I am currently in the process of generating plot involving the development of mind control technologies for use by the BDM.
Rheinland is host to the largest war of ideology in Sirius. Most, if not all Rheinland unlawfuls are political dissidents to the doctrines set forth by the Bundestag, and (as evidenced by Bundeschuh roleplay) the ranks of the Rheinwehr have been deeply infiltrated by political dissident sympathizers. Rheinland and Liberty are also currently fighting a war that is partially fought on ideological battlegrounds between a federalist republic on the verge of industrial totalitarianism and a crude semblance of republicanism/democracy.
As the ideological purists and political guardians of Rheinland, the BDM should combat dissidence as much as possible - and the best way (short of having an actual philosophy that is intrinsically attractive to people) is mind control, as ruling with an iron fist can only go so far.
I would like to conduct RP involving the beginnings of the research and development of mind conditioning technologies which could be applied to overwriting personalities, implanting information, and accelerated learning.
Naturally, given the powergaming potential of this device, the technology for use in wide spread mind control will be failure due to a variety of possible reasons - like cost, compatibility with certain subjects, and design defects among other things.
Things I'd like to discuss are: Other considerations I should take when making this scenario happen, a list of factions that would be willing to partake in this story (for instance, if the LSF would like a hand in trying to fight or sabotage this project, or if Kishiro would like to be one of the RND companies sourced for the development of the technology), and such.
' Wrote:the ranks of the Rheinwehr have been deeply infiltrated by political dissident sympathizers.
federalist republic on the verge of industrial totalitarianism
These two assumptions bother me. Not quite sure where/why everyone regards Rheinland as a totalitarian state. The government has very little control over the corporations, and as such the government has very little say other than policy making.
Also you said bundschuh roleplay has shown that the Rheinwehr is deeply infiltrated by political dissidents. And I'm curious as to where you got that from. If anything the men left in the Rheinwehr would be the most loyal to Rheinland as they are the ones who are desperately trying to clean the name of the Rheinwehr after the Nomad War, not to mention not leaving with the traitors who went with Das Wilde.
While yes, I could probably see BDM attempting to make a mind control device, I could see Liberty doing the same thing. Really the main issue I have with this is not it being within the bounds of logical roleplay for BDM, but that you're dictating the roleplay of a Nation as well as the Rheinwehr.
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Frankly, Rheinland is closer to a corpocracy than Liberty is. They've actually had to sell assets such as planets to corporations, just to survive as a nation. Liberty's never had to go that far, with all its planets still being firmly federally managed.
Liberty also started the war for three reasons, none of which involved a clash of ideology.
1) The public reason - Rhienland libel against Liberty, with the government siding with their press on the matter.
2) The obvious but unspoken reason - to secure the border worlds in Liberty's favour, allowing for Hudson and Atka to be formally annexed, etc.
3) The secret reason - to obtain the pioneering Nomad research and technology Rhienland had stashed away after the Nomad War.
Rhienland isn't the comic-book evil dictatorship that most people seem to think it is. It's actually a fairly poor industrial nation, with a moderate-to-weak government that suffers from vast corporate influence and pressure.
But Vanilla did have a Dom'Kovash artifact used as a mind-reading device by the Bundschuh.
Get hold of one or more of them, and start doing scans of people. That in itself will enable the BDM to select people with a greater propensity to be indoctrinated naturally - as well as weed out potential or suspected dissidents.
Aeneid, there are several things that people are somewhat over looking when talking about this and key events that must happen.
In order for such events to occure, Rhienland Corperation(s) would have to do research into cloning first before doing anything or look for genetically compatible individuals.
Corperation(s) would need authorization from the government to conduct augmentation of clones/selected individuals.
The rest is as everyone else says. Anyway, I would think, as Friday has said, mind-reading would be a better choice. Although I would think more of the MGS4 idea, FRTBFC(Full Real Time BattleField Control) method, either of nanites or some other form of technology. Not only is it more ideal for Discovery RP, it also can be proned to allow interference with such implications. Since MGS4 shows what would happen if a hacker got in, all hell would break loose and pilots and soldiers would have a serious PDS Disorder immediatly after connection loss.
' Wrote:These two assumptions bother me. Not quite sure where/why everyone regards Rheinland as a totalitarian state. The government has very little control over the corporations, and as such the government has very little say other than policy making
As to this, I think part of it is that Rheinland definitely was RPed as such in Disco quite thoroughly, though it was quite a while ago now. It still shows up from time to time it seems.