Patrol preformed by:
Hm. Niklas Heller (Left Patrol on Wp3)
Fr Helena von Gross (joined Patrol on Wp3)
Ge. Erich Hartmann (Joined Patrol on Wp3) Fl. Annemarie Frank
#1 Hauptmann Heller, and me were both enroute to our Redevouz point at Dortmund station. Arriving at Dortmund, scanners picked up a libertonian Navy Fighter Vessel hacking the Trade Lanes travelling toward New Berlin. Since Hauptmann Heller at this point had not arrived in Dortmund yet, i've requested permission to follow the said contact what ended up in a long and exhausting chases through New Berlin System and beyond. Keeping him Busy, so that Hauptmann Heller can catch up, he was able to Stop the Navy vessel in Frankfurt, where the Libertonian opened Fire on the Hauptmann. A few minutes later the threat went up in big fireworks as he met the Hauptmann in combat.
#2 As we had continued the Patrol into the center of Frankfurt, we encountered a hostile IFF tagged Transport Train passing planet holsten . We intended to close up into scanner range, but the Train started to run toward Sigma-13 Jumphole. While Hm. Heller continued to chase the Train through the jump hole, i've been sent for an intercept through the Frankfurt -> Sigma-13 Jumpgate. As i've arrived at Helgoland Station, the train was already engaged by the Hauptman and i joined my Patrol Leader trying to force the Train to cooperate. Unfortunately we were not able to stop the Train in time, and he docked at Helgoland Station.
#3 With the Hauptmann having important business to do, the Patrol got rearranged at Frankfurt. Fähnrich von Gross took over the Patrol, and furthermore Gefreiter Hartmann got dispatched to support us as were been sent to Patrol the Omegas, where found a red hessian vessel. Unfortunately the Ship had stealth technology and managed to escape our Patrol.
[font=Arial]Scource: [color=#FFFF00]Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin Sender:Flieger Adolf Bernauer Recipient:Patrol Database Encryption:Standard: R*9 class Encryption.
Subject:Patrol #0002-#0005
Guten Tag, Kameraden.
Hereby I will submit my second, third, fourth, and fifth patrol report.
##Report 0002, Liberty Cruiser in Rheinland
One week ago, the BDM caught a Liberty Siege Cruiser, roaming through Hamburg, Stuttgart and then Omega-7.
We've been searching him with force.. and so we found him, also do not worry, there was someone around who gave us access to enter Omega-7 (forgot his name, sorry).
When we found him we had no real options but to shoot him..
One week later I've been patroling along New Berlin, Stuttgart and kept an eye on everything.
Suddenly as I roamed in Stuttgart a distress call from "Samura|-Tokyo.Express".
Two unioners where pirating him and his friend "Yamashiro-Haruna" in Frankfurt.
I came to help, both could escape and Frau Annemarie Franck came to assist.
However, unfortunatly we could not withstand those skilled pilots, gladfully we could be retrieved from our pods, but a lot of people where saved, Samura was pleased by this definitly.
[The only thing was a copy of the voicechat log:here]
##Report 0004, Fire above Hamburg
On the next day I've been called to defend Hamburg, the libertonians invaded our homeland again!
They came with a good amount of capital ships, so I jumped in my Bomber.
As no higher ranked military personell was around I gave orders to the bombers on our side and the opponents where eliminated very fast, thanks to our glory fleet many, many people on Hamburg are still alive!
Suddenly 2 hours later the Libertonians came back, with many Fighters and some Gunboats, I jumped back in my wraith and kept defending Hamburg from them, unfortunatly a Shrapnell hit me [had to log off..] and I had to retreat but we defended our home successfully from the Intruders.
Three days later I've been assisting Hauptmann Keller on a patrol. In Omega-7 we encountered a Gallic Junker wich been pirating DHC-Fahrlader.
We could fend him off and then he cloaked.. and docked at Freistadt, unfortunatly I have no Guncam shots of this situation.
Afterwards I escorted DHC-Fahrlader successfully to New Berlin.
When we arrived there I saw 2 Zoner Whales undocking from New Berlin, I caught them and then they dropped their passengers where DHC-Fahrlader took it and sold back on New Berlin, afterwards I escorted the 2 Zoners to our Borders.
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Admiral Gunter Weissman, Rheinland military high command [color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Members of the Rheinland military [color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Patrol reports
Meine Damen und Herren.
This is the last time the High command accepted more patrol reports submitted in one day.
I believe it is very much logical that a report of a situation what happened some weeks ago is useless.
Submit your reports as soon as possible after your patrol.
More patrol reports in one report will not be accepted.
