' Wrote:Most VHF's,and bombers will joust. Zig alot,and as they pass,hit reverse,spin around,and stay on their butt firing. Does wonders. In a big fight? wait till someone goes after your allies,and get on his/her butt.
Also if they start spamming mines? CD's do wonders.
I used to be a beast in a Light Fighter ( I know, hard to believe.) Piloting a light fighter takes skill, luck and patience. You have to be prepared for long long fights of constant dogging and thrusting. The key to light fighters... having a friend. 2 light fighters are devastating if flown well, more than that can be downright unfair.
By yourself, you have a couple of options,
1) All shield busters and a Nuke mine + CD
This one requires you to be good with the mine+CD combo.
2) All hull busters and a screamer mine + CD
Still requires you to be good with the mine + CD combo
3) Mix of 2 Class 7 shield busters, 2-3 Class 8 hull busters. Nuke mine, and either a Torp or a CD.
This is probably your best bet if you are not good with mines.
The biggest thing I can say is get good at using mines, and get good at dodging mines. If you are not good at both, you will have a hard time making your way as a LF pilot.
Edit: Corsair Tiger shark with Debs sanction....lol... just had to.:)
I almost only fly LFs, but I guess that's a natural consequence of spending
most of my FL time being chased and generally terrified by 9001 Sabres in my LPI Liberator/Patriot.
...And a natural consequence of not being able to fly anything else after well over 3 years of being in said faction flying mentioned LFs.