I'm glad to welcome you aboard the mightiest corporation there is in Sirius. You both will find a message in your inbox regarding your access to the internal communications network of Samura.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
From: Saruwatari Inikitami
Current Location: New Berlin
Saruwatari Inikitami
Place of Birth:
New Tokyo
To what division are you applying? (Shipping, Mining, Defense):
The Shipping division
Do you already own a ship / Are you already captaining one / Can you afford one yourself?:
Yes, I fly a Big dragon transport and it is fully paid for and maintained by myself.
Current residence:
Apartment on Honshu, occasional bunkhouse on planet stuttgart since my travels take me to that region of space pretty often.
Please list past employment, flight, or ship captaining experiences:
mostly freelance work for shipping companies located in Kusari or rheinland, ferrying goods between the 2.
I have flown many freighters ranging from the small CSV, to the medium but heavily armored, armored transport to my current big dragon.
A brief background and why you are interested in working for Samura Heavy Industries:
- I am half Kusari, half rheinlander which is why I dont exactly look the part of our people, Mother was from rheinland anyway I digress. Born and raised for the most part on planet New Tokyo I consider my loyalties to the Kusari state or and if necessary I would fight for (or against) them (even against rheinland) but Rheinland will always have a special place in my heart. As a matter of fact I speak both Kusarian and Rheinlandish aswell as English so perhaps my skills in linguistics could be of use in the company somewhere down the road. Some interesting to note is that I have established several trade contacts in both Kusari and Rheinland space and know both area's like the back of my hand.
- Recommended to by a friend, not only that but your reputation as a respectable, big kusari company which does good business and keeps its employees happy appeals to me. I also heard it is more lucrative then freelancing.
You seem as though you would be a valuable asset to our corporation. Having additional contacts in Rheinland would certainly be useful. I am glad to welcome you to our corporation. You can pick up your official Samura mug on Shinjuku shortly!
Konichiwa Honorable Samura Heavy Industries Board of Director
Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Amaya Wolfe, I'm the only daughter of your senior employee Thorvald Wolfe, pilot of Samura vessel Regent Seven.
My father was a dedicated employee of yours, he serve Kusari and The Emperor more than average Kusarian, he married my mother, a true Kusarian because he love this country more than his birthplace.
But my father just an ordinary man, his age and several medical surgery have force him to retire, he want me to continue our family tradition, serve Samura, serve The Emperor, serve Kusari, I know with recent Gallic attack, everything is no longer the same, but one thing you count on are Samura is our only family, I will dedicate my life to ensure my father's wishes will come true.
My name is Toni Tetsu. Recently I have read your advertisment at Planet Kurile.
If i have understood correclty you are searching for new pilots to incorporate to your cause and business.
Here i attach the data you're asking to the possible future candidates:
To what division are you applying? Shipping and Mining
Do you already own a ship / Are you already captaining one / Can you afford one yourself? At this moment i do not have a ship but i can afford one, actually i'm waiting to my contact at Kurile Planet to give me the ship i have recently bought
Current residence? Well, i do not have a permanent residence, this last years i have been traveling between Planet Crete and Luxury liner Hawaii, so i rent an apartment when i need to.
Please list past employment, flight, or ship captaining experiences
Miner - Correo freigther - Mining artifacts at [#Classified data#]
Mechanic - at Skiros station
Pilot - Correo freighter - Supplying skiros station from Planet Crete
Pilot - Raba Transport - Supplying Hogosha partners with Artifats and other preciated goods from Crete / Importing goods from the venerable Kusari House
A brief background and why you are interested in working for Samura Heavy Industries
As you can see, I'm a corsair, but when you look at my eyes you can easily see some Kusarian ancestors. Actually i have a corsair name but a kusarian surname. This is cause my grandfather was from New Tokyo.
I have never flought so deep to my Grandfather's country, and i'm eager to do so.
While i have contacts with tho Hogosha i do not posses the military knowledge at flying kusarian military ships, actually, i'm a corsair businessman and i prefer to work with people who really knows waht does it mean, and there's no other family in Kusari than Samura Heavy Indistries who really knows how to do business.
I know, i'm a newcomer to your society, but i'll work hard. I'm just asking for an oportunity to reach Planet New Tokyo and visit, at least for some years, the venerable country of my grandfather... and meanwhile i'll work with you doing businees on your behalf.