Admiral Gunter Weissman,
Rheinland military High command
Patrol preformed by: Ge. Annemarie Franck
Fl. Adolf Bernauer
Fw. Klaus Weiss (Joined for Investigation)
Rheinland Northwest Systems Patrol Patrol Waypoints. Waypoint 1 : Frankfurt - New Berlin Jumpgate Waypoint 2 : Frankfurt - Dresden Jumphole Waypoint 3 : Frankfurt - Backside of Planet Heidelberg Waypoint 4 : Frankfurt - Westwald Nebula South Waypoint 5 : Frankfurt - Westwald Nebula North Waypoint 6 : Frankfurt - Backside of Planet Holsten / Taunusfeld vicinity
Waypoint 7 : Munich - Frankfurt Jumpgate Waypoint 8 : Munich - Raubing Station Waypoint 9 : Munich - Chiemsee Asteroid Field [#1] Waypoint 10 : Munich - Backside of Planet Nuremberg (Skipped for Investigation) Waypoint 11 : Munich - Alps Clouds (Skipped for Investigation) Waypoint 12 : Munich - Schwarzwald Clouds (Skipped for Investigation) Waypoint 13 : Munich - Augsburg Orbital Colony (Skipped for Investigation)
Waypoint 14: Returning to Base [#2], [#3]
#1 Fl. Bernauer and me, just arrived in Chiemsee Asteroid Field, were working on the Papers of a Daumann Mining Vessel and a Kusari Transport, as Bernauer noted that he was picking up Bundshuh signatures in Frankfurt. With having Fw. Klauss Weiss already on the comms, we started to head back to where we came from.
Seems like the VWA'ers already awaited our return into the Frankfurt System. Just as Bernauer, me, and a Pilot from the Secondary Fleet exited Jump Transit, we already had two red contacts on our scanners. I've immediately sent Positional Data to the Feldwebel, and turned the Command of the Patrol to him, as he was the highest ranking officer of the Fighter Wing.
As the Feldwebel asked them to leave peacefully, the VWA'ers started a political depate with us, successfully stalling action until their reinforcements of 2 more fighter vessels arrived. As the odds were now even, and we did not want them to call in more reinforcements, we've chosen to engage the Targets as they refused to leave the system peacefully.
The Fight endet in a slaughter. While our Fighter Group had only lost the ship from the Secondary Fleet, the VWA'ers had lost 3 of theirs to our fire. As the fight became where unbalanced with 3 remaining RM Pilots opposing one single fighter threat, the remaining VWA'er pilot had accepted our demand of surrender.
#2 and #3 On the way back home, me and Fl. Bernauer encountered an old CSV vessel which had an VWA IFF transponder signal. After a short investigation we came to the conclusion that the Person piloting the freshly bought craft, was not aware of the intact IFF Responder the Junkers had left on his ship, and since we just halted a Vessel with Pirate ID, we had more important business to do.
As we were investigating the Pirate, he had choosen to run from us. We've destroyed him In Frankfurt System, near the Dresden Jumphole
Source:Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig Guard System Encryption:Moderate Submitter:Feldwebel Klaus Weiss Recipient:Rheinland Military Subject: Patrol Report: [23]
Report Twenty-Three:
I was on mein way to meet up with Gefreiter Franck und Flieger Bernauer when Bernauer recieved word of Bundschuh vessels somewhere in der Frankfurt system. Having already been there I ordered the two to meet up with me on Mainz. Little did I know the Bundschuh were lying in wait at the Jump Gate. After being alerted to der trap by Gefreiter Franck, I quickly made mein way to the scene. As the Bundschuh are hardly fighters I gave them the easy way out, should they choose it. Unfortunately for them, they did not. Of note it seems the Bundschuh have gotten their hands on Hessian tech. Other than that, the patrol seemed uneventful und I ordered the Gefreiter und Flieger to continue it without me as I dealt with the last Bundschuh, who sadly managed to escape.
In short, der Flieger scored two kills, und one ship was destroyed by their own forces. The only ship we lost was our secondary forces pilot, but I managed to rescue his pod.
[font=Arial]Scource: [color=#FFFF00]Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig Sender:Gefreiter Adolf Bernauer Recipient:Patrol Database Encryption:Standard: R*9 class Encryption.
Subject:Patrol #0006
Guten Tag, Kameraden.
Hereby I will submit my sixth patrol report.
##Report 0006
Yesterday we where doing battle simulations in Braunschweig, especually thanks to Gefreite Annemarie Franck, that was a great training, I hope she thinks the same.
Then me and Frau Franck decided to go on a Patrol through Frankfurt and Munich.
Everything went fine, nothing happened but some hessian recruits blocking a Jumphole (NPC's..).
We checked the papers of some miners and then I suddenly became a report from Bundschuh activities in Frankfurt.
We called in the Feldwebel to assist us while we went to Frankfurt to eliminate the threat from Rheinlands borders.
However, Herr Weiss came to assist us and meanwhile the 2 Bundschuh called in 2 reinforcing fighters.
Herr Weiss gave them the chance to leave but they did not comply, so we had to shoot them.
