Could be for any number of reasons. If someone can't get in, there's a reason somewhere. communicating to the devs instead of at them would work wonders in finding out what those reasons may be, and depending on circumstance, maybe even recommendations on what that someone needs to do in order to overcome whatever's preventing them.
No real point for anyone to attempt to create drama over being told no, aside from those having tunnelvision, a hard head & a delicate ego.
Some reasons for being turned away:
1. Your talents are not needed or desired
2. Your talents are not sufficiently progressed to be of use
3. You are not trustworthy enough to work on things
4. You are unable to work/debate with others
5. You're wearing trainers
No one has been turned away simply because people don't like them. Devs often end up disliking each other as they get into some pretty heated debates.
' Wrote:Why should I? I was more than content with .85, more than content with .84, more than content with .83, and more than content with .82.
Because you don't pay a dime to play on this server while our dear Cannon pays the bill every month? If you want to play the older versions so much, go spin up your own server and install those versions.
As for those of you whining and crying about wanting to help but not knowing how? Use the damned tutorials. Go toy around with another install of Disco or Vanilla. That is how a good deal of the developers learned and the best way to learn. Show an iota of motivation to actually do dev work and the devs will help you.
Saying you want to but don't know how when there are a ton of resources out there isn't you being motivated. It is you making said claim in public to make yourself look cool while at the same time trying to paint the dev team in a bad image.
Of course, some people won't be considered for a dev spot because they are incapable of controlling themselves when it comes to giving factions they play as stuff. That isn't to say there aren't already a few on the dev team that are exactly like that.
No, I didn't bother reading all this thread.
But while the Dev team does actually manage to bring stuff out to the community(I see AD's sneak peek thread is active, Cannon's posting out stuff on the main page. I see these two as the main connection between the Dev team and the rest of the community), all most of you do is -complain, complain, complain-. You complain when it's there, you complain when it ain't, you complain when it gets added, you complain when it's working too well and Igor beats you back to playing minesweeper for 2 weeks because of how miserable you now feel.
Now, the Argus and the Zeph were replaced because the Thanatos and the Kronos were waiting in line for about 3 years. Which is more than the time some of the players have in the game. At the time, CR being thrown into Coro was far from what we thought would happen. The Zephyr was also very ****ty and would only work when spammed in more than 50% of the total number of existing Zephs in the game.
The community is bad to you? Well that's because they've spent too much time in this game. I can easily compare Disco's community to a bunch of old people arguing about the same things again and again, bearing the same stupid grudges against eachother while waiting in the line at the bakery.
Still, you should try being nice and respectful to everyone. Because that worked pretty well for me. You'll find out that a lot of doors open to you if you're just nice to people and don't troll for a living.
Kaiwren, I see you as being responsible for me going ape**** for the first time in CR, because you couldn't shut that troll mouth while in a TS chat. Not including the general skype retardation here, because that nobody can be blamed for. It's quite an achievement on your part however. So you being responsible for a Discovery-related project, or even included in a developer project is as a bad idea as the invention of the atomic bomb as far as I'm concerned.
Also, nobody's going to start 'instructing' anyone in Disco modding anyway. This isn't no 'Lesson One-How to open a .cmp, Lesson Two-How to edit shiparch.ini.' Nobody's going to hold your hand. Unless you find a section you're interested in, and experiment on your own before asking for help, you're not going to anything besides what you're already doing.
And no, the Devteam isn't going to get stressed because Jaec, or anyone else made the XXth complain thread before getting his bearings and trying to get some more info on the things that are bothering him.
Balancing this game will never be anything close to perfect simply because the game depends completely on the player's skill with the mouse and keyboard.
Posts: 3,119
Threads: 271
Joined: Dec 2009
Staff roles: Server Administrator
' Wrote:Kaiwren, I see you as being responsible for me going ape**** for the first time in CR, because you couldn't shut that troll mouth while in a TS chat. Not including the general skype retardