Poor planetform could really do with some features to boost its player activity. And why hasnt Bretonia colonised Sprague? They'd rather try to colonise Harris through the midst of 2 wars, in enemy territory, in the middle of a minefield?
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Good question, it is obvious that Sprague has potential, infact it was colonized and it had a breathable atmosphere as far as I can tell, the only thing there is that Rheinland blew up the docking ring. I figure a new one could be built and we can send the Leeds Refugees there...
However, politically, this opens up a whole new can of worms. Omega 3 is on the Border, and while the BAF maintain patrols there I doubt that them taking the whole planet would be looked at nicely. Though the planet was a science outpost right? Mostly excavation work, artifact research. Maybe that can be expanded upon.
Actually I wonder if Rheinland would oppose Bretonian colonization because of the events of the Nomad war.
' Wrote:Good question, it is obvious that Sprague has potential, infact it was colonized and it had a breathable atmosphere as far as I can tell, the only thing there is that Rheinland blew up the docking ring. I figure a new one could be built and we can send the Leeds Refugees there...
However, politically, this opens up a whole new can of worms. Omega 3 is on the Border, and while the BAF maintain patrols there I doubt that them taking the whole planet would be looked at nicely. Though the planet was a science outpost right? Mostly excavation work, artifact research. Maybe that can be expanded upon.
Actually I wonder if Rheinland would oppose Bretonian colonization because of the events of the Nomad war.
The colonization of Sprague was discussed by the Bretonian Parliament a couple of months ago.
The bill for colonisation got passed by a landslide margin (no surprises since Monarchy-aligned players were dominant) and it got to the stage where someone sent a message to DSE asking for a quotation for a new Docking Ring.
A thought on Cold Bay Depot; if Planetform wants to be able to ship more than Terraforming Gases and Alien Organisms there from the Liberty side of the border, they should speak up. InRP, of course.