Toaster, we got so many ships, yet if you look at the ships we HAVE already and the ones being used, you see that about 20% of the ships ALREADY in the mod is redundant. Their simply not used by more then 4-5 people
This mod CAN survive with only caps a 5k transport, 1 LF, 1 HF, 1 VHF, 1 Bomber pr faction
because thats basically all thats used... Freighters, hardly used AT ALL, many civillian ships, Virage, Marauder, Havok MK II, most of the Renzu line, Prison liner, most transports under 3k except Hegemon.... yeah, thats a SHORT list, but it goes on
We GOT quantity covered, the issue now is QUALITY.... we certainly dont need more ships, but rather retrofit and adapt those we already got to serve a more practical function.
And no, we do NOT need 1839453 faction ships, or pr house ships like Kusari Emperor Yatch. Its not needed, because inRP thats not how the other houses works.
Bretonia is based of Britain, were sheer luxury is important. Thus they got the royal liner
Kusari is based off japan, a nation all about showing off your wealth and smear your ego in the poor's faces
Liberty is based on america, a country which takes pride in showing off its most powerful warmachines for the sake of bragging
Rheinland is based on Germany, a country which takes pride in its engineering.
Gallia is based of france, a nation were the pompous and most astounding creations is valued.
Outcasts/Corsairs, their criminals. They wouldnt dare leave their homes without keeping a VERY low profile. So they CERTAINLY dont need such ships.
In the end, faction ships are not needed. Because of the customs and traditions of the nations the houses are "modeled" after.
Yes, unique ships should be allowed into the mod, if they serve a purpose or is actually in any way related to your roleplay and not just a e-peen booster.
What Prysin said. There are many ships yes. Large portion is not used. Or used for fun. Every faction needs it own line. Trololo kay.
Now im not talking about personal battleships here, at best some hybrid gunboat, but heck, why not allow it, let us pay gamecash to some modellers and enjoy the spoils of disco? Everybody will want? Great, go forum, go story, go model, have a ship?
And balance issues. Make them generally on par or weaker but definitely not OP.