► Source: KKS-Kaiser, Lüneburg ► Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM ► Submitter: Konteradmiral Erich von Richter ► Recipient: Northern Fleet Elements, Lüneburg and Frankfurt Garrisons ► Subject: Notice: Uptick in Smuggling
To all personnel,
With the uptick in trade activity within the Sigmas has come a surge of smugglers seeking to exploit these opportunities.
Patrols across our glorious House have reported increasing numbers of vessels utilizing illegal smuggling routes and violating military quarantine zones. Many vessels caught engaging in these activities are found to be carrying armaments bound from Liberty. Most concerningly they are often civilian in nature. Despite this and their nationality, you are to do your utmost to stop, search, and question these vessels. Punishment should be meted out by the ranking officer on the scene or passed on to Federal Police officials wherever possible. While lethal force is always authorized, it is to be used sparingly. Only vessels confirmed to be collaborating with criminal elements, trespassing in secure areas, firing on civilian, military, or law enforcement vessels, and those attempting to flee may be killed.
Your commanding officer will brief you with updated patrol routes and unit allocations. This problem must be dealt with in good measure. The Kaiser is watching, and we must uphold the sanctity of him and of Rheinland. There can be no failure.
Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!
Erich von Richter
Konteradmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
► Source: KKS-Kaiser ► Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM ► Submitter: Kapitän zur See Karl Holzner ► Recipient: Oberkommando der Rheinwehr ► Subject: Kusari Naval Presence in Sigmas
Our patrols report an outstanding issue I am transmitting on behalf of the fleet,
Imperial Shipping vessels have reported being subjected to stop-and-search operations within Sigma-13 by Kusari Naval warships. An investigating reconnaissance patrol has indicated that at least one destroyer is blocking the Frankfurt jump gate within Sigma-13. Reports suggest they refused to wave off and as of now are seemingly unimpeded by the Gas Miners Guild. The responding patrol was met with veiled threats to leave the system and notice that they would continue with these inspections regardless.
We are advising that we be given immediate permission to force their withdrawal or petition the Kusari government to stop these operations immediately. I report on behalf of Konteradmiral Richter that he has directed ships to be ready to cross the gate immediately. Konteradmiral Richter has also requested in the absence of the prior two actions to be given precise directives on how to respond to the matter.
The Bretonian Navy was in desperate need of reinforcements, following the invasion of a large Hessian force into Omega 3. I had rallied our battlegruppe stationed in Omega 7. I found their close proximity and experience in Dublin useful for this operation. Our battlegruppe went en route to aid in the defense of the Aland Monument.
We twarthed the Hessian terrorists twice before. However, it seems IMG forces are now aiding them in their siege. We did what we could to help our Bretonian kollegen. However we had to retreat after receiving overwhelming firepower. More damage was done to the station before the enemy fleet retreated, but still standing, for now. Footage can be found below.
► Source: KKS-Kaiser ► Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM ► Submitter: Kapitän zur See Karl Holzner ► Recipient: Oberkommando der Rheinwehr ► Subject: Emergency Report: Omega Crisis
Report as follows:
Fought enemy to best of ability, expected Bretonian reinforcements did not materialize. Large-scale attacks by Coalition, IMG, and Hessian forces. Bretonian command ships struck hard. Assumed temporary command, held off enemy briefly, formation broke in next attack. Heavy casualties among Bretonian and corporate security forces.
Station has been destroyed by enemy forces. Bretonian forces in complete disarray, have lost contact with command elements. Unsure of status of liaison officer or remaining major Bretonian elements.
Battlegroup is withdrawing to Omega-7, have taken heavy damage to our starboard side. Will rally remaining forces at Elbe.
Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!
Karl Holzner
Kapitän zur See der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
I guess i have been settled in with the Order. While i'm still getting surprised looks when walking around in a Rheinlander uniform amongst them, they seem to accept my presence. I even made some new friends amongst Eddy's group.
Now the reason i'm sending: Rumor has it that relations between the Order and the Corsairs have been going south. I'm not aware of too many details but i can say this: The Corsairs and the Hogosha have been caught toghether smuggling large amounts of Nomad Artifacts towards Kabukicho Depot for unknown reasons. The Order and several other factions have found this out and a big fight ensued with the Corsairs and Order on opposite sides. How far the Kusari authorities are aware of this smuggling is unknown.
It ain't much, but in any case i'll leave this information into your hands.
Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!
Holger Lahm
Korporal der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
Liason der Order Overwatch
► Source:New Berlin ► Encryption:port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM ► Submitter:Fähnrich Heinemann Dietrich ► Recipient:Offiziere, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin ► Subject:Patrol report
Guten tag.
On my patrol, I came across a strange emergene. Apparently affiliated with BMM, he goes by the name ALG. I told him what to do to rectify his allegiance.
But a few minutes later I saw some annoying advertising on our channels! I don't know if this person is allowed to run ads, here's the message attached.
► Source:Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin ► Encryption:port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM ► Submitter:Korporal Elias Beist ► Recipient:Oberkommando ► Subject:Corsair engagement in Sigma-15 & OS&C escort against Hessian assault
Guten Tag Offiziere.
Last week, two events of significance occurred that I have only recently had time to outline.
The first concerns yet another raid on Hammersee by a Corsair battlegroup.
I heeded the early warning by the intelligence apparatus, and proceeded to make a circuit of the system's assets. By the time I returned to our rallying point near Hammersee, Kapitän zur See Holzner was on scene, directing the arriving forces. I fell in with a wing of MND snubcraft, clearing them to call targets. I agreed to follow the lead of one of their hardened veteranen in BDM|Inferno, which proved to be an excellent decision.
In due time, the Imperio made their appearance, with their customary comm chatter preceding their vessels. While we were outnumbered by weight, the enemy could not match our lighter craft, which was immediately noted by me and other members of our wing. The Kapitän ordered a standard approach, with vessels fanning out from the Kaiser in regular formation. At the time of engagement, our battle group numbered five heavy battleships, four light battleships, and five snubcraft. The enemy possessed at least six heavy and five light battleships, along with two or three snubcraft - I do not recall their precise numbers.
The Corsairs hit us hard, immediately going on the offensive. My wing weaved through the middle of their flotte, hunting down limping targets and disabling two, one after another. After this, the battle lost all fleet cohesion, with as much as 8K separating various fighting clusters. I vividly recall Kapitän Holzner marveling at the aggressive abuse of the shield generators by the Corsairs, all the while the Kaiser performed a slow retreat in the face of overwhelming force. After firing off my heavy ordnance to assist with disabling additional cruisers, I broke off to resupply. After returning, the fight was all but over, with the Corsairs in disarray.
