Alright lads, you will be reporting your daily duties here so we will keep a record of your doings. This will also be used to make important announcements. For a free Dublin!
An urgent message from Tayport base in Dundee has reached Coleraine base, the Councilor of War office
Sorry to disturb you Councilor but this is urgent
I am Geoffrey McDakin, chief of Tayport, I have to report something that is beyond me Councilor. Our patrols have discovered some sort of wreck, we're not sure what ship it is but it could be an Outcast Sarissa-class warship. The strange thing about it however, is not how it came here but it's Molly colors, it looks like it was in Molly hands for quite some time. So according to that, I ordered it's salvaging back to Foyle so you can examine it better. It will take some time however as it's being dragged. Geoffrey out.
Well Dis' b' my Recallecshun' ah' what jus' happened near 'd New London Jump 'ole . Ah Was in't Arry Bar, n got a Message sayin' ah should Get t' D'Hood as quick as a could, Lots a baffys' incomin' it said.
I went t' see if me werewolf Weh' Fixed up yet after't battering it got earlier, n it wasn't, so I jumped in wunna' dem' Hessian Odins Njord a tink it wah' , Whadda' ship 'dem Rhienlanders got dere' Moves loike d' queens aides when she spillin 'er tea. So anyway, ah' got t'da Hood un'a seen a couple a d' boys already in a foight wi dem squaddies, a jumped head first in HeHeH.
Dey' wa' all on ar' Gunboat n' he had no chance a shaking em, so we lost our biggest piece of hardware pretty early on, bit gutting but im shurr' he'll be alroight after a few dranks widus' in'd' bar.
We was targetting wunna' d' ensigns, when all of a sudd'n i got loike tree' ah' dem Pricks On me tail, So i wah' shaking about loike d' queens fat arse. Den Wunna' d' lads came from arry, in wunna' the bargys' n Mark my words' it wah' packing a mean punch.
He only let rip Wi' two Nova Torps' Rippin Two'ah de baffys a new un' n' unfortunately scuttlin His Own' ship in't process lucky f' dem pods eh. So anyway as a was sayin dey' wah two men down' tings' wa' looking up fur' as until d'eh got some backup jump from New London, an' dey wah' still all on me! Wish oi'd got a few insults in really, dey' weren't the best of shots HeHeH.
Nothin' much happened then neither side lost much apart from a few' bots'n'bats. mosta' d' toime they were on me' n dey switched t' hittin d'bragi f'ra bit too a think. Bout 5 minutes later a reaver showed up, d' ensign we was on wah' dry as d' queens..... well Ah dont think ah need t explain dat' un *chuckles* And dey' started retreatin' t Essex.
All in all lads, Wasa' damn foine Foight HeHe, Roight toime f'ra drank....Oh ,sorry f'dah lack of guncams Ah, f'got t' switch it on when ah undocked HeHeH. See ya's later
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[font=Impact]*Incoming Transmission*
*Encryption Level: PADLOCK*
*Establishing Visual Link......................................................................
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*CptHone of the Mollys*
Gday, first report for t [M]:
Was helpin out gaurdin t [M]/IMG/FTU Minin ops in our private fields, in me MMC Werewolf (hadn got t new tag sorted yet) when some Avengers an LaBrise showed up an started makin a nuisance o emselves. So me, a whole bunch o Mollys, (mostly indies) an some o t IMG escorts, (includin Jack) when an taught em a lesson, got t Avenger an t Labrise, bu after we got em, there was this fella call "Spes,Salutis" hangin roun, some o t folks wanted t kill im, we wern sure whos side ee was on, ee was a pirate ina Roc. Anyhow I tried t talk it out, an find out was e an enemy or no? But as I was sittin still when I tried t talk to im, t feker drops me shileds an SACs me mid sentence!
Next theres this pirate, indy pirate called Miranda_Lambert piratin in Dublin, even though I tol her this Molly turf, an she aint allow t pirate ere. She tried t pirate some Gateway transport, an I found ere when I was off duty, wi some 5C Gaian-Terrorist-Pirate thing. Anyway she blew up tha Gateway, so nuttin for t Mollys!
I rekon alla these mongrels deserve t be declared enemies o t Mollys eh?
P.S. Oh yeah I also ran into pirate flyin a Junker frieghter called "Wayfarers Lament" ees bin claimin dockin rights on Arry, tha Charles tol me e didnt ave. Anyhow ee seemed decent, an as I rekon we shoul let anyone oos bringin us stuff, or buyin from us, land on arry, I said I wouldn bother im as long as he were doin one o them, but tha ee couldn ang around, cos I don trust unproven pirates. Anyway I said Id talk t command bout t docking on arranmore policies, so whas t deal?
