Quote:- Optional ENB mod that enables bloom (please read documentation and DO NOT enable it unless you are sure what you are doing).
*FLMM is unable to remove ENB mod during de-activation. You will have to remove d3d8.dll from the freelancer/EXE folder manually.
It is not true. I have deinstalled the mod via FLMM, and after this, there was no d3d8.dll in the FL/EXE.
It was left only in C:\windows\system32, i have used search whole C:\.
Also, i was a but unsure about if it is installed or not, because i saw nearly no diffence, neither in GFX, nor in performance. Only the sun is a bit brighter perhaps.
Question: If i cannot find the d3d8.dll in the FL/EXE, it is automatically deactivated?