Our superior tactics and light craft advantage have once again secured victory, despite damage to the Kaiser and the losses of both Inferno and a Kruger security fighter. Thankfully, both piloten survived, while personnel casualties were relatively low on the Kaiser based on my inquiries.
[17.11.2024 19:59:16] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: Guten tag all
[17.11.2024 19:59:23] Jochen.Wiedemann: Guten Tag.
[17.11.2024 20:01:33] BDM|Inferno: why does Sigma 15 have gallic trade lanes?
[17.11.2024 20:02:10] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: sigma 15 wasn't always such a backwater
[17.11.2024 20:02:36] Kruger|Lambda-2: Guten tag
[17.11.2024 20:02:39] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: Right side enter, left side exit.
[17.11.2024 20:02:42] BDM|Inferno: they belong in Gallia not here
[17.11.2024 20:02:42] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: Not like the regulars
[17.11.2024 20:02:51] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: when they switch sides in every system
[17.11.2024 20:02:52] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: Starting area patrol
[17.11.2024 20:03:17] [RM]KKS-Kaiser: They only outnumber us by 4 this time
[17.11.2024 20:05:58] [RM]KKS-Kaiser: We'll roll when the 3 stragglers get here
[17.11.2024 20:06:12] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: Just give the word
[17.11.2024 20:06:18] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: I'll get eyes on them I think
[17.11.2024 20:06:31] BDM|Inferno: I got someone for you
[17.11.2024 20:07:48] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: Got nothing on scan. They must be biding their time - if they're actually here
[17.11.2024 20:08:03] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: Not the first time intel dropped the ball,
[17.11.2024 20:09:50] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: BDM, you've got my clearance and abject wish to call out targets
[17.11.2024 20:09:59] BDM|RNC-Saar: RO: Copy that.
[17.11.2024 20:10:00] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: I'll be right behind you, meine herren
[17.11.2024 20:10:04] Nestor.: timing is perfect
[17.11.2024 20:10:20] BDM|RNC-Saar: RO: Inferno, you take the lead on the snubcraft.
[17.11.2024 20:10:25] BDM|Inferno: Roger.
[17.11.2024 20:10:30] DTR-CNS>Afrodita: Alright Men and Ladies, Time to Liberate this System with RUM
[17.11.2024 20:10:44] [RM]KKS-Kaiser: Alright, meeting point is E5
[17.11.2024 20:10:44] DTR-CNS>GarrasDeGatito: *Lights Cigar*
[17.11.2024 20:11:07] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: Here comes their dammt preening
[17.11.2024 20:11:21] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: BC, stay near the BS's.
[17.11.2024 20:11:29] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: Our anchor is the Kaiser
[17.11.2024 20:11:34] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: As ever
[17.11.2024 20:12:33] Jochen.Wiedemann: Large Corsair fleet detected.
[17.11.2024 20:12:33] Eysa: enemies on scanner
[17.11.2024 20:12:38] BDM|RNC-Jutland: R: There they are.
[17.11.2024 20:12:45] DTR-CC>Averof.Cornelius: Andre: This is the Averof Cornelius, we have our guns ready, we are moving to a forward-intercept position.
[17.11.2024 20:12:47] Felfire: Hostiles spotted.
[17.11.2024 20:12:47] DTR-CNS>Olympos: H: Enemies on scanner
[17.11.2024 20:12:49] CNS-Femme.Fatale: Ruben Moya:So we're supposed to ride out like real fuckin corsairs? Aaaiiiiiii!
[17.11.2024 20:12:50] RNC-Saar: CO: Cannibal invaders in our home, mein countrymen.
[17.11.2024 20:12:55] Eysa: ready to engage
[17.11.2024 20:12:58] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: I see them too. Let's show them what we're made of!
[17.11.2024 20:13:01] Valeria;Aguinis[TBH]: All this talking got tiresome. Finally something to shoot
[17.11.2024 20:13:02] Greek.God: *A deep low-pitched mighty voice with a strong Hellenic accent sounded out of nowhere.*
[17.11.2024 20:13:02] DTR-CNS>Olympos: H: Weapons hot and ready to engage Beerdrinkers
[17.11.2024 20:13:08] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: My weapons are free, Kommandant
[17.11.2024 20:13:08] Greek.God: Kalimera!
[17.11.2024 20:13:11] BDM|RNC-Jutland: R: Gunnery, you're cleared to engage. Follow the Saar.
[17.11.2024 20:13:11] DTR-CNS>Lluvia.de.Fuego: Ruiz: All hands to Battlestations
[17.11.2024 20:13:12] Jochen.Wiedemann: They will face judgement. Let us make the Kaiser pleased.
[17.11.2024 20:13:14] Kruger|Lambda-2: Ready to support Kaiser.
[17.11.2024 20:13:15] Greek.God: *Not from the comms, but from the Cosmos itself. Every pilot, creature and inhabitant of Sigma-15 could hear it.*
[17.11.2024 20:13:19] CNS-Femme.Fatale: Ruben: Let's see what this baby can do! Shoot those guns at the stupid fucking idiots ahead of us.
[17.11.2024 20:13:20] BDM|RNC-Jutland: R: Let's clear out these pests!
[17.11.2024 20:13:20] Valeria;Aguinis[TBH]: Time to mess up some pretty faces
[17.11.2024 20:13:21] Greek.God: Rumors say you Rheinlanders believe that the Stuttgart's Apfelstrudel is better than the Cretan Gyros. Is it true?
[17.11.2024 20:13:21] DTR-CNS>Olympos: H: Ravenna Vult!
[17.11.2024 20:13:23] BDM|RNC-Saar: RO: This is the Buro. You have been marked for destruction.
[17.11.2024 20:13:28] [RM]KKS-Kaiser: K: Gunners, main battery, prepare ranging.
[17.11.2024 20:13:29] DTR-CNS>GarrasDeGatito: Power to weapons and Shields.
[17.11.2024 20:13:30] Felfire: Moving in to engage.
[17.11.2024 20:13:32] DTR-CNS>Santa-Trinidad: S: Engaging at will, free fire, all crew, battlestations!
[17.11.2024 20:13:32] DTR-CNS>Santa-Trinidad: S: This is the Santa Trinidad, weapons ready, reactor overcharged, all systems nominal, ready to engage!
[17.11.2024 20:13:33] BDM|RNC-Saar: RO: Guns ready. Target the Corsair fleet.
[17.11.2024 20:13:35] DTR-CNS>GarrasDeGatito: Crew to battlestations.
