(09-13-2018, 11:22 PM)TacticalNoodle Wrote: yup that's right
i support '' sasapinjic" on that.
Punishment should be hard for that.
But how admins will Differentiate between two players or one player?
Well, if it's for example two traders and only one of them talks while the other seems afk most of the time, that's a telltale sign of multi-boxing.
Howdy from a newbie but i had a thought would it be possible to change the IP Address thing from the Public IP to the Local IP ? i don't have enough knowledge to know if this is even plausible from the games side but i know that many games that have an online section base it off the local IP address instead of a Public IP. but like i said just a thought and suggestion don't know if it was already mentioned or not. plus aren't the accounts based off the local IP, if i'm not mistaken, though i could be
No, Multiboxing is banned on most mods I've played. And should remain so! This my family would like to join is, well, bogus. Just another way to boost your credit gathering. Keep it the same as it is!
(12-13-2018, 08:32 PM)Lex~Talionis Wrote: No, Multiboxing is banned on most mods I've played. And should remain so! This my family would like to join is, well, bogus. Just another way to boost your credit gathering. Keep it the same as it is!
So a guy decides to be sneaky and run multiple instances of Disco to boost his credit making. Honestly what's even the worst negative effect of this? It's already so easy to make money, and it's not like it breaks the economy if someone gets away with pulling the wool over the Staff's eyes. And it's an extra piracy target - and in that piracy encounter it'll be so easy to tell the player is multi-boxing, and that's when the Admins slap them.
I feel like for every multi-boxer this extremely general policy prevents, we're blocking out legitimate playerswho'd just like to play the game with friends and family.
Multiboxing would remain against the server rules, as the first sentence of Rule 5.5 would stay.
With there being so many people these days trying to boost server numbers by introducing friends/family to Discovery, now is the best time to run a trial period of allowing those within the same house to trade/mine together.
Not everyone wants to pirate/bounty hunt together, as not everyone is into PvP. Traders and miners are the backbone of basic RP interactivity.