Every time the damn Coalition Fighter Corps decided to run one of its training missions to JiangXi, it was always up to the Marine Corps to solve whatever gigantic problem the ill trained, half-witted muppets found themselves up to their neck in.
This time it meant that Marine Lt. Elias had to find a way to distract a horde of hungry white rabbits from devouring a team of hapless recruits.
Naturally that meant running through the city trailing a chicken on a piece of string.
The Lt. sat perched high on a piece of broken concrete column, looking down at the horde that were fighting over the last few chicken bones, searching about for something else to eat. Of course the one thing that Elias actually wanted them to chew on was a little on the unpalatable side for them.
He stared down the iron sights of his automatic pistol at the robot that was assessing him in return.
Shaggy blonde hair, dirty face, worn Coalition uniform underneath an all weather cammo jacket, with a gasmask hanging loose. He looked like any other survivor on the planet, except for the fact that there were no traces of madness. Elias had spent the last two years on JiangXi, surviving in the exclusion zones. He'd survived the worst JiangXi had to offer, and had bested the best of the Volkhan's troops sent to hunt him down during the civil war... and even survived the unending wave of stupid that usually got hurled out the back of a passing Storm gunboat in an effort to turn raw recruits into men the hard way.
"Hello you ugly bastard," Elias said with an up nod. "Take it you are TALOS, the Premier wanted me to say a nice fond hello for him..."
With that he began to open fire, knowing that he could empty the clip before the android could reach the column, and with his aim, it would loose both it's photo receptors in the process.
The bot crashed into the column, as Elias leaped backwards, hitting the rubble and skidding down the rocks. His pistol was up again, plugging a couple of extra shots into the now blinded bot, as the rabbits scattered in shock at the noise and flailing arms of the robot.
Elias didn't wait around, he began to leap rocks and twisted girders on his way down, heading for the jeep he saw parked to the side of the complex side doors. A jeep usually meant supplies, like an assault rifle... and if that bot switched to sonar he'd need it.
Crashing to the ground beside the jeep he was up and scooped up the SEEKER from the passenger seat, using the Jeep's bonnet as cover, he sighted in and began to let bullets fly into the fast moving robot that was leaping down after him.
"I could use a little help here!" he called, knowing that the occupant of the Jeep couldn't be that far off.
Tori swung outside, sighting the bot and smashing down her iron sights and openning fire. She moved towards the Jeep as she fired, reloading and continuing to fire until the bot was falling back.
Tori kept her gun up and moved to the Jeep.
"Senior Lieutenant Tori Villers." She said, scanning the area.
The Doors of the Elevator slammed closed on the recruit, as the magnetic clamps disengaged, sending the elevator hurtling downwards and an alarming speed.
The recruit had only moments to act before the elevator car smashed into the sub-basement of the complex.
Johannes braced himself against the side of the elevator as it plummeted to the sub-basement of the facility.
"Son of a..."
He muttered as it slammed against the bottom with a loud metal crash. The doors slowly popped open, but not completely. Johannes looked up and around the top of the elevator. He saw a small doorway. Perhaps a maintenance hatch, yes. That's what it was. He crunched himself on top of the elevator room he was once in. Several floors up he saw it.
That had to be it. How to get there... hm. Good question. He rummaged around his bag and found a rope he didn't remember placing there. Ketsu. Ketsu slipped a rope into his bag. That bastard may have just saved his life.
Claus tried to find a place to make himself be able to climb up, he saw a small support hook that maintenance probably used inside the shaft. Hooking up the climbing carabiners he made his way to the LEVEL 1 ACCESS sign. He entered it carefully, dishooking his carabiners and walking into the stepway. He glanced around, wondering how his other comrades were going to make it here. He had to make it to level 4. He had no idea what lied ahead of him.
Ketsu looked unhappy - the medical tape and foam-wound sealant made his stomach feel unpleasant. The aftermath of adrenaline made him jittery, and the ache in his everywhere just made him tired. His shoulder hurt like hell, his ankle was starting to come back around that way too, and his skin felt itchy. He was still lightly bleeding, and everytime he took a step, the torn skin of his waist pulled apart, then was pulled back together by the bandages. It was...not fun.
Dasha tossed a bent ration can, years old and covered in dust, through the doorway - soon as it crossed the threshold, automatic weapons fire lit up the silence, turning the can into metal confetti.
"Well...were not going in that way." She said. Middleton just grunted, and Ketsu rolled his eyes. Pressing his fingers to his throat mic, he dialed the transmission power as low as he figured he could get it and still get a message off. At this range to the facility, it probably wouldnt make any difference, but if he kept it to burst packet transmissions, and low frequency power, maybe it would keep there position hidden.
