hello all we may of ran into another nasty gameplay affecting bug today we sef faction had a skirmish with the mollys faction
we were fighting but our sef dessie wasnt losing shields on our screens but one the player controlling dessie the sheilds were dropping
something up here?
all i can good good fighting all who took part this second time a bug has affected gameplay
just thought id report it to help everyone concerned we dont have any screenshots since on all sef fighters/gb were dead and left system and sef everest "bugged dessie" couldnt take screens while his sheild was failing on his screen and had to concentrate on fightin
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i must admit i was in middle of flying and fighting when the mollys were complaning of no sheild damage but
yet my sheild was going down i had no screenshots as i was blasting the mollys while they were blasting me
i had replace my nanos and regens after the fight so there was more then a sheild bug must of being a scan bug as well
<span style="color:#FF0000">a mind is like a fortress with gates unbarred and unguarded</span>
Well have you undocked the Fearless from the player base for first time in 3 weeks?
I guess you used a bug without knowing for it at the first place- the bug was there when player bases were introduced. Or in the worse case -you knew about the bug and haven't docked the ship since the last 2-3 updates.
Anyway it does not explain your behavior - after your 3-4 ships were wasted there was the Fearless vs 6 Molly ships inclusive 2 heavy cruisers all of them shoot on it and there was no effect- after a several calls to disengage you ignored it and killed one of the Molly ships while docking. :wacko: Image 3 of no damage
So the admins would fix it for you np.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:Toan, least thing you should do is tell the admins (via pm or violation report) the name of the ship so they can check on this "bug".
maybe so but as soon as it came outta the woodwork and essenstially ruined a bit of rp/battle the first thing i thought is oh crap call tech support hence why i posted here :unsure:
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