' Wrote:problem - NPCs fly waaaay differently then players.
That's different, Training at a gun range is different from shooting something in the woods, one is to learn about the weapon the other is putting your skill to work. Or like a musician, you sit in the basement all day running scales and arpeggios instead of trying to get practice in front of your live audience. I'm just thinking about target practice dummies here, some ships on a permanent track around conn that can be used for things like ~learning about mine timings, or leading a target, etc, very basic training.
I assume the ships and weapons are no problem, since those could be defined in the INI files. I dont know if the ships could be added to the sytem as permanent (non-dynamic) objects that are just flying a big loop.
Ok, if my sarcasm wasn't that clear I'll refrase: We don't need no more NPCs here - wanna shoot NPCs go farm missions or play SP. Multilayer game mean there are players to deal with.
' Wrote:You can't learn anything from fighting NPCs.
Hahah what an awful declaration. There are newbs all over the place who dont know the first thing about timing mines, or an MR, or a SNAC, or the staggered LSC cruiser turrets, or a bunch of other things. Why wouldn't you give those people something to shoot that wont kill them before they learn anything?
At first I was thinking just some target balls, like the way militareis use balloons for target practice. But you'd want them shooting back so you could drill evasion at the same time, but so little damage that it was irrelevant. Then I thought, why not just make them ships, since that is what people need to shoot at anyway.
Also thought about just put it in penn, where the noobs are, but since its theoretically an RPG, and drilling is an OORP construct, so it needs to be either in the guard systems or in conn. One instance in conn is probably easier to manage, and doesnt have the political issues of guard zones.
So okay, put some ships on a big circuit around conn. Wonder how hard that would be.... *cue nerdraeg*
6 months of killing npcs got me from never played the game to right click fires the guns.
12 hours in conn with a superior player got me to a respectable level of skill (capable of killing garden variety players, but pvp whores would still take me down like I was nothing).