"Claus. Location. Over." He recorded, then hit transmit - the burst protocol encrypted, broke down, and transferred in tight packets the message, before decrypting and opening it. Ketsu waited, and got nothing. His headset beeped, and the radio unit itself displayed a message saying "no signal found" - He was dialing the frequency power up, when a crack of far off thunder sounded high in the air, and the sound of cascading rainfall added an almost soothing background noise to the silence of dead JiangXi.
"Everyone get out your anti-rad med's, jab 'em in your neck - thyroid gland - roight 'ere" Middleton said, pointing to the area just a little under and behind the ear, jabbing a yellow fluid filled syringe there. Dasha shrugged, tossed one to Ketsu, and did the same. "Great" Ketsu sounded less then enthusiastic, and gritted his teeth as he stuck himself in the neck with it.
Dialing up the frequency, he repeated the transmission - got a static burst reply, and dialed up again. Barely making out the words, it was enough to get a location fix - "Alright, found Claus - he's in, but had some sort of trouble with an Elevator shaft - its a good way in - we'll use that."
Moving out of underground, gunfire erupted, from the far side of the imposing structure. Pretty much where they needed to go. Moving through rubble, keeping quiet, they crouched in the broken front of a former delicatessen, sighting the damaged jeep, Villers, and someone else - putting heavy metal into another one of the same robots that attacked Ketsu. As soon as it was dead - they moved out one by one...
"Dont fire! Militsiya coming out!" both Villers and the Marine raised weapons, but seeing no threat, they lowered them. Dasha and Middleton jogged to the jeep, with Ketsu taking up the rear.
"Good to see you Muppet's arent dead." Villers said, with no compassion in her voice. Ketsu let out a grunt, and tried to stretch to relieve some of the tension ache "Not for lack of trying..." he said. He slung the SMG, and checked his gear while Dasha filled in the two on the current situation - heading to the factory elevator shaft, to make it into the facility.
Restocked on ammo (somewhat), loaded with weapons (a couple), they made there way into the factory, prepared to repell down into the darkness of the elevator shaft.
The Bot vaulted the wall, the trail of bullets kicking up concrete chips as the Fighter Corps Lt. Sprayed the area the fast moving, blind bot was. It used the acoustics of the bullet fire, and moved with an artificial grace of movement, sweeping through the hail of bullets, some connecting, and others shooting wide.
"Lieutenant Elias, JiangXi 32nd Exclusion Zone Rangers," he tipped a quick salute to her, as she was senior in rank to him. "Ma'am, I am here to..." He raised the SEEKER rifle to his shoulder, firing two swift shots, knocking the robot backwards a few steps, as her hail of bullets showered across its armour plating. "Give you a hand, Ma'am."
He stepped up onto the running board of the Jeep, sighting in again, as the bot sprang forward with the agility of a cat, landing on all fours on the hood of the Jeep, the bot reaching out to grab the Seeker and twisting it, and the man holding it around, sending both of them sailing into the ground.
There was a flash of lightening as the bot spun to face Villers, its head cocking to the side as it used its onboard sonar to locate her...
Overhead the thunder rolled, as the rain started. The Bot shrank back, shaking its mechanical head as the thunder overloaded the sonar, confusing the signal.
"EMP grenade the son of a..." Elias yelled as he struggled back to his feet, pulling his .65 pistol, shooting the Bot in the head, to get its attention.
"You said to shoot it!!!" Allie yelled above the roaring of the tentacle monster that was throughily kicking their asses at that moment.
It had seemed like such a good plan, shoot the creature, and keep moving forward. Cruz's argument seemed sound, how big could it really be?
Naturally it had to be gargantuan.
Naturally it also appeared to be resistant to rifle fire... and the shotgun only seemed to piss the thing off even further.
Now hanging upside down, wrapped up in tentacles inside a damp, dark hole, being slammed into a concrete wall, Allie was beginning to doubt the soundness of listening to anything Cruz said that included the word plan...
Cruz was giving chase to the monster as best he could, holding onto his combat helmet and running full tilt down the waste water duct that Allie was being dragged down, helpless and apparently the tastier of the pair of scouts.
"Dude..." he yelped, "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude! I don't wanna play this game no more!"
Tori ripped off an EMP grenade and primed it, dropping it at her feet. She ran over and smashed the back of the robot, then threw herself back. The tips of the knife-fingers cut a line across her chest just below her neck. She hit the ground bwhind the EMP grenade and rolled onto her stomach, covering her head as it went off.
The bot fell. Tori grabbed her shotgun and blew its head off, just like the one she rammed with the Jeep. She leaned against the jeep as the Militisya exited. After her compassionless response, she glanced at Elias.
"Welcome to the team. Ready to do the most simple thing you can do to a computer?"