Well I finally managed to get the ship repaired after the pirate attacks and completed 5 runs of semiconductors from Pueblo to Freeport 14. Over 15000 units (photo scans held).
However this is almost a suicide mission as the route has many Xeno, Rogue and Hacker pirates trying to steel the cargo. More repairs then back to work later.
----Greetings, 30.000 Platinum Ore inloaded into Oceana. I will continou today after I take a litle break time in Curacao.
Other plans for today: 30k RAs from Planet New London to Oceana...
While I had started my routine patrol in Cortez system near Oceana Shipping Platform, my attention was attracted by a standing Planetform affiliated ship close to Planet Curacao mooring point. "Contaterrene" wanted to move in New London system to Southampton Shipyard with a high value cargo.
I offered my escort service to help in delivery mission.
The Cargo arrived safely.
Captain of the "Contaterrene" was very grateful for the successful completion of this delivery mission:
This is Captain Armund Pagasi of the GSV-San Marco with my standar report, currently i am finishing the regular paperwork required to make it official my contract with Gateway Shipping, i'm taking a crash course to know our latest profitable routes and also to learn a little about our Politics, with who i can trade and with who i can not, currently i have under my command a humble EL-HiL51 "Mammoth" Liberty Transport With a crew of 10 men and women among whom I have Auxiliary pilots, gunners, a doctor, a couple of engineers and other personnel responsible of the stored cargo just to ensure the lifetime and quality of said cargo, i am speaking with my crew the possibilities of hiring a couple of marines just in case.
And That's it, i would be grateful if someone of our logistic department speak to me me with a Encrypted message with some of our Trading Routes, that will help me a lot.
With Nothing More to add, Armund Pagasi, Cptn. GSV-San Marco
This is Captain Armund Pagasi of the GSV-San Marco with my report, today i've manage to get a better ship, i'm in charge of a "Titanic" Civilian Heavy Tanker with a crew of 15 Men and Womens, we managed to deliver a great size of supplies to our Oceana Shipping Platform today, i'm uploading the data now from Oceana's Cargo Computer.
Uploading Information
Information Uploaded
As You can see, we managed to supply a total of 48.320 Commodities to our base.
16.640 Industrial Hardware
31.680 RA's
Speeding up a little our production.
I Will take a Short Break before i will Start the Robotics Hardware runs, expect another report Soon
With Nothing More to add, Armund Pagasi, Cptn. GSV-San Marco
From: Captain Eli Eales To: Gateway Reporting Facility Subject: Commerce report log #1
First off I would like say how much of an honor and privilege it is to work for this company. I have no doubt that Gateway will have a prosperous future and I look forward to achieving this goal. Now, to the business at hand.
Today Captain Pagasi and I obtained gold ore from a very friendly IMG pilot in the Dublin system. We proceeded swiftly to Rheinland space and delivered our cargo to planet New Berlin with no pirate, junker, or any military contacts.
It was there that I suggested taking a cargo hold full of Rheinlands best spirits to Planet Nuremberg. In exchanged we purchased top of the line military tanks, mechs, and armored transportation vehicles for our men & women on the front line.
Our return trip to Britonia space was uneventful and we delivered our precious cargo to the military on planet New London. All in all a pragmatic and profitable journey. I like to recommend to all transport captains this trade route. In a pinch, medical supplies from Cambridge can be used in substitution of raw gold ore.
Log: #48
ID: MilesStuart, CEO
Ship: Gateway|-GSX-Sapphire
Delivered 2 loads of Robotic Hardware to Oceana Shipping Platform, then ran a load of Synth Gel from Curacao to New London, and returned to OSP with Reinforced Alloys. A nice little trip.
Docking Module production continues, and we're gonna need a good bit of Industrial Hardware to keep her chugging along. Ugh.....I hate New York.
From: Captain Eli Eales To: Gateway Reporting Facility Subject: Commerce report log #2
Today was a busy day!
My last trade run ended when Captain Pagasi and I delivered military grade vehicles to New London. No sooner had I offloaded my cargo that I received complaints on the condition of the mechs from Nuremberg. Not wanting to ruin the fine reputation of Gateway I begged the Army the chance to test all of the merchandise for damages. For a moment I could tell they were reluctant, we are at war after all, but after seeing my Navy record they quickly gave in. Gents, you have yet to live until you drive 45 tons of steel over planet New London.
After paying a few hundred credits for minor repairs the Army accepted the mechs and put in a request for more. However, before I could head to my ship, I saw a lady crying at the gates to the Army base. Being the dapper gentleman that I am I offered her a handkerchief and a sympathetic ear. It turns out her husbands' gunship was reported Missing In Action near the Inverness system. I do apologize if this goes against any of the companies rules, but I will not leave our boys in distress. With the aid of a bounty hunter named Commander Lingos we proceeded to the Cortez system. Luck with us that moment for we found both the jump hole to Inverness and the escape pods of two gunships! All crew members are now in capable hands of New London medical center.
From: Captain Eli Eales To: Gateway Reporting Facility Subject: Commerce report log #3
Well mates today I was robbed. Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself...
After delivering another shipment of military vehicles to New London I received an unusual request from a contact in Interspace Commerce to pickup some 1,000 cigars he had left on New London and bring them to Planet Erie. The job would pay 11mil up front and it seemed too good to pass up.
Before setting off with cargo I made a quick trip home (Planet Cambridge) to check on my parents and to purchase a top of the line Serenity. Ah, she is a sight to behold.
My trip between Britonia and Liberty space was uneventful. However, when I approached Fort Bush in the New York system, a Civilian gunship forces me to halt. The gentleman introduces himself as a Freelancer by the name of Thomas Opgar and demands to know how much money I am carrying. The bloody git was surprising frosty with the whole conversation.
Now gents, before you think I am complaining, let me assure you that I am not. This "Independent" pirate as he put it was civil and let me go after paying 1 million credits. No, what ruffles my feathers is that a Liberty cruiser (Vindicator) was sitting next to him watching the whole process proceed before him. I thought things were bad at home with the Gauls breathing down our necks, but these Yanks can be incredibly lazy hooligans at times!
Regardless, after being freed by the Freelancer/pirate the shipment was brought to Planet Erie and I off to quaff as many Liberty Ales as it takes to make the horrible taste go away. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a tall glass of Gin!
From: Calum McDonald, GlenCoe
To: Gateway Reporting Facility
Subject: Returning to work.
Ladies and Gentlemen of Gateway Shipping,
Some of you old hands may remember my name. I was the CEO of Gateway Interstellar way back before i retired and the Company moved on to new owners.
I am pleased to see that Gateway goes from strength to strength and i hope your still sticking it to those Bowex morons "laughs"
Why am i contacting you now? well, to be honest, I am bored! Retirement does'nt suit me well and I find I get itchy feet now and again to return to space and do what I do best, trade.
I have brought my old Shire out of the garage and started to give her a bit of a clean ready to do some flying.
If it is alright with you fellows I would dearly love to fly again and help out were I can.
But i see things have changed a bit so the odd nod in the right direction would be a great help.
My ship is the GlenCoe, as she was named before so if anyone of you see her flying around give her a hail.
Fly safe