Message Origin: Richard Sykes, Comms Suite, Seeker Six One Message Destination: All Major House Governments and Cerberus Headquarters RE: The SCRA
Ah realize that recent actions in Alberta have now compromised relations 'twixt our factions, an' as such it's now critical that ah step up an' make this right.
As such, ah'll be doin' mah best to suppress mah accent.
Th' TAZ are in fact a peaceful peoples, an' it was mah stupidity an' aggressiveness that triggered what happened recently. Ah was involved in th' rescue a' Ambassador Holliday where ah saw th' engagement between th' Volkhan's forces an' mah leader. This said, in mah brain, that somethin' was wrong. A' course, ah'm an idjit, so this mean that ah had t' stick mah big nose int' th' matter.
Turns out th' SCRA were involved in an internal dispute an' ah chose t' get mahself involved in that as well.
When ah did, there was a Cerberus gunship in th' scrabble as well. Cerberus's registered neutral t' mah IFF, an' ah was layin' mines t' get rid a' th' opposin' Coalition forces. Mah mines - several of 'em - detonated 'gainst said Gunship bah accident.
Th' SCRA then proceeded t' engage th' Gunboat an', followin' 'em, ah did so as well.
Ah claim full responsibility fer th' stupidity a' mah actions. Please, do not punish th' TAZ as a whole fer th' actions a' one stupid acolyte.
Ah will be standin' down an' surrenderin' mahself t' y'all. If'n y'all wanna put me 'gainst th' wall, then so be it. Ah guess if'n it keeps th' TAZ outta somethin' way too big fer us t' handle, layin' down mah life t' save mah family an' friends'll be worth it.
Message Origin: Richard Sykes, Comms Suite, Seeker Six One Message Recipient: Trace Comms of Previous Sender RE: Aquilon
Ah was unaware that an Aquilon had followed us, 'r had ever been in the system up 'til you mentioned it. Ah entered the system with no backup. Could y'all provide some background fer me?
Message Origin: Richard Sykes Message Destination: Director Lawson RE: Situation
Your first ping was probably th' situation in Omega-49. There was a guy tagged as a Zoner carryin' slaves, said he was goin' ta free them under some sort a' "Zoners Against Slavery" clause in Zoner philosophy. Ah only undocked from Gran Canaria an' saw some a' your boys there.
The second ping was mah stupidity. Y'all can see th' above.
Comm ID: Director Regis Lawson Location: New London Encryption:Extremely High Subject: Re: Situation
The situation in Omega-49 was to my understanding something that can be dealt with at a latter date. Now, upon reviewing the original transmission, who or what in the Queens name is this Volkhan?
As far as your stupidity goes, Mister Sykes, if there is something going on, we need to be aware of it.
Director Regis Lawson Home Office of Military Intelligence
[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#FFFFFF]Very High ENCRYPTION:Cerberus Code : ######## IDENTIFICATION:Colonel Dave Synk, Cerberus. SOURCE:Cerberus Command SUBJECT:Mislead Issue
Combat calculation errors occur every time mister Sykes, since I didn't received a complain about this, then everything is good. Also my operatives act individual, they have the freedom to chose their action. Interesting event in Alberta though, I heard a new dictatorship is going to rule soon right ? Cerberus won't allow more chaos to happen.