You know, we should make a vendetta faction for the sole purpose of ripping RepEx a...never mind...anyway, let's get a couple of gunboats together and kill RepEx. Or maybe Old Eppy should build up his little army of cargo ships and take over Sirius with those...
EDIT: Hehehe, I see you reading this, AC, afraid yet:PYou know we still love you, even though you're filthy rich.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
I don't get it, are you making a Bundschuh or not? Does your terrorist operation want <strike>Soviet</strike> SCRA support or not? You're confusing me! Is that your dreams being crushed, or RepEx? Argh, my brain!
doesn t appear like the use of it is limited much. its less useful than other liners - and supposed to be a bretonian version of the liberty design. - when it was a concept, i thought of it as a prestigous ship - costing like a billion and serving the pure purpose of showing off for a faciton that could afford to fly that.
however, it was introduced as a regular liner - so, imo, its free for all. - just cause the queen has one ( prolly a special one ) doesn t mean a rich merchant cannot - even if the sole reason is that he has it cause he can.
if it should be "awarded" or special, it should be in a guard system, - or the BAF must make up roleplay restrictions ( which would be good ) ... untill that, i can see even a junker showing off in one, if he can / want to afford it.
for me, it only leaves one question that is rather directed at the communities opinions - which one is supposed to be more comfy ... the luxory liner, which is a rather new design, or the bretonian royal liner... - thats the only thing i d care when i choose a floating home:)
@ Jinx: I see the bretonian liner as the Rolls/Bentley, as the Queen Mary I/II. A very luxorious understatement. The OS&C Lux liner is more like the mass of cruise liners we have today.