[17.11.2024 20:13:37] Greek.God: I shall hear that blasphemy no more!
[17.11.2024 20:13:37] Nao[TBH]: Lucia: The first of their fleet are coming up.
[17.11.2024 20:13:38] [RM]KKS-Kaiser: K: Helmsman, take us in, full thruster.
[17.11.2024 20:13:39] DTR-CNS>GarrasDeGatito: Grab your rum!
[17.11.2024 20:13:39] BDM|Inferno: Lets get to it.
[17.11.2024 20:13:39] El.Pavo.Loco[TBH]: Viva el Cretan pita giros!!!!
[17.11.2024 20:13:40] DTR-CC>Averof.Cornelius: Andre: Men! This is our hour of Triumpth! As the person who shares this ships name would say; Fortune Favors the Bold!
[17.11.2024 20:13:40] [RM]KKS-Adlerflugel: XO: Gunners are ready. Targets marked.
[17.11.2024 20:13:40] Valeria;Aguinis[TBH]: Engaging targets
[17.11.2024 20:13:41] BDM|RNC-Saar: RO: For Rheinland!
[17.11.2024 20:13:42] RNC-Saar: CO: May gott help these fools. For Kaiser and for country.
[17.11.2024 20:13:45] DTR-CNS>Lluvia.de.Fuego: Ruiz: All weapons online prepare to engage
[17.11.2024 20:13:46] RNC-Kassel: Hans: We see them on scanner!
[17.11.2024 20:13:47] Greek.God: Come forth, children of mine!
[17.11.2024 20:13:49] [RM]KKS-Adlerflugel: XO: For Rheinland!
[17.11.2024 20:13:50] Jochen.Wiedemann: Weapons free. Assisting our fighters!
[17.11.2024 20:13:50] BDM|Inferno: Operative Inferno, going in.
[17.11.2024 20:13:52] Black-Bird: powering main battery
[17.11.2024 20:13:52] Greek.God: Let battle be joined! Leave none survive!
[17.11.2024 20:13:53] RNC-Kassel: Hans: Prepare zhe weaponz!
[17.11.2024 20:13:54] RNC-Saar: CO: Charge the turrets, men. Prepare to pick up their lifeboats, hah.
[17.11.2024 20:13:57] Nestor.: XO: Contacts Identified as Enemy
[17.11.2024 20:13:57] Nao[TBH]: Lucia: Take flanking position. Get ready for combat.
[17.11.2024 20:14:01] Nestor.: RO: Activate all Turrets
[17.11.2024 20:14:02] Kruger|Lambda-2: Shield is online. We'll provide support to fighters when possible.
[17.11.2024 20:14:04] Nestor.: XO: All Turrets primed and Ready
[17.11.2024 20:14:04] Nao[TBH]: Lucia: For the Empire!
[17.11.2024 20:14:04] DTR-CNS>Naxos: Weapons hot.
[17.11.2024 20:14:04] Ramiro.Mondragon: Guns ready for battle, attack the target when ready
[17.11.2024 20:14:06] Felfire: do they have snubs?
[17.11.2024 20:14:13] RNC-Kassel: Hans: Let's clear them out!
[17.11.2024 20:14:25] RNC-Kassel: Hans: Fire when in range!
[17.11.2024 20:14:38] [RM]KKS-Adlerflugel: XO: Missiles los!
[17.11.2024 20:14:41] RNC-Kassel: 5 cruisers
[17.11.2024 20:14:49] Felfire: pick targets
[17.11.2024 20:15:06] El.Pavo.Loco[TBH]: Viva los Corsarios hermanos! YALALALALALA!
[17.11.2024 20:15:11] DTR-CNS>Afrodita: CO: This is your Commander Al Crew Fire At will
[17.11.2024 20:15:12] DTR-CNS>Afrodita: C: This is Battle Cruiser Afrodita of the Andromeda Fleet, Engaging the Enemies
[17.11.2024 20:15:14] DTR-CNS>Afrodita: C: Powering up Weapons, Prepare to Engage the Intruders
[17.11.2024 20:15:25] BDM|Inferno has set DTR-CNS>Lluvia.de.Fuego as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:15:37] RNC-Kassel has set DTR-CNS>Imperial.Qarsar as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:15:59] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: cruisers
[17.11.2024 20:16:02] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: stay close to formation
[17.11.2024 20:16:03] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: cover
[17.11.2024 20:16:03] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set BDM|RNC-Jutland as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:16:16] BDM|RNC-Saar has set DTR-CNS>Imperial.Qarsar as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:16:19] RNC-Saar: turn left
[17.11.2024 20:16:20] RNC-Saar: kaiser
[17.11.2024 20:16:24] BDM|U-444: rally
[17.11.2024 20:16:27] RNC-Kassel: NM coming
[17.11.2024 20:16:28] RNC-Saar is rallying you to their position.
[17.11.2024 20:16:35] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: nightmaare
[17.11.2024 20:16:37] Nestor.: GATHER Around [RM]KKS-Kaiser at D-4
[17.11.2024 20:16:38] BDM|RNC-Saar: caps rv at kaiser
[17.11.2024 20:16:39] Nestor.: GATHER Around [RM]KKS-Kaiser at D-4
[17.11.2024 20:16:40] RNC-Kassel has set Nao[TBH] as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:16:56] Nestor. has set BDM|RNC-Jutland as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:17:05] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: Jutland
[17.11.2024 20:17:07] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: COME TO US
[17.11.2024 20:17:24] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>Imperial.Qarsar as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:17:35] Felfire: qarsae dry
[17.11.2024 20:17:40] RNC-Saar: cruisers kill quar
[17.11.2024 20:17:46] BDM|U-444: RO: Moving in to assist the Rheinland forces.
[17.11.2024 20:17:49] BDM|U-444: RO: Open fire.
[17.11.2024 20:17:49] Kruger|Lambda-2: HELP
[17.11.2024 20:17:57] ManuelOsuna was obliterated by BDM|Inferno (46%)
[17.11.2024 20:17:57] Assisted by: Jochen.Wiedemann (29%), Eysa (25%)
[17.11.2024 20:18:02] RNC-Saar: Help
[17.11.2024 20:18:05] BDM|RNC-Saar has set DTR-CNS>Imperial.Qarsar as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:18:27] BDM|Inferno has set DTR-CNS>Sin_confianza as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:18:33] DTR-CNS>Imperial.Qarsar was obliterated by BDM|RNC-Saar (43%)
[17.11.2024 20:18:33] Assisted by: RNC-Kritischer.Schaden (21%), RNC-Saar (11%)
[17.11.2024 20:18:35] Eysa has set Kruger|Lambda-2 as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:18:42] RNC-Saar: Kaiser got cruiser swarmed
[17.11.2024 20:19:08] BDM|Leopard: Leopard on station.
