First off I will call the mods if someone posts something here suggesting to change antivirus software and ask them to delete it.
Here is how to fix the deletion issue without re-downloading the mod.
The new Discovery mod seems to upset Norton 360, after installing it apparently the mod alters the Freelancer Application .exe file in your EXE folder (in your Discovery section).
Now unfortunately you cannot just replace the .exe with the original FL one or even a backed up version, you need the new, already altered .exe file in your folder before you follow these steps here.
Then go onto Norton 360, go into the Settings menu. On the top left there is a button that says Antivirus, go there and go into the Scans and Risks tab. At the very bottom of the menu you will see 3 or 4 options with blue text on the right side of the table in the Exclusions / Low Risk section. Now click on the add exclusion button for the Scan Exclusions and add both the new .exe file and your entire Discovery folder to the exclusions.... then go into the SONAR Exclusions tab and add the exact same exclusions that I mentioned above (the .exe and the entire Discovery folder).
Make sure that the include sub folders option is selected for both the SONAR settings and for the Scan Exclusion settings when you add them.
Click apply when finished adding your stuff, launch FL from your desktop shortcut and you should be good.
I saw someone complaining about it in the U5 topic, good work. May be you could bump Cannon to solve the issue generally.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
It would be good if this issue could be resolved on the dev side of things, however it may be too late by now, as most people have the update. Still, weird that it happened so frequently now, I have seen a few reports of Norton nuking FL with update 4, but it was not as wide spread.
Only this update i had that problem, and i even posted and you replied it, thanks, but i simply restored the file from quarantine and worked. My only problem is that after a PC restart i enter the game and becomes really slow because freelancer.exe is taking 50% of the cpu, i have to exit the game, remove freelancer.exe from the task manager list and then enter again on the game and all fine!