omicroners ::::: transmission closed :::::
' Wrote:But now,y'all gots to explain to me how exactly was Sigma-17 your territory?.
To make it clear, let's assume that 10 k around my vessel is corsair space unless I recognize it diffrently. Oh and I'm backing this opinion with big guns and cannons mounted on my ship. Any more questions? - good. :::: End of Transmission ::::