Steiner sat, attentively listening to what she had to say, the question he had was why would Gallic remnants bother continuing to operate in Bretonia? There were other unsettling questions as well, if they were fighting then someone must be helping, who that was remained to be seen. In fact, now that she had mentioned it there were a myriad of unusual encounters he had noticed. Auxesians, AI, Gallic survivors and various individuals who frankly had no business operating in Bretonia for the reasons they gave him. No, it was all starting to look like some sort of pattern was forming. While the BIS, Armed Forces and Government overall were focused on Dublin, there was something else at play. Something darker and it would seem that the CDI, for all their ineptitude had more or less stumbled across these patterns.
I don't think these attacks are random, Chief Inspector. I think there are a number of moving parts currently at work here for their own selfish gains. Two weeks ago I encountered a stray Junker called Infernal who was looking for work. One week ago I encountered an Auxesian Venus, five days ago an old asset of the SIS Caliban who tells me that the other two are working close together. Revenant, whom I met while minding my own business in Coronado informs me that Caliban is working for the MND out of Rheinland. To say nothing of your Gallic friends, the Gaians and a new group called the LGN. Nowhere near enough information has been gathered on these people, but they are here and that is concerning enough. All have a vested interest in seeing you, the CDI and Bretonia as a whole fail. He leaned forward, looking at her with renewed vigor and no small amount of concern beneath his otherwise calm exterior Something is going to happen, soon. I don't know what, by whom or where. But it looks to me, in my professional opinion, as though chess pieces are being moved around a board. Your men have seen enough to paint a picture of the players but little more. You need more intelligence and information because right now, with the greatest possible respect, the CDI doesn't stand a chance. Remove the Armed Forces from the equation when they enter Dublin and you will be alone.
Grim as it was, he firmly believed that something needed to be done. Bretonia had strength yet, it was just a matter of finding it and using it to it's fullest extent. What are you going to do? He asked, unsure if she was already aware of the information he provided.
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The question hung in the air while Helen considered. "There's little enough we can do. Patrols are already stretched thin, we're going to need to ration service to prioritise responding to attacks on civilian traffic. Conserve manpower and avoid high risk deployments until the other shoe drops, so to speak."
She tapped the table irritably for a moment. My concern with the Royalists is this. They're not here because they're irrational, or trying to obtain some kind of worthy death. They must be trying to achieve something tangible, maybe to establish credibility with a domestic audience. Take some kind of trophy scalp that can signal to potential fence-sitters at home that they're a viable alternative to their government."
"The thing that keeps me up at night is the cobalt bombs they set off on Leeds. It seems unlikely that all of those were accounted for when the Enclave was rooted out of Edinburgh, and it'd only take one smuggled down to London or Cambridge to make a fairly deadly statement. God knows, there's enough Bretonians who feel we have unfinished business with Gallia too."
"It's not beyond the realms of possibility that one might even collaborate with the Royalists in such an attack out of a perverse sense of accelerationism, hoping to spark a war with Gallia as a whole, where they could settle scores on a grand scale. This really isn't the threat we're equipped to fight, particularly terrestrially."
He took a sip of his tea. He never supported the idea of a Gallic republic, there was too much cultural and social investment in the Monarchy for it to simply vanish, more to the point the idea of simply replacing the top levels of any government never actually fixed the underlying causes. The Council, for all their idealism, were woefully unprepared to face the political and social backlash that inevitably resulted from such a massive change. Still fighting a war for glory that has long since past....One can't help but feel sorry for them. I imagine they want to go home, but 'home' for them is now but a distant memory. He couldn't help but wonder if there was a deal to be made there, some sort of arrangement that would allow them to fade back into the North. Yet it was her comment about a stray Cobalt Bomb that concerned him most. Bretonia cannot survive another war. He said flatly Especially not with the current state of affairs. If the remaining Gallics do manage to put a bomb on Cambridge and Bretonia demands blood, we will loose. Unfinished business or not, we need time, more time than has passed, to rebuild everything, but that can't happen when there are active threats coming and going as they please with no one to keep an eye on them.
He sighed, rubbing his eyes as he leaned back What do you need Chief inspector? Tell me how we remedy this situation and make everyone's life a little easier? You no doubt have a suggestion, I imagine you've already asked for help and been told there is none. So tell me instead, what do you require?