One of our brave pilots lost his ship during this fight, but we could destroy 3 Bundschuh fighters, the last (Herr Klugmann) took his chance to retreat and started arguing with us and lure us to the Bundschuh.
After 15 annoying minutes of propaganda Herr Weiss called us back to Braunschweig, on the way there we met a Ship, a CSV with a VWA IFF responder, we could clear the situation, it seems he bought this ship at a junkyard and the IFF responder was placed from another ship.
However, he didnt seem to be a threat so we let him go.
Then a fighter with Pirate ID appeared, we wanted to investigate him and take him to the police so he can be arrested or we wanted to escort him out of Rheinland if the Polizei couldnt be reached, suddenly he started to flee, we had to shoot him down, even when we asked him to comply he kept firing.. that was his own fault.
Afterwards me and Frau Franck docked at the Moselle, finally having some rest after this hard day.
[font=Verdana]SUBMITTER:Gefreiter Annemarie Franck SUBJECT: - FIGURE - Head Down Display Software v1.0b
Guten Tag, Herren des Oberkommandos. Please share me a bit of your Time.
As a young Pilot for the Kriegsmarine it was always hard for me to keep certain Informations in mind when on Patrol, and often i've found myself logging into the Neural Net wasting a good amount of precious time during Patrols for searching the dephts of the Neural Net for a tiny little line of Information i've needed.
Anyways, some days ago i've met that neat Board Mechanic on the Moselle, can't remember his name tho. It was something with "Rainer". Well We've had a little chat in the Ship lounge, and as i've explained him how i am always was overextended having to manage not only the Communications, my ship, AND the sometimes confusing Neural Net as once, he told me that there might be a solution for this.
He told me, that theoretically, every Pilot could create a software for his Head Down Displays. Having not known that, i've asked him to help me create such a software. Sadfully, the mechanic has lots of business to do, and was not able to program the software himself, but he was willing to give me a a short heads up in the Software creation process, so i could program it myself.
After a few days of getting familiar with the HDD Software creation program, and a few more nights inside my parked Wraith, i've finally got the Software to a well working Beta version. I've christened the Software " - FIGURE -" .. What stands for "Fine Guidlines & Regulations" ..
I believe my Software would probably be useful as a addition to the Fighter Head Down Display Menu's, so i've desided to download the current version of this Software from my wraith, and send it to the High Command.
Since a few things in the Neural Net are pretty unclear ..
[color=#FFFF99]For Example the current laws regarding Ageira Tagged vessels (see Neural Net "Rheinland LAWS redone") were pretty unclear to me. At the moment the Software was programmed as if the said Cargo "Basic consumer goods" are not existing, therefore i've cut it out of the Software
... the Program needs revision from authorized Personnel before it should be uploaded to other Fighter Vessels. I Will not use the existing software onboard my Wraith until approval is given.
Anyways, i'm uploading current version to you now.
If the Software gets approved, you may consider sending a Copy of the Software to the Federal Polizei aswell. Furthermore i will volunteer to keep the Software updated if it passes the revision successfully.
If any chances are to be made, feel free to contact me, and i'll work them out as soon as i find time.
SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Strausberg[color=#33CC00] New Berlin System. [color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FFFFFF]Low, port RM-KV-MC-PN-7638
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Gefreitor Barent Adalbert, Rheinland Military [color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinlader [color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Patrol
Guten Abent herr's and Frau's. I vas called by Frau Schmitt to come to ze Dresden system vhere zhere were reports of red Hessian miners were spreading propaganda against our beloved kanzler and his rule. Zhere we also representative of zhe Unioners ze ones that vere considered very dangerous. vell seems they vhanted both sides to kill each other. Zhey helped zhe Hessians vhen zhey were outmatched by us.
Zhe fight vas even but most of ze inexperienced gefreitors fighters got downed zhey didn't get me. Zhen something happened that I did not predict an ion Storm hit. Damaging ze sensor of Frau Schmitt forcing her to retreat. But ze Storms hit ze entire area one of ze AGS got its systems fried and ze ship exploded by a random mine. Zhen ze fight did not became possible and ze hessians just disapered in ze filed zhey came from. I vas told from the Lieutenant to return to base zhat ze Ions were to strong. Zhe Hessians Were saved by zhe Ions this time !
I must say, I am personally quite impressed by this little piece of software you made. I have been going over it for the past few days, whenever I had the time, and it really does seem to work quite well, even for a beta version of the program.
There is no doubt that this little piece of software could help the newer, and even veteran pilots of the Rheinland law-enforcement groups, to carry out their duties more easily. Although I am under the impression that every pilot of the Rheinwehr should memorize every letter of the law like it was their own name, I am not against this little heads up display.
I will bring this piece of software up for debate in the next Oberkommando meeting. We will see where the discussion takes us.
You are showing quite the initiative, Gefreiter. If you keep this up, there might be a really bright future ahead of you. The other soldaten should look up to you and your effort.