I proposed this idea awhile back when this discussion came up:
Melding the Freelancer/Merc/Smuggler/Trader IDs really isn't a bad idea. Melding the Pirate ID into those IDs is a bad idea. For the reason Cannon pointed out.
Though I think the point of having them is so that it makes it clear exactly what you are. If I have a Merc ID, I'm a mercenary. A indy trader, I'm a trader. As for the smuggler, I'd say toss it. Pretty stupid to run around broadcasting that you break the law.
My suggestion is as follows:
Quote:Mercenary ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Mercenary, who :
Can escort traders
Can fulfill lawful and unlawful bounty contracts
Cannot pirate, but can provide security services for pirates who are pirating if paid to do so. Mercenaries can only fire on traders or smugglers in self-defense or if the trader or smuggler fires on or is bountied by the mercenary's employer.
Cannot demand contraband unless specified in employer's bounty
Allowed ships: Fighters, Gunboats
Quote:Independent Trader ID
Pilot carrying this ID is an independent trader, who :
Can trade and escort traders
Cannot attack anyone except in self defense or to defend the vessel they are escorting,
Cannot fulfill bounty contracts
Cannot pirate
Cannot use any ship with more than 3,800 cargo space, except for the Pirate Train
Cannot land on any lawful bases when using the Pirate Train
Allowed ships: Freighters, Transports
Quote:Freelancer ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Freelancer, who :
Can trade and escort traders
Can fulfill lawful and unlawful bounty contracts
Cannot pirate, but can provide security services for pirates who are pirating if paid to do so. Freelancers can only fire on traders or smugglers in self-defense or if the trader or smuggler fires on or is bountied by the Freelancers's employer.
Cannot demand contraband unless specified in employer's bounty
Cannot use any transports with more than 3,800 cargo
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports
These changes reflect the role I believe the IDs are to fill. A mercenary is a combat oriented character, thus he has no use for a trade ship. The trader ID is merely a fusion of the current smuggler and indy trader ID. The Freelancer ID is exactly the same but they can't use gunboats. Reasoning on that is, a gunboat is a pure combat machine. I think it more logical that a Merc would be found flying that over a Freelancer. It all depends on what you feel the role of a Freelancer is, I myself am unsure of that.
The Pirate ID has many rep hacks on it. The Freelancer ID has very few if any. You cannot combine the two. Not to mention there is a difference between the Freelancer ID and the Pirate ID; that is the Pirate ID cannot collect bounties at all.
Although my suggestion is kind of out dated as I believe every ID will have the ability to use gunboats, minus the Civilian ID I guess, next update.