' Wrote:In my country has an expression "ocu kakim,necu kakim"
This mean Hogosha are pirate there but they are not here
this mean they can ally here but they cant ally there etc..
That happened all the time. Interspace Commerce suffered from the hand of the Hogosha as well (and we poked a bit of fun at them too) and we had no recourse whatsoever.
Not just an IMG conspiraceh.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
Hogosha stop trader, ask for donations. Trader dont give, trader insult hogosha. Hogosha like Yakusa or Samurai have a honour, think that trader insult him and kill trader.
sumo sumare its not a piraty act... its a old way what Hogosha doing in 4.85.
But for that old ID have a protect, new not.. but in both, have nothing about "Donations".
so traders...nothing new . you are still target..
Hogosha stop trader, ask for donations. Trader dont give, trader insult hogosha. Hogosha like Yakusa or Samurai have a honour, think that trader insult him and kill trader.
sumo sumare its not a piraty act... its a old way what Hogosha doing in 4.85.
But for that old ID have a protect, new not.. but in both, have nothing about "Donations".
so traders...nothing new . you are still target..
If you ask someone for a "donation" and then kill them when they say no, that's piracy.