Your alleged remorse for how you acted would be more believable if this exact kind of situation hadn't happened over two dozen times already.
You say you would have apologized, but he blocked you on Skype.. Did you apologize to Joe? Did you apologize to any of the Bretonian players? No. From what I can see, the block was just your excuse to explain why you didn't, and I can't see any evidence to show you would have if you weren't blocked, nor any past history to support that you would have.
And he can't block you from posting on the forums, and I haven't seen an apology from you towards him (or anyone else in memory) for anything you've said or done.
You've not shown remorse for how you acted, just that you know it wasn't appropriate. Sounds like you don't care it's inappropriate. You've been banned 5 times on another server you say.. You've also been banned here.. Past history shows you haven't changed your behavior at all.
You say in-RP things should be dealt with in-RP, but we have an example just above us of how you took a roleplay event on the server, then complained to another player on Skype, cussing him out and all, out of roleplay.. You didn't handle it in-RP, you handled it OORP. Now you're also claiming we all do the same. Rather the opposite, we're dealing with an OORP problem through an OORP manner, and there isn't one example I can think of of the Bret government, BAF leadership, etc taking an in-RP action of yours and responding to it in an OORP manner. However, you have gone OOC on almost everything you disagree with.
Need I mention your OOC agreement with CR to try to hurt IND in-RP? Or when you admitted in the Bret Gov chat that you were doing it because you "hated them"? Then you got angry at the rest of us in the government when we stopped you?
I'm sorry, but most of what you've posted goes against what actually happened, and I don't think any of the concerns people have have been addressed.
Ok, we know people don't like Wolf. I may or may not be one of those people. It doesnt matter, the argument has been made and is clear to everyone. Now, I am not saying this wont be discussed by the admins, but I think at this point, in here, people's feelings are clear and we can move on to other answering the question in my last post.:cool:
I'll reply to the questions tomorrow or later tonight if I get the energy, I'm not ignoring them, I'm just trying to set the time to answer around my RL.
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' Wrote:Now, I am not saying this wont be discussed by the admins, but I think at this point, in here, people's feelings are clear and we can move on to other answering the question in my last post.
Wait... Why would there be a remote chance of the Admins discussing this in the first place? This isn't a faction officiation request. It's just the faction equivalent of a welcome thread. Admins don't get to judge who's in charge of unofficial factions, unless you feel Murphy is a case 1.2 - I humbly disagree with that, but that's your prerogative.
If these guys want to go official, then go for it - have your discussion. I don't see why you need to now though. If the admins start micromanaging who can lead unofficial factions, it sets a really dirty precedent. This is something that should be dealt with between players. If it can't be, it should be dealt with by mods, and the thread locked.
' Wrote:Wait... Why would there be a remote chance of the Admins discussing this in the first place? This isn't a faction officiation request. It's just the faction equivalent of a welcome thread. Admins don't get to judge who's in charge of unofficial factions, unless you feel Murphy is a case 1.2 - I humbly disagree with that, but that's your prerogative.
If these guys want to go official, then go for it - have your discussion. I don't see why you need to now though. If the admins start micromanaging who can lead unofficial factions, it sets a really dirty precedent. This is something that should be dealt with between players. If it can't be, it should be dealt with by mods, and the thread locked.
You are absolutely right.Merely a case of me not looking at the forum section and making an assumption. I thought it was a creation request.
My point about moving on to other topics stands though. People have made their feelings clear. Move on.
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' Wrote:
My point about moving on to other topics stands though. People have made their feelings clear. Move on.
Agreed. Here are a few pennies I feel I should toss in about the write-up:
1) The Intelligence Agency of Bretonia sounds clunky. The Bretonian Intelligence Agency flows a little better.
2) The Letter of Marque lets people get away with a lot, but you guys should still intervene in cases of neutral folks being pirated inside Bretonia while doing nothing wrong. It's happened before.
3) I have some stuff for you to do in my updated plans for Chester. I'll send Murphy and Dab the Doc links to show you what I mean.
4) Your policy to foreign agents. The BDM and Kempeitai should be hunted ruthlessly, yes. The LSF shouldn't be treated in the same manner however. I'd recommend requesting the pilot leave Bretonian borders unless they have a valid reason. You can then open a communication with the Liberty government to lodge a complaint (but not in a harsh, brash and insulting tone, as the IAB has with its diplomacy in the past).
Gallia is a very grey area to us, we are still discussing it but I'd imagine they will fall somewhere between unfriendly and hostile. As an intelligence agency, Gallia is above all very interesting to us as opposed to them being merely a form of very unfriendly foreign competition and simply being designated as targets like in Bowex) or BMM. For instance, a gallic trader/civilian (provided they aren't blatantly hostile to us or are attacking another Bretnian) could provide us with a wealth of information about gallic ship design, what cargo they import and export, what their attitude toward us is, how things in gallia are, etc. This information could be obtained by following them, talking to them, or some other method of ingame interaction. A gallic warship on the other hand is an obvious threat to the people of bretonia and would likely be destroyed or captured if possible. Hope that answers your question.
Yes, much of this looks the same as the first one outside of some aesthetic changes however keep in mind that this is all very tentative. This was put out as an attempt to get a feel for what people would like to see out of the faction and get some ideas etc. Those of us within the faction are also actively working on revising the information on the info page and adding to it. While I can't possibly predict exactly how we will be alike or different to the previous faction, I would expect most of those changes to occur in our diplomacy and perhaps some small tweaks to the overall RP of the faction (more developed backstory, more defined role in collecting intel, etc.). In any case, we hope that you and the community will be able to start seeing some of us around soon and have the opportunity to decide for yourselves. More concrete changes will be updated on the info page as they come along.
In looking at some of the replies, I've noticed that some people have concerns over the BIS or IAB conflict, that only one can the be -the- bretonian intelligence department and people will inevitably be forced to choose between the two. I don't see this being the case at all. The IAB and BIS are both developed and, I believe, will continue to develop into very seperate organizations with both having an individual niche.
The IAB will be the overarching intelligence aperatus of Bretonia, intel is what we do. We go places, find things, and tell those who need to know about what we discovered. Please note that for the most part we are a group of spies, not an assault battalion. That being said, sirius is a big place, and we will not always have the manpower or the expertise the BAF needs to aquire real-time actionable intel. The BIS is perfect for this job. They are a group of well trained pilots who can very rapidly deploy to an area and scout around or conduct precision strikes for the armed forces without the waiting and bureacratic hassel of getting a spy ring in position. thus, each has their advantages and disadvantages: the IAB takes a little longer, but can provide a better quality intel supply, and the BIS is faster, but lacks the resources for a full intelligence operation.
There are several analouges for this system in the real world, with militaries units often maintaing a small group of intelligence staff to provide real-time support in the field. An easy in-game analouge would be the LSF and Gold Wing, both of which have not only survived each other's existence but have thrived in their respective fields.
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' Wrote:An easy in-game analouge would be the LSF and Gold Wing, both of which have not only survived each other's existence but have thrived in their respective fields.
To be fair, that's because the LSF are a separate NPC faction and Gold Wing is the LN's elite PvP wing. They don't overlap at all, because they're not even remotely related.