I like the concept a lot, only one thing I could think of. Try to reduce the length of the part between cockpit and engine section a bit, I think this way it would look less Gaian-Funboat-like.
' Wrote:I like the concept a lot, only one thing I could think of. Try to reduce the length of the part between cockpit and engine section a bit, I think this way it would look less Gaian-Funboat-like.
' Wrote:I like the concept a lot, only one thing I could think of. Try to reduce the length of the part between cockpit and engine section a bit, I think this way it would look less Gaian-Funboat-like.
But also, it seems to be a bit small compared to other FL ships. At least I thought so when I looked at the pilot in the cockpit. In other ships, he seems to have more room.
But also, it seems to be a bit small compared to other FL ships. At least I thought so when I looked at the pilot in the cockpit. In other ships, he seems to have more room.
He modeled the pilot, so he might also made him bigger.
I think it is very good and would be a nice replacement for the RT. You may want to add some small Delta Wings alongside the hull, so it will not look like a pen*s.
Also, keep the length, I like longer and sleek desings, screw flatnosed scrapheaps.