Claus observed as Ketsu baited the turret, and the subsequent grenade that ended its robotic existence.
"This is going to take too long, we need to go quicker."
He looked as Sergei tossed Dasha an EMP grenade. His eyebrows went up as he remembered the ones he brought with him. He took off his pack again and took out a few of them.
"This will help us go faster, emp and run. We need to get to level 4 and shut this thing down as fast as possible. Got it? I think that'll be the quickest and safest way to do so... hopefully we'll all make it in one piece."
Two turrets were still alive. Serget knew he had to do something. And he knew he had to do it fast. And he knew Claus had some EMP grenades left. "Claus! Throw me 2 EMP Grenades!" Claus didn't hesitate to do it. Sergei had a plan. He activated the EMP grenade, but didn't throw it yet. Dasha screamed at him to throw it already, but Sergei didn't listen. The grenade was about to explode, and he was still waiting. But suddenly he exited his cover shouting: "Hey! Eat me, you pea brain!" With these words, Sergei ran for another hide, while throwing the grenate at one of the turrets. Sergei got hit, grenade exploded, and turret ended its life.
"Damn... my arm is hit. It's alright, just a scratch. Don't worry." It was obvious he felt the pain, but he knew his work wasn't done yet. Sergei armed his rifle, and prepared for the next strike. "Wish me luck, comrades." He said, and activated the grenade. He waited a couple of moments before throwing it. Grenade was set on its way towards the last turret. Sergei exited his cover, and aimed at it. As the grenade was approaching the turret, Sergei fired. Grenade suddenly exploded, taking the last turret with it.
Sergei fell to the ground. His leg was bleeding, and the pain was big. He waved at his comrades to tell them he is still alive.
[10:46:32] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): And actually, the KU Dessie is the best GB.
[19:29:19] Joseph (Aphil): SCRA|CPW-Capitalism.
Claus watched Sergei as he performed his maneuvers eloquently, and smiled. Nice work, he thought. He ran up to Sergei and pulled some cloth out from his backpack and another tool. He started to work on the wound. Pulling out the shrapnel of a bullet and the cloth that went in after it then dressed the wound.
"You'll be fine. Was merely a flesh wound."
He chuckled as he helped Sergei to his feet.
"Let's go! All clear!" He yelled back to the rest, he walked into the next room cautiously. Bodies. But clear. He maneuvered into the room with the final elevator to level 4 and waited for the rest of the people. One more level and this nightmare of a test would be over.
"Comrad Sergei are you mad? Risk your life to get the turrets that way? Hope Calus makes you feel good again."
Dasha moved to the elevator waiting for the next leve.
Sergei stood up in pain. "I made it all faster. Let's go deactivate that bloody machine." He slowly made his way to the elevator, throwing a short glance at both Dasha and Claus.
[10:46:32] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): And actually, the KU Dessie is the best GB.
[19:29:19] Joseph (Aphil): SCRA|CPW-Capitalism.
Surprisingly for the nuggets the Elevator Doors leading into the shaft refused to open, and unlike the upper floors these ones were designed for security, thus blasting through was not a viable option.
The calm and collected voice of the AI announced over the intercom:"Security Protocol Sigma activated, access to AI-Core locked out locally. To bypass lockdown please locate your nearest T.A.L.O.S. Interface and initiate manual bypass. Thank you and please observe all safety protocols for the duration of your stay, Long live the Coalition." The nuggets would have to head back inside the A.I's command center and manually bypass the lockdown in order to proceed, unfortunately that would also awaken the A.I's Avatar and subject them to it's infected-personality.
Tori stepped towards a manual interface, her fimgers depressing the keys. It was then a bolt of electricity shot through the mschine, throwing Tori into the wall. She struck her head and slid down in an unceremonious heap. The interface was shot; the MILs would need to find a new one. Tori groaned, managing to motion Dasha over.
"Get them out, you get them out. Stop TALOS, save the Havana."
As the Nuggets were deciding on their next course of action T.A.L.O.S. shifted it's attention towards it's Remote-Controlled assets which were almost upon the Havana.
The Vanguard Force consisted of Five Gunboats and twelve of the newer XKR Series Insurgent MKII's with more ships on the way from all over Omega-52. If the nuggets didn't haul arse than the Havana will be in serious trouble and would have to either abandon it's position or risk annihilation at the 'hands' of a rogue A.I.
In the final level in the Primary Generation Facility, which housed rows upon rows of massive tower-like generators that provided power to the entire facility and was the primary source of energy for the T.A.L.O.S. servers. Sporadically in between the generators squads of Warbots started to fortify their positions by dragging tables and desks from the Storage Area to create make-shift barricades. The Android-Like Warbots had a very strong connection to the A.I. due to their close proximity to the core; Allowing for greater ease of communications between the units and the core which in turn permits greater reaction-time to outside threats, their responses more 'human-like' to hostiles...
As they constructed their barricades, a floor up in the A.I. Command Center the T.A.L.O.S. Avatar activated in the center of the room, a face blurred and distorted by the infection of the alien code. Cold unfeeling eyes scanned the room for any signs of life, having detected the squad on it's internal sensors...It had to buy some time for it's final defenses to be in place...
"I will try to do my best comrade, I will not let you down."
Dasha was stoped by a hologram that just appeared in the midle of the room. The hologram was looking like it was scaning the room for the squad.
"Someone deactivate that thing. I don't like him stareing at us. And since we are here, who have the skill to bypass the god damed doors and to try to turn off the cameras in the facility? If we manage to cut off the cameras it will be more easy for us to get where we need to. Also, we should cut off the power as soon as we can, so I sugest we change the plan. Havan is in danger, a big one. I say we bypass the turrets in the generator room, and the cameras so we can see all that is there. If we do that, me could distrat the droids with the wall MG's turrets and I could sneak and try to unpulg it, or shot a grenade at it. It will power down all the facility including the AI. I think is the only way. Claus, Ketsu, Sergei you could keep the whatever in that room is distracted. The turrets will help you a lot. Maybe this will work faster as we don't have enought time."
Dasha put Villers on a chair in the room with care as the wound looked bad.
Sergei nodded at Dasha. "Sounds like a plan. Claus is smart enough to deal with this hologram." He smirked at Claus and continued: "Just find me a TALOS console and I'll see what I can do."
[10:46:32] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): And actually, the KU Dessie is the best GB.
[19:29:19] Joseph (Aphil): SCRA|CPW-Capitalism.