We have a small membership. The Perils of a Un-offical Faction. I handle most of the Forum RP, but every once in awhile some of us hop on and cause some mild mayhem.
Also due to the new Regulations on Recruitment should any wish to join than please be patient as we are currently trying to figure out a good formate for applications. It shouldn't take too long.
Brave Men and Women of Liberty, you have chosen to join the Liberty Revolutionary Front in a bid to fight for the Working Class for
a bright and better future. But for our records we require something from you, basic information about yourselves and why you want to join the struggle for freedom.
Below are five easy questions that you should be able to answer, do the best you can friend and remember the workers of Liberty are depending upon you and your efforts
to free them of the shackles of the Corporations and the oppressive Liberty Government under Powell.