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G'Day there,
This is my report for today's events. We encountered a small Armed Forces party near the Hood area and the Dublin Guardians were dispatched to intercept them. They weren't very polite and they soon opened fire on us, while at it, Bo Little on Magni was forced to flee because "his wife was angry at him" and only O'Bannon and Matt Fisk were there but O'Bannon soon had to retreat aswell due to personal issues. Matt Fisk and I on Bragi and Njord, fought our way out of that mess. First one to go down was Lieutenant Barett and soon Lieutenant Layla followed. After hard struggle, we took out Lieutenant Brown and Admiral Clay was the only one left -or so we thought-. A woman called "Kate Miller" soon appeared on a ship that belonged to the Order and sided with Clay against us. Fight was tougher than I thought but fortunately, she went down aswell, or atleast we think she did and after all that fighting a freelancer ship assisted Matt Fisk by repairing his hull. Fight was not over however as Admiral Clay was still there fighting me and Lt. Cdr Ree reinforced him, that's when Admiral Clay went down. We began to retreat slowly towards Molly territory when Lawrence Winter showed up along with Ree that was following. Fisk retreated in Arranmore's safety and Aine Moore gave me a hand. A third BAF ship showed up, William Folge it's pilot but was shot down very fast. Next to go down was Winter and Ree followed after they both wanted to "fight manly". Needless to say, my ship suffered extensive damage and 4 out of 6 guns were lost. Deaglan Cormack, signing off.
Friendly casualties: 1 (Angry wife) Name(s): Bo Little Enemy casualties: 8 Name(s): Lieutenant Barett, Lieutenant Layla Clay. Lieutenant Brown, Lt. Cdr Ree, Captain Winter, Admiral Clay, Ensign Folge and Kate Miller
Now, fekers piratin US in Dublin? An Wrekin our ships?! FROM our own ships?! Thas no fekin good!
P.S. T pirate in t Hessian boat didnae attack, bu e was definitely wi t other feker tha did, rekon we oughtta talk t t Hessians bou why dey givin tech t pirates tha com into our turf, an ang around wi t likes o tha Be.Good feker. Ask em t keep em on a tighter leash.
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[font=Palatino Linotype] Full Name:Bo.Littl Ship Name: [color=#99FF99]Various
Friendly Casualties:
Hostile Casualties:
Brief Description:
Oi Lads
My annual bloody report. Some littl stuff this time.
Oi Lads
Corsair boat was tryin to lurk arond Arranmore, I took care of it on ma P-transp:
Next would be Blowex transport stealin our Gold- I took what I could and send him home. :
This will be all for now from me.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
As Ollie staggers in front of the camera he tries to light up his cigarette, failing because he lighted the wrong side, he pukes and walks away from the camera. One minute later he appears back in front of the camera, this time with a bottle and another cigarette, this time well lit.
'So. Eye be damned. Eye was sittin' in teh bar when I got a call from meh mate on the Exile_IV. Sayin' a vessel with teh callsign "Freelanza" was moining in our field. The captain of teh Exile gave the moiner the chance to leave without any harm done, in which teh reply of teh moiner was "this is big enough to all i think", and I quote 'ere.'
'So teh vessel Exile gave him another warning to leave, as a last warnin'. Teh reply of teh illegal moiner was "small brain".' 'At this point teh Exile chased him for insultin' a Molly. Teh moiner fled teh area and Exile returned to business.' 'Shockingly enough teh moiner returned to OUR field.' 'So eye got called in.'
'As soon as eye tried to stop him he jumped to Omega-49, where eye followed him. He jumped back and tried to run, at teh same moment insulting me twice. Total count of insults against Molly's: three.' 'Naturally enuf eye chased him down Dublin and managed to get hold of him. The captain of the Michael_the_3 gave teh option to teh moiner to repent but eye wanted to see his destruction.' 'And so I did.' 'Proof of teh destroying of his vessel is to be found here.'
After all this I put the Dunlavin Green back to tha' shipyards fer some minor repairs 'n' took out me Brothel. Did some piratin' 'n' made a total of 16 million credits. Split it halfway with me wingmate captain Long Hon Silver. I had the unfortunate bad luck to have to burn a transport that was actin' mighty suspicious as well.
PRIORITY:Gold ENCRYPTION:High IDENTIFICATION:Ace Colleen O'Finnegan, Cork Strike Group Captain, Dunlavin Green SOURCE:Arranmore Base, Dublin SUBJECT:Action/Raid Report
Went out ta' tax some miners. Managed ta' bag 5.000.000 credits off o' those buggers, along with some Nyx escort that thought he had tha' balls to take on me Brothel!
Afterwards I took tha' Dunlavin Green ta' Leeds hearing about some squinty-eyed incursion. It seems our lovely "amigos" the Avengers were there. Managed to destroy one and force another gunboat to dock, even forced one o' the big Battleships to run it's arse back to Stokes.