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Commander Kingston.
I have processed your application. The ESRD is looking forward to experienced officers, not necessarily in combat prowess, but also in the needs of non-conventional warfare or non-combat operations. Your long service record will be put to good use with the Division. Either way, it's needed to say that there's no turning back now. Your personal records and identity are now under the possession of the External Security and Research Division and classified. You will now have access to restricted information that will be followed by a blurred line of discretion and closely monitored by the directorate.
For the greater good of the Republic of Liberty.
Captain Elisabeth DeGrange, out.
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
COMM ID:LtCmdr. Jason Hirlerman TARGET ID: External Security Research Division Offices ENCRYPTION:Hyperion PRIORITY:High
You can already assume why I am here, no doubt, so I will try to make this short.
Multiple events have happened as of recent that a normal soldier cannot fix. Things such as K'Hara invasion, military defectees, and rescues of highly important officials of now rogue militant groups. Things that an officer of the ESRD can do. Therefore I am doing as one of the ESRD officers suggested to me, who, I do not know, and I am signing up to the External Security and Research Division's ranks.
I'll be here when you need me.
Jason Hirlerman
Lieutenant Commander
Liberty Navy Primary Fleet
COMM ID: Anna Brown
TARGET ID: External Security Research Division Offices
Greetings ladies and gentleman,
I'm here to apply to the ESRD and my experience will talk about me. I have long history in undercover missions on the enemy territory since I didn't born like LSF Director. And even then, I organized many missions with department heads in security force that were successful. You can see below in the list:
In war with Rheinland
Direct contact with alien form
Personally saw fall of Toledo
Miss Anna Brown
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
COMM ID:Captain DEGRANGE, Elisabeth TARGET ID:Commander Jason Hirlerman; Commander Anna Brown SUBJECT: ------ ENCRYPTION:ESRD ALPHA PRIORITY:MEDIUM
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Commander Hirlerman.
You application has been processed. You will find that your duties in the ESRD will involve non-conventional warfare, inteligence gathering and you will also learn to operate in the grey areas for the greater good. I will see to instructing you in the upcoming assignments. Your personal information will now be classified and your actions will be closely monitored by the directorate.
Commander Brown.
You application has been processed and you are now a part of the External Security and Research Division. Your past experiences in the field will be put to good use, to ensure greater successes for our forces. Your files are now classified under the Liberty Navy command and this division. Good luck out there.
For the greater good of the Republic of Liberty.
Captain Elisabeth DeGrange, out.
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
COMM ID:Adm. Harrington Fieldson TARGET ID:External Security Research Division Offices ENCRYPTION:Hyperion PRIORITY:High
I'll make this as brief as I can. I wish to apply part-time into the ESRD, with emphasis on Nomad and Daam K'vosh research. Reasons? Because I find them mighty-interesting to study about, is all, and I would like to extend my capabilities and passion on the subject, if not my academic knowledge... or lack thereof, into furthering this area of research, in any way I can.
Why part-time, you ask? I am still, and intend to still be, in active duty, either training new recruits in West Point, or aboard strike- and capital-craft to defend the front lines of Liberty and its allies, especially with the Navy being stretched too thinly as it is from the wars and such.
What this means for you is that I and my assets, including the Liberty Dreadnought, Griffin-class LNS-Florida.Keys, are willing to be at your agents' disposal.
I hope to hear from you and your division as soon as possible, hopefully within the week.
Harriet out.
Harrington Alleywalk Fieldson
Liberty Navy Primary Fleet
with the recent Nomad attacks on Liberty I'm concerned, to say the least. Why are they starting to attack more frequent?
Is there a way to defeat them once and for all? I will not sit around and watch, I want to know why the attacks are getting more frequent.
Today I made my decision when I heard, that the nomads are able to create jumpholes to infiltrate our space.
Gathering information about the nomads, find a way to disrupt their ability to create jumpholes and fight against them outside our borders.
Therefore I'm applying to be a member of the External Security and Research Division.
I've always wanted to serve liberty, and while my acceptance into the 1st fleet is a step in that direction, I believe we need more than just Navy pilots to combat the enemies of today and tomorrow, which is why I am requesting reassignment to the ESRD in hopes of helping combat these threats.
COMM ID:Captain DEGRANGE, Elisabeth TARGET ID:HarrietFieldson ; John Mayer ; Mark Felix SUBJECT: ------ ENCRYPTION:ESRD ALPHA PRIORITY:HIGH
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Your applications have been processed. The Division is always open and looking forward to new potential coming from good officers. However it is to be noted that entering the ESRD is a one way trip. Your personal files and information will be classified and inspected. Valiance, loyalty and fidelity and the very best is all what's expected of you. You will be given a certain amount of discretion in operation, all for the greater good of the republic.
Admiral HarrietFieldson,
The Directorate is somewhat confused about a "part-time" engagement in the ESRD. You will find that military intelligence and research has a bit more to it than expected. In any case your interest in researching exotic and volatile materials has been noted.
Another issue is that the rank of Admiral is a big-name for the field of work you'll be finding yourself in and as such your identification will be moved to that of the Rank of Captain, while still maintaining the A-2 grade. That will allow for more versatility out there.
Now with that and your experience in mind, you are given the command of the special operations Battlegroup Key West for you to use in specialized operations against enemy elements and/or to gather information and exotic materials. Await word from High Command for further instructions. Welcome aboard.
Lieutenant Commander John Mayer,
The ESRD is not precisely focused only in the fighting of the nomads, yet we still are specialized in dealing with them and our methods of operation do allow for a more proper look on the causes. Military intelligence and special operations command may be more and rather different from what you expected, however we're glad to have you aboard. Report to Battleship Yukon and I will instruct you from there. Good luck out there.
Ensign Mark Felix,
I understand you're one of the new officers in our fleet. Well, the Division is always looking for potential, so this is your chance to prove right. Military intelligence requires a certain mastery in tackling situations and processing information. But it may also be just the thing if you've made up your mind. I hope you have considered your choice well. Welcome aboard and good luck. Catch up with Lieutenant Commander Mayer, and RV at Battleship Yukon.
No turning back now. For the greater good of the Republic of Liberty.
Captain Elisabeth DeGrange, out.
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
COMM ID:Lieutenant Richard Burns TARGET ID: External Security Research Division Offices ENCRYPTION:High
Good day,
Joining ESRD will allow me to provide all the assistance I am capable of. I believe we need everything we can get to survive and thrive. Please accept this message as my formal request to be assigned to the ESRD.
Richard Burns
Lieutenant, First Fleet
Liberty Navy
COMM ID:Lieutenant Albey, Kate TARGET ID: External Security Research Division Offices SUBJECT:Application ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:Low
Good night, ESRD Command.
After what I've seen today in New York, I need all I can get my hands on to give my all for Liberty. I'm a former marine from LGF 141st 'Metal' during the Rheinland war, my kill tally in the First Fleet is already on the double digits, and I'm willing to serve. If anything, place me in the MARSOC and I'll make Liberty proud. You got my file. Use me.
Lieutenant Kate Albey
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.