..:: Transmission out ::..
//I'm roleplaying a corsair-Kusarian character cause the only house, wich i know good the lore, is the Corsair Empire.
I hope there's no problem with that, if this is not possible i'll remake the aplication ;-)
Comm ID : Michiko Taeda, Yukita Kaneshiro
Location : Planet Tomoika
Konichiwa Honorable Samura Heavy Industries Board of Director
Let us introduce ourself, both of us were Mr. Thorvald Wolfe senior officer in Samura Regent Seven and Regent Eleven vessel. I was Second Officer while Yukita-san was Mr. Wolfe's Chief Engineer, we both have serve both ship for several years until Mr. Wolfe decide to retire recently. He wish both of us to continue our service to Samura and he gave us his two precious gems, Regent Seven and Regent Eleven, he want both ship continue to bear Samura flag as his legacy for Kusari. Therefore, today we take the liberty to apply as Samura Heavy Industries employee, I hope we can serve Samura, The Emperor and Kusari, all for the greater Kusari
It is with great pleasure I say all three of you are accepted to our family.
Michiko, Yukita-san, I am deeply sorry to hear of the Venerable Mr. Wolfe's retirement. He was indeed a fantastic Captain and will be missed, be sure to pass along my greetings.
While you have quite a legacy to live up to, I am sure you will both uphold it well, having learned from him. I look forward to seeing how you progress!
Mr. Tetsu-san, While we usually are a little cautious to those from the port of Crete, your service records indicate that you have Honorably, and Loyally, served your people unwaveringly. As such it would be an honor to have you serve with the same loyalty to your ancestors Home. We at Samura take History very seriously, and it is to be properly Honored.
Please send a private encrypted message with your S.K.Y.P.3 Protocols so we may get the ball rolling on your initiation!
Thank you, For being my first Acceptee's as Director of Personell and for being Smart enough to join Samura!
my name is Jason B. Nesmith and I'd like to be officially admitted in Samura Heavy Industries. I recently decided to end my Freelancer trading and after a long and very succesfull cooperation with your company I decided to officially join the ranks of Samura as a member of the Shipping division.
I'm a captain of a Ryuujin class transport under my name, in the past I've flown everything from the Dromedary through Mammoth for Interspace Commerce, back to DL Border Worlds Transport as a freelancing trader to finally aquiring Ryuujin train transport. I was born on planet Cambridge, but it'll be like five years since I last set foot on the soil of my homeworld. Nowdays I mostly live upon the teahouses and gardens of my gracefull vessel Ryuujin-17923 or when I'm not shipping, I prefer to spend my time on my personal Yacht Diogenes, wondering about the secrets of the universe, enjoying wine, sushi and good tabacco, or exploring a different kind of secrets, one that only a women's body holds.
Oh and I guess you'd probably want to know, how a stout Bretonian like myself ended up in a company like Samura Heavy Industries? Well, I have to say I'm quite amazed myself. It was a long journey that rose from mutual respect and shared profits, through long voyages with rice and other Kusari goods, to mutual understanding and my fascination and deep aprecitiation of Kusari culture and habits. Therefore I decided to make the last step to finally be admited into the mighty fleet of Samura Heavy Industries.
[22:52:23] Michał Golański: Not everyday leader of warrior feminists sleeps with one of the most powerful admiral badasses in the universe!
-- If it's not happy it's not the ending! - Shah Rukh Khan
I like the feel I get from transporting my goods across the burnt orange nebula of the omegas to the ice fields of Cortez. I also like to socialize with the crew when we are not on duty. I also enjoy seeing the wonders of the space we call home. I dislike pirates and those wishing to harm my crew I also dislike criminals in general .
I am experience skilled fighter and transporting pilot.
Konnichiwa Honorable Recruits,
Thank you for applying to Samura.
Jason-San. A pleasure to see that even a war cannot separate a man from his true destiny. We welcome you with open arms and hope that you can see us as brothers. Be sure to message my private inbox with your S.K.Y.P.3 protocols so we may brief you further.
Kujang-san. Another of the Corsairs come to join our ranks. Perhaps this is a sign of Deeper civilization touching your people. We always welcome more experience into our ranks. message my private inbox with your S.K.Y.P.3 protocols so we can get you started in our ways.