' Wrote:I think there is need for changes,like-Jumpholes to (Alpha>Eta>Theta>Gamma)
Looking from Corsairs-They will raid to Alpha?No,why?Becouse all time they will raid to Alpha they have to cross Outcast Guard space or crosing Beta with all asterioids and cap ship it will take 20min.
Corsairs wont raid Alpha, because there is close to zero interest in interacting with Outcasts. We have a large ZoI too and we're gonna use it. Suggest Outcasts do the same and quit trying to revive the OC-Sair conflict.
' Wrote:I totally agree. I make my money hauling slaves/cardi and since 4.86 came out those Lost Star vigilantes (now freelancers) have been dominating T23 totally. A handful of freelancers keeping the OC empire at bay, because a lot of OC players are only intersted in doing their own thing / don't talk/respond...
Tau 23 is supposed to be where the Outcasts should be kept at bay by a few guerillas because of the rocky battlegrounds there, in RP. And OC were kept at bay for so long by the miners in system.
One day I plan to take Malta by force, anyways. Dun underestimate my sabre :O!
' Wrote:ESPECIALLY WITH GALLIA. Just go and attempt reaching out the Gallics, perhaps you can find a point of agreement.
and who is there that might be reached? Gallia is even more dead than Alpha.
And on terms of leadership issues: The outcasts tried to set up a similar system to the corsair one long before the corsairs did it themselves. It got blocked by an admin under threat of wiping the 101st from existence. After the corsairs had set up theirs, the outcast leadership has voiced numerous requests whether we were allowed to do something similar now as well. None has been answered.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
All factions are suffering. It's not only the Outcasts. From my perspective when I login to talk to people, it seems like everyone is running around on factionless characters. No one is really apart of a faction these days (me included). Everyone just wants to play on their own. There is very little, if any, communication between folks anymore. In Skype or otherwise.
From experience, when a HUGE RP event is planned, it normally generates activity. It just takes the right kind of event and the right people to get it going.
P.S. If you want someone to get things rolling for Outcasts, I can make a character to join to fly around and harass people. Just say the word.
' Wrote:and who is there that might be reached? Gallia is even more dead than Alpha.
And on terms of leadership issues: The outcasts tried to set up a similar system to the corsair one long before the corsairs did it themselves. It got blocked by an admin under threat of wiping the 101st from existence. After the corsairs had set up theirs, the outcast leadership has voiced numerous requests whether we were allowed to do something similar now as well. None has been answered.
The threat of admin wiping the 101st was from the 101st trying to force non cannon RP onto indies under threat off shooting them, shooting people for OORP, and general complaints of mis-treatment by indies.
' Wrote:The threat of admin wiping the 101st was from the 101st trying to force non cannon RP onto indies under threat off shooting them, shooting people for OORP, and general complaints of mis-treatment by indies.
non canon RP as in not taking their cruisers and battleships in Liberty. That's what it was about. Apparently it is canon for the corsairs to limit capship ZoI while it is not for the outcasts.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
Rogues go let Outcasts do more in Liberty
Bretonia break your neutrality with them
Outcasts go smash the Gallic Council and GRN
Corsairs and Outcasts move to the Sigmas
GMG follow
EDIT: Kusari is also weak now, go smash their power traders
' Wrote:non canon RP as in not taking their cruisers and battleships in Liberty. That's what it was about. Apparently it is canon for the corsairs to limit capship ZoI while it is not for the outcasts.
I beileve the problem was with the 101st's tendancy to pew pew those caps.
' Wrote:Tau 23 is supposed to be where the Outcasts should be kept at bay by a few guerillas because of the rocky battlegrounds there, in RP. And OC were kept at bay for so long by the miners in system.
Dont get me wrong, I appreciate y'all being there (even though you had a GRN-person with you one time, who nova'd my turrets and thruster, much to my dismay) - I just feel like it would be better if you sort of got a bit of opposition by the Outcasts who are all holed up in Alpha not really doing anything.
' Wrote:One day I plan to take Malta by force, anyways. Dun underestimate my sabre :O!
Well that might actually be possible at the moment:-)
' Wrote:Just go and attempt reaching out the Gallics, perhaps you can find a point of agreement.
Gallia is totally empty, yes, but it doesn't help that everyone there lore-wise are supposed (as I have been lead to believe by people in the know) to be pewpewing OC, except for +LE+ who - as far as I know - have been busy with sorting out ID / nerf-issues in relation to 4.86.
The setup is rather poor for the OC - noone to really interact with, but of course a lot of people to pewpew, but that just isn't really that much fun, unless there is some sort of over-arching objective. War for the sake of war seems more like a Corsair-thing. A base in the Sigma's might be a way to create some meaningful interaction (a player built one might even do it). Also Zynth might be right in his/her conspiracy theory.