[17.11.2024 20:19:13] BDM|Leopard: Moving in to support.
[17.11.2024 20:19:14] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>Sin_confianza as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:19:14] Eysa: help lambda 2
[17.11.2024 20:19:19] BDM|Leopard: Full power to weapons.
[17.11.2024 20:19:23] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>GarrasDeGatito as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:19:26] DTR-CC>Averof.Cornelius: Andre: They've got this under control amigos, stay back and save our guns.
[17.11.2024 20:19:31] DTR-CNS>Sin_confianza was obliterated by RNC-Kassel (51%)
[17.11.2024 20:19:31] Assisted by: BDM|U-444 (13%), Nestor. (10%)
[17.11.2024 20:19:38] Kruger|Lambda-2 died to Greek.God (44%)
[17.11.2024 20:19:38] Assisted by: El.Pavo.Loco[TBH] (30%), Ramiro.Mondragon (19%)
[17.11.2024 20:19:41] Nestor. has set DTR-CNS>GarrasDeGatito as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:19:43] RNC-Kassel: cover our battleships
[17.11.2024 20:19:44] BDM|Leopard: Kaiser about to get swarmed.
[17.11.2024 20:19:45] El.Pavo.Loco[TBH]: Hasta la muerte!!!!
[17.11.2024 20:19:47] BDM|Inferno has set DTR-CNS>GarrasDeGatito as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:19:52] RNC-Kassel: ram them
[17.11.2024 20:20:27] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>Olympos as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:20:33] DTR-CNS>GarrasDeGatito got divebombed by BDM|U-444 (26%)
[17.11.2024 20:20:33] Assisted by: BDM|RNC-Jutland (20%), Felfire (20%)
[17.11.2024 20:20:39] BDM|Inferno has set Ramiro.Mondragon as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:20:44] BDM|RNC-Saar: protect Kaiser
[17.11.2024 20:20:52] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist has set DTR-CNS>Lluvia.de.Fuego as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:21:21] Inspektorin_Wolf: I: Woah!! this ones are big ones, Engaging! assisting allies
[17.11.2024 20:21:22] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set Nao[TBH] as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:21:47] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set Black-Bird as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:22:18] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set Vigar as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:22:23] Black-Bird's reactor went critical in battle against RNC-Kritischer.Schaden (31%)
[17.11.2024 20:22:23] Assisted by: BDM|RNC-Saar (19%), RNC-Saar (15%)
[17.11.2024 20:22:41] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>Santa-Trinidad as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:22:52] Vigar's reactor went critical in battle against RNC-Saar (40%)
[17.11.2024 20:22:52] Assisted by: RNC-Kritischer.Schaden (17%), BDM|RNC-Saar (16%)
[17.11.2024 20:22:56] [RM]KKS-Kaiser's crew met their end thanks to Nao[TBH] (31%)
[17.11.2024 20:22:56] Assisted by: Vigar (31%), DTR-CNS>Santa-Trinidad (13%)
[17.11.2024 20:23:06] [RM]KKS-Kaiser: Alright we've got them outgunned now
[17.11.2024 20:23:26] Nestor.: GATHER Around RNC-Saar at C-5
[17.11.2024 20:24:00] DTR-CNS>Fabricius: CIC: This is the command cruiser Fabricius. Seeking and destroying all hostiles.
[17.11.2024 20:24:07] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set Nao[TBH] as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:24:14] DTR-CNS>Fabricius: CIC: Weapons charging.
[17.11.2024 20:24:19] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>Afrodita as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:24:29] DTR-CC>Averof.Cornelius: Andre: Keep up the work amigos! Our glory is eminent!
[17.11.2024 20:24:35] RNC-Saar: Trini nearly dry
[17.11.2024 20:24:59] Ramiro.Mondragon was taken out by BDM|Inferno (53%)
[17.11.2024 20:24:59] Assisted by: Jochen.Wiedemann (15%), BDM|Leopard (14%)
[17.11.2024 20:25:10] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>Afrodita as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:25:17] BDM|Inferno has set Greek.God as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:26:30] 2024-11-17 20:26:29 SMT Traffic control alert: [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist has docked
[17.11.2024 20:27:02] DTR-CC>Averof.Cornelius: Andre: Fire at will.
[17.11.2024 20:27:09] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: Back in the fight, weapons free
[17.11.2024 20:27:28] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>Olympos as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:27:36] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>Naxos as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:27:47] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: Need snubs to hunt low ships
[17.11.2024 20:27:48] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist has set DTR-CNS>Olympos as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:28:02] Felfire: on it
[17.11.2024 20:28:09] Felfire has set DTR-CNS>Olympos as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:28:18] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: nightmare
[17.11.2024 20:28:48] BDM|U-444 has set DTR-CNS>Olympos as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:29:18] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set Nao[TBH] as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:29:36] DTR-CNS>Olympos perished at [RM]KKS-Adlerflugel's hands (43%)
[17.11.2024 20:29:36] Assisted by: Inspektorin_Wolf (10%), Felfire (10%)
[17.11.2024 20:29:38] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist has set DTR-CNS>Santa-Trinidad as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:30:10] Valeria;Aguinis[TBH] was killed by [RM]KKS-Adlerflugel (47%)
[17.11.2024 20:30:10] Assisted by: BDM|Leopard (40%), BDM|U-444 (8%)
[17.11.2024 20:30:15] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist has set DTR-CC>Averof.Cornelius as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:30:26] DTR-CNS>Santa-Trinidad's life support went offline thanks to RNC-Saar (40%)
[17.11.2024 20:30:26] Assisted by: BDM|RNC-Saar (31%), RNC-Kassel (15%)
[17.11.2024 20:30:30] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set CNS-Femme.Fatale as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:30:44] BDM|RNC-Saar has set DTR-CNS>Lluvia.de.Fuego as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:31:01] Greek.God was killed by BDM|Inferno (50%)
[17.11.2024 20:31:01] Assisted by: BDM|U-444 (17%), Inspektorin_Wolf (8%)
[17.11.2024 20:31:03] BDM|Leopard has set DTR-CNS>Lluvia.de.Fuego as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:31:33] BDM|Inferno has set Nao[TBH] as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:31:47] BDM|Inferno lost a fight with Nao[TBH] (80%)
[17.11.2024 20:31:47] Assisted by: DTR-CNS>Fabricius (12%)
[17.11.2024 20:31:49] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>Afrodita as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:31:58] Nao[TBH] was obliterated by Jochen.Wiedemann (15%)
[17.11.2024 20:31:58] Assisted by: BDM|RNC-Jutland (14%), RNC-Kritischer.Schaden (13%)
[17.11.2024 20:32:11] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist has set DTR-CNS>Lluvia.de.Fuego as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:32:12] Inspektorin_Wolf: lluvia!!
[17.11.2024 20:32:35] BDM|Leopard has set DTR-CNS>Lluvia.de.Fuego as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:32:48] DTR-CNS>Lluvia.de.Fuego's reactor went critical in battle against [RM]KKS-Adlerflugel (67%)
[17.11.2024 20:32:48] Assisted by: Inspektorin_Wolf (14%), BDM|U-444 (6%)
[17.11.2024 20:32:53] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>Naxos as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:33:01] DTR-CNS>Naxos: K:Hit on the reactor, we lose the insulation shell and give in, evacuate everyone, THAT'S AN ORDER, ALL HANDS OFF...
[17.11.2024 20:33:04] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>Afrodita as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:33:14] DTR-CNS>Naxos got divebombed by RNC-Saar (46%)
[17.11.2024 20:33:14] Assisted by: BDM|RNC-Saar (40%), RNC-Kassel (8%)
[17.11.2024 20:33:15] RNC-Saar: CO: This is handled. Acting as resupply support.
[17.11.2024 20:33:16] Jochen.Wiedemann: The situation is handled.
[17.11.2024 20:33:21] BDM|Leopard has set DTR-CC>Averof.Cornelius as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:33:23] BDM|U-444: Adler, break off.
[17.11.2024 20:33:24] RNC-Saar: CO: Defensive measures only.
[17.11.2024 20:33:38] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden has set DTR-CNS>Afrodita as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:33:38] Eysa: standing down
[17.11.2024 20:33:44] CNS-Femme.Fatale's life support went offline thanks to RNC-Kritischer.Schaden (33%)
[17.11.2024 20:33:44] Assisted by: BDM|RNC-Jutland (24%), RNC-Kassel (20%)
[17.11.2024 20:33:48] [RM]Kpl-Elias,Beist: Weapons secured, am standing down
[17.11.2024 20:33:48] CNS-Femme.Fatale: AAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhh
[17.11.2024 20:34:03] DTR-CC>Averof.Cornelius's life support went offline thanks to BDM|U-444 (59%)
[17.11.2024 20:34:03] Assisted by: [RM]KKS-Adlerflugel (40%)
[17.11.2024 20:34:25] BDM|Leopard has set El.Pavo.Loco[TBH] as group target.
[17.11.2024 20:34:40] DTR-CNS>Afrodita's crew met their end thanks to RNC-Kassel (29%)
[17.11.2024 20:34:40] Assisted by: RNC-Kritischer.Schaden (25%), BDM|RNC-Saar (21%)
[17.11.2024 20:34:48] RNC-Kritischer.Schaden: im standing down
The second event occured early the next day. The ready team received a last-minute warning about a VIP coming aboard one of the restricted liners for its shakedown cruise. While an escort was provided, all piloten were urged to offer assistance if it was necessary. In a rare moment between paperwork, I responded to the call, alongside none other than Kapitän zur See Holzner on the Miltenberg, and Inspektorin Wolf in a snubcraft. As my revenant was undergoing maintenance, I elected to fly out on a disir, a fact which will become important shortly.
The convoy began in Stuttgart with little issues. There was a minor falten when a Golden Chrysanthemum pilot jumped through after the complete set of escorts. After multiple warning by myself and the Inspektorin, the pilot was persuaded to return through the jump gate.
The convoy proceeded in good order after a brief set of introductions, with me scouting ahead and the Inspektorin staying with the main force. I passed the Miltenberg on the approach to the New Berlin gate, which elected to join the bulk of the convoy. I entered standard escort scouting formation, always staying a lane ahead of the convoy. Due to a minor miscommunication, I chose the longer route around New Berlin, and was forced to double back to link up with the convoy, which delayed in good order to retain the same tactical structure.
However, these precautions were not enough. I distinctly recall detecting three Hessian vessels as I approached the Hamburg gate, and immediately raising the alarm over our secure comms. Despite this, the convoy's flagship, the Karuizawa, fatally delayed its exit from the lane sequence. The Hessians, two blackmarket cruisers and a coalition-made battlecruiser, immediately pounced on its prey. With little time to react, the rest of the convoy piled in behind. The dispostion were as follows on our side: the Karuizawa, a battlecruiser-equivalent, but with seemingly untrained crew, The Queen Britania, a standard passenger liner, the Miltenberg, and four snubcraft.
Any decision regarding engagement was taken out of our hands by the Hessians, one of whom ordered the rest to open fire on Rheinland forces. At the same time, the Karuizawa ordered to convoy to stay put and not to fire unless directly attacked. The three of us focused our fire on a single cruiser, which immediately began evasive maneuvers while returning fire. In tandem with its partner, it was difficult to engage effectively, though we managed to drive both away from the gate. At this point, the convoy made the decision to proceed on through, but were immediately followed by the battlecruiser.
The hessians decided to split up further, with one tracking down the heavily damaged Miltenberg, as the other prepared to support its leader in Hamburg. Kapitän Holzner made the call to send us both through, as he attempted to pin the remaining cruiser with the Miltenberg to give us a fighting chance. On the other side of the gate, the Karuizawa finally grew a spine, and ordered the convoy to return fire. However, this decision was very short-lived. In what seemed to be mere moments, the order was given to stay down.
I continued to engage the cruiser with the help of the Direktorin, but when I detected its partner approaching on scanners, I knew all was lost. Without the assistance from the convoy escorts, even a single cruiser was more than a match for our firepower. Fortunately, the convoy was let off with a substantial fine only, and seeing no more reason to risk ourselves, I recommended to the Direktorin that we disengage.
Overall, I was impressed by the discipline of the OS&C security, and equally disappointed by the decision making of their flagship's crews and what I presume were the executives on board. From my understanding, the Miltenberg made it back to Essen without further issues, as the Hessians were too pre-occupied to properly finish the job. The communications log for the conoy's duration is attached below, and I am available for debriefing outside of those hours I must dedicate to the Grossadmiral.
[17.11.2024 21:20:48] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Guten tag mein Frau
[17.11.2024 21:21:01] KPR|Inspektorin: Freyja: Guten Tag
[17.11.2024 21:21:15] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Looks like we'll be escorting that convoy I've heard about
[17.11.2024 21:21:17] KPR|Inspektorin: Freyja: Herr Beist
[17.11.2024 21:21:27] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Would you like like to take point?
[17.11.2024 21:21:30] KPR|Inspektorin: I: Here they come
[17.11.2024 21:21:38] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Guten tag convoy
[17.11.2024 21:21:42] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Greetings
[17.11.2024 21:21:45] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: konnichiwa and greetings from Orbital
[17.11.2024 21:21:50] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: What is the meaning of this GC vessel coming here?
[17.11.2024 21:21:59] OS&C|SEC-Ikarinohi: Muro: *heavy accent* guden Tak.
[17.11.2024 21:22:01] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: I am part of this delegation
[17.11.2024 21:22:08] KPR|Inspektorin: Freyja: Greetings Orbital Spa and Cruise, this is Inspektorin Freyja from the Rheinland Polizei, is nice to see you
[17.11.2024 21:22:13] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Who is the convoy leader here?
[17.11.2024 21:22:13] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: oh that GC followed us. i think she wants to enjoy our free booze.
[17.11.2024 21:22:22] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Well, yes
[17.11.2024 21:22:23] KPR|Inspektorin: Karui
[17.11.2024 21:22:34] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: GC, be advised that you're not welcome in this space
[17.11.2024 21:22:41] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Go back through the gate at once
[17.11.2024 21:22:48] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Then think of me of OSC today
[17.11.2024 21:22:51] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: We will not fire on you if you comply
[17.11.2024 21:22:58] [2024-11-17] 21:22:56 You have received 100.000 credits from OS&C|TE-Karuizawa | For the Escort
[17.11.2024 21:22:58] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : Looks like the free drinks are off today GC have a good one.
[17.11.2024 21:23:19] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Convoy, you're cleared to move out
[17.11.2024 21:23:21] OS&C|SEC-Ikarinohi: Hey Jerry!
[17.11.2024 21:23:22] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: Well it was fun while it lasted
[17.11.2024 21:23:28] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Bummer
[17.11.2024 21:23:32] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: GC vessel, this is your final warning
[17.11.2024 21:23:38] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: fine, fine
[17.11.2024 21:23:39] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Go back through the gate, or we will engage you
[17.11.2024 21:23:49] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: Miss Misaki haves a Reputation In OS&C that she is Harmless as long as she gets booze.
[17.11.2024 21:23:50] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Well done Inspektorin
[17.11.2024 21:23:54] OS&C|SEC-Ikarinohi: Muro: *sighs reliefed* So much for that.
[17.11.2024 21:24:02] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Apologies for this delay, meine damen und herren
[17.11.2024 21:24:22] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : Not at all thank you for your welcome
[17.11.2024 21:24:23] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: I will take point while the Inspektorin will kipe(//wtff??) you company, ja?
[17.11.2024 21:24:44] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Comms check
[17.11.2024 21:24:52] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Read
[17.11.2024 21:24:52] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Guteg tag tag tag
[17.11.2024 21:24:59] OS&C|SEC-Ikarinohi: Hai!
[17.11.2024 21:25:04] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Mainz is clear
[17.11.2024 21:25:38] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Guten tag Miltenberg
[17.11.2024 21:25:44] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: The convoy just arrived
[17.11.2024 21:25:56] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: I am taking point for the formation
[17.11.2024 21:26:02] [RM]KKS-Miltenberg: K: Affirmative, we'll move into formation when they arrive.
[17.11.2024 21:26:47] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Guten tag Freelancer
[17.11.2024 21:26:57] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: The gate is clear
[17.11.2024 21:26:58] SoulTrain1: Servos Elias
[17.11.2024 21:27:11] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: All is in order with your ship? It looks like you've sustained some damage
[17.11.2024 21:27:15] SoulTrain1: Waiting on my brother Dave to get us on a mision.
[17.11.2024 21:27:26] KPR|Inspektorin: Freyja: Polizei joined with Military for your safe fly on Rheinland
[17.11.2024 21:27:29] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Be advised, a convoy is on the way, better clear the lane
[17.11.2024 21:27:30] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: that sounds good. we take two Stops in Rheinland. one at New Berlin and One at Hamburg.
[17.11.2024 21:27:32] SoulTrain1: Yeah, scraping to buy some better ship.
[17.11.2024 21:27:53] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: NB side clear
[17.11.2024 21:28:33] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: New Berlin orbit is clear
[17.11.2024 21:28:40] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Beginning a sweep
[17.11.2024 21:29:42] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : I have Rheinbier onboard if you wish to dock to get some
[17.11.2024 21:29:55] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : or i could have some sent over for when you are off duty!
[17.11.2024 21:29:58] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: alright. Liners moor and swap Passengers.
[17.11.2024 21:30:00] KPR|Inspektorin: Freyja: I am not allowed to drink on duty ms
[17.11.2024 21:30:17] 2024-11-17 21:30:16 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|TE-Karuizawa has docked
[17.11.2024 21:30:30] KPR|Inspektorin: Freyja: Is winter on New Berlin currently
[17.11.2024 21:30:43] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : Understood, perhaps if you ever book a trip you will enjoy free ticket *smiles*
[17.11.2024 21:31:01] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : Docking now crew standby
[17.11.2024 21:31:02] 2024-11-17 21:31:00 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|Queen.Britannia has docked
[17.11.2024 21:31:03] [LN]-Alan.Jones was slain by Solicitor-2 (100%)
[17.11.2024 21:31:04] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: ah wonderfull old passengers out and new ones in
[17.11.2024 21:31:34] OS&C|SEC-Ikarinohi: Muro: Ah well. I will stop here.
[17.11.2024 21:31:58] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Guten tag pilot. Fall in with the Inspektorin
[17.11.2024 21:31:59] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: we thank you for the Escort Muro.
[17.11.2024 21:32:02] OS&C|SEC-Ikarinohi: Muro: Sorry, that I am not able to escort you any further.
[17.11.2024 21:32:06] /fi eleon
[17.11.2024 21:32:18] OS&C|SEC-Ikarinohi: Muro: Have a safe and memorable journey onward.
[17.11.2024 21:32:22] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : Thank you Muro it was a pleasure.
[17.11.2024 21:32:34] Mina.Ashido: Thanks Muro *smiles*
[17.11.2024 21:32:52] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Flying out to the next leg
[17.11.2024 21:32:55] 2024-11-17 21:32:53 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|SEC-Ikarinohi has docked
[17.11.2024 21:32:57] 2024-11-17 21:32:55 SMT Traffic control alert: Eleonara.Lichtenstein has docked
[17.11.2024 21:34:11] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Brandenburg is clear
[17.11.2024 21:34:29] KPR|Inspektorin: i think they aim at Essen Herr Beist
[17.11.2024 21:34:55] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Ah. Performing a loop
[17.11.2024 21:35:34] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Bonn is clear
[17.11.2024 21:35:42] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Proceeding to Essen now
[17.11.2024 21:36:23] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: We are heading to Hamburg, ja?
[17.11.2024 21:36:32] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: ja
[17.11.2024 21:36:34] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: ja
[17.11.2024 21:36:37] KPR|Inspektorin: My home system
[17.11.2024 21:36:42] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: very good
[17.11.2024 21:36:42] OS&C|SEC-Jerry.Coulson: ja
[17.11.2024 21:36:45] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Just a moment
[17.11.2024 21:36:57] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Alert! Hessians at the gate!
[17.11.2024 21:37:02] R\-Valgaldr: ?: Achtung, picking up contacts.
[17.11.2024 21:37:09] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Dropping out of tradelane
[17.11.2024 21:37:11] R\-Valgaldr: ?: Halt!
[17.11.2024 21:37:11] OS&C|SEC-Jerry.Coulson: Welp
[17.11.2024 21:37:12] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Achtung, preapre the weapons!
[17.11.2024 21:37:14] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: ahm hello there
[17.11.2024 21:37:20] [RM]KKS-Miltenberg: K: Break, we've got heavy contact.
[17.11.2024 21:37:20] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Miltenberg, we're right behind you
[17.11.2024 21:37:29] OS&C|SEC-Jerry.Coulson: Oh great.
[17.11.2024 21:37:33] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: ahm no need to be Rude we would stop anyway
[17.11.2024 21:37:34] KPR|Inspektorin: Freyja: 2 Crusiers and a Battlecrusiers...
[17.11.2024 21:37:38] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: I come to face music together
[17.11.2024 21:37:39] R\-Valgaldr: ?: We got a big one here.
[17.11.2024 21:37:43] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: This will not be easy
[17.11.2024 21:38:00] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Make sure the liners are safe, soldaten
[17.11.2024 21:38:06] R\-Valgaldr: ?: The Kaiser's slaves are here too.
[17.11.2024 21:38:11] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: yes ahm this is the Maiden Voayge of the Karuizawa.
[17.11.2024 21:38:17] Death: DeathlyAngel was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[17.11.2024 21:38:25] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Miltenberg, it's your call
[17.11.2024 21:38:29] R\-Valgaldr: ?: Halt I said.
[17.11.2024 21:38:46] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: no need to shoot your diruptors i just want to move out of the way.
[17.11.2024 21:38:49] R\-Valgaldr: ?: Take the militarhund out, shoot the convoy if they try to leave.
[17.11.2024 21:39:03] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Captain Robinson : Well this is quite the party.
[17.11.2024 21:39:03] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Well that makes it easier
[17.11.2024 21:39:05] [RM]KKS-Miltenberg: K: Right, I suppose they've run out of puppies to kill today.
[17.11.2024 21:39:07] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Weapons free, ready to engage
[17.11.2024 21:39:15] [RM]KKS-Miltenberg: K: Go evasive, cover the rest.
[17.11.2024 21:39:17] R\-Valgaldr: ?: Feuer!
[17.11.2024 21:39:24] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Affirmative
[17.11.2024 21:39:30] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist has set R\-Valgaldr as group target.
[17.11.2024 21:39:39] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : Bellim hex
[17.11.2024 21:39:41] R\-Askeladd: RO: Target Acquired
[17.11.2024 21:39:42] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Cait: Convoy stay together. Dont Attack if you arent fired upon.
[17.11.2024 21:39:43] R\-Askeladd: RO: Moving to Engage
[17.11.2024 21:39:58] OS&C|SEC-Jerry.Coulson: Copy, standing by.
[17.11.2024 21:40:43] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Im ready to fight if needed.
[17.11.2024 21:41:10] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: sos is out
[17.11.2024 21:41:35] [RM]KKS-Miltenberg: I would not recommend it
[17.11.2024 21:41:39] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: roger
[17.11.2024 21:41:49] [RM]KKS-Miltenberg: K: Helm, hard evasive, full power.
[17.11.2024 21:42:05] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Convoy, proceed on through, now
[17.11.2024 21:42:38] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: ALL OS&C MOVE
[17.11.2024 21:42:59] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Forget it Cruiser in Hamburg
[17.11.2024 21:43:00] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Contact other side
[17.11.2024 21:43:11] OS&C|SEC-Jerry.Coulson: Great, Hessian cruiser on Hamburg side
[17.11.2024 21:43:12] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Your call, kommandant
[17.11.2024 21:43:19] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: We still have two on this side
[17.11.2024 21:43:23] [RM]KKS-Miltenberg: Punch through, it's a lone, we'll hold the rest
[17.11.2024 21:43:25] KPR|Inspektorin: Freyja: Jump too military
[17.11.2024 21:43:42] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Disengaging
[17.11.2024 21:43:54] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Good luck Miltenberg, you will draw them off!
[17.11.2024 21:43:58] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: ahm well waht now? this Cruiser can Shred us.
[17.11.2024 21:44:00] KPR|Inspektorin: Freyja: Take the next trade line, i would provide cover for you
[17.11.2024 21:44:05] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Weapons are free
[17.11.2024 21:44:10] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Ready to re engage
[17.11.2024 21:44:28] KPR|Inspektorin: Fire deshielders
[17.11.2024 21:44:53] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: ahm okay liners move move move
[17.11.2024 21:44:57] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : getting passangers out of here
[17.11.2024 21:44:58] R\-Askeladd: RO: Target Acquired
[17.11.2024 21:44:59] R\-Askeladd: RO: Moving to Engage
[17.11.2024 21:45:18] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist has set R\-Rathen as group target.
[17.11.2024 21:45:21] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: Return Fire Power up Flaks
[17.11.2024 21:45:51] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: I can return to fight if needed
[17.11.2024 21:46:43] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: comand from the Chairwoman OS&C STAY DOW WE PAY
[17.11.2024 21:46:50] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: eta 1 min
[17.11.2024 21:47:20] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : FIRE
[17.11.2024 21:47:26] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: i Repeat OS&C Stand down we Pay them.
[17.11.2024 21:47:38] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James: Standing down.
[17.11.2024 21:47:53] OS&C|SEC-Jerry.Coulson: Also standing down.
[17.11.2024 21:47:56] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: Hessians you win stop Fire
[17.11.2024 21:48:17] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: We continue Direktorin
[17.11.2024 21:48:21] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Assistance is enroute
[17.11.2024 21:48:24] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist has set R\-Valgaldr as group target.
[17.11.2024 21:48:26] R\-Rathen: finally, comrades shall you take over, you know how shy we are about money
[17.11.2024 21:48:47] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: Askeladd we pay dont fire on OS&C Target
[17.11.2024 21:48:51] R\-Valgaldr: ?: You're gonna pay 300k credits, and all the gin you have!
[17.11.2024 21:49:35] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : You know there are nicer ways to ask for gin...we where giving out free drinks.
[17.11.2024 21:49:53] R\-Valgaldr: ?: Do you have a deathwish corporate?
[17.11.2024 21:50:03] R\-Valgaldr: ?: Just say it, we'll take what we need from your wrecks!
[17.11.2024 21:50:05] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: Payment Send
[17.11.2024 21:50:06] R\-Askeladd: money recived
[17.11.2024 21:50:23] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : Shall I drop the gin?
[17.11.2024 21:50:29] R\-Askeladd: RO: yes
[17.11.2024 21:50:30] R\-Valgaldr: ?: And fast.
[17.11.2024 21:50:43] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: Keiko: ahm well we cant win against 3 Cruisers
[17.11.2024 21:50:45] R\-Askeladd: RO: Tractored
[17.11.2024 21:50:49] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : Gin open
[17.11.2024 21:50:54] R\-Valgaldr: ?: Now move along.
[17.11.2024 21:51:00] R\-Valgaldr: ?: We have a business to end.
[17.11.2024 21:51:11] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: James : Moving forward.
[17.11.2024 21:51:15] R\-Valgaldr: ?: Verdammt libertonians.
[17.11.2024 21:51:43] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Direktorin, we are done here
[17.11.2024 21:51:47] [OOC] OS&C|TE-Karuizawa: sorry folks the Convoy wouldnt be much of a help.
[17.11.2024 21:51:51] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: Recommend we disngage
[17.11.2024 21:51:56] R\-Valgaldr: ?: Pitiful.
[17.11.2024 21:52:23] R\-Valgaldr: ?: Money andbooze scured.
[17.11.2024 21:52:38] R\-Valgaldr: ?: Let' get back to HQ for a proper celebration.
[17.11.2024 21:53:02] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: They are pulling out, and I am dry
[17.11.2024 21:53:19] [RM]Kpl-Elias.Beist: I knew I should've brought some heavier hardware...
[17.11.2024 21:54:01] KPR|Inspektorin: yeah, i got dry of any bomb in here
[17.11.2024 21:54:41] [RM]KKS-Miltenberg: Okay now I can finally eat lunch
Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!
Elias Beist
Korporal der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
► Source: KKS-Kaiser, Lüneburg ► Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM ► Submitter: Konteradmiral Erich von Richter ► Recipient: Oberkommando der Rheinwehr ► Subject: Ready Alert Notice/Reinforcement Request
My headquarters has been made aware of reports by frontline forces of renewed intensity to engagement with major Corsair forces in the Northern Fleet's Lüneburg operational zone. Enemy force strength is currently being analyzed by our headquarters intelligence staff.
As the situation is assessed further, I have ordered major combat elements in the Lüneburg area to be moved to one-hour-ready alert notice. I have already coordinated with the Schwerin's battlegroup to take similar action. Limited force strength, particularly in the Lüneburg area, is however constraining our operational effectiveness dramatically. I hereby request an additional squadron be released to bolster our forces in this area.
The incident wherein a Corsair battlegroup, including one major capital ship, was allowed to break through our lines unhindered due to poor readiness, remains fresh in the minds of the rest of the Northern Fleet command staff. We remind the Oberkommando that this force remains unaccounted for, and to prevent further disaster, this request must be met with extreme urgency.
While Kampfgruppe Kaiser operates in the area now, the constraints of this force must be made clear, as it was never intended to operate on a theatre level in the capacity it is now.
I await word on the matter on the morrow.
Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!
Erich von Richter
Konteradmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
► Source: KKS-Kaiser, Lüneburg ► Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM ► Submitter: Konteradmiral Erich von Richter ► Recipient: Oberkommando der Rheinwehr ► Subject: Enemy Withdrawal: Frankfurt
Our enemies have proven more desperate than initially anticipated.
A Corsair battlegroup, seemingly originating from Dresden, broke out into Frankfurt via the jump hole network, rushing past our hurriedly organized forces. A loose amalgamation of Hessian, Bundschuh, and Coalition forces trailed behind, avoiding engagement with our forces. I personally ordered a continued pursuit into Lüneburg and through the deeper Sigmas, with advance forces losing track after their withdrawal from the Crow Nebula.
Nonetheless, the forward elements in pursuit have reported heavy damage inflicted on the enemy flagship. The stain on the honour of the fleet has been abolished, and a temporary reprieve from Corsair attacks on our northern front should be expected.
Nonetheless, this Corsair battlegroup did indeed withdraw from Dresden, which seems likely, the reduction in pressure will likely see renewed attacks by Hessian irregular forces on our forces. With the Dresden blockade currently holding fast, attacks originating from jump holes, many of which we do not know the locations of, will gradually become a wider issue. And while weakened, we cannot fully discount the Corsair presence still remaining on our northern flank. I maintain my request for reinforcement, and it must be abundantly made clear to the Reichstag that military security and economic security go hand in hand. I have further proposals to rectify the military situation we face, soon to be forwarded.
Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!
Erich von Richter
Konteradmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
Posts: 6,424
Threads: 496
Joined: Nov 2014
Staff roles: Art Developer
► Source:Battleship Bayern ► Encryption:port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM ► Submitter:Flieger Felix I. Schwan Rabe ► Recipient:Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin ► Subject:Suspicious Meeting in Sigma-15?
A standard patrol initiated from Frankfurt at 10:00 SMT. No activities were reported from local traffic, all reported nominal. Upon reaching my second mandated border patrol in Sigma-15, I have come across an interesting revelation of varying parties near the Lanes on the way to the Freeport.
It appears I had accidentally stumbled onto some conspirators meetup. As soon as I had arrived, the present vessels had all initiated cloaking devices and scrambled. Attempting to persue them, my Banshee could not outpace their cruise engines. I had failed to find them in the nebula. Straying far off from the initial course without appropriate wingmen, I swiftly returned back to the standard patrol route and finished the assigned patrol back to Frankfurt. No other incidents were recorded. It may be worth keeping a closer tabs in the area incase of anymore unwanted 'guests' plotting in our fatherland.
Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!
Felix I. Schwan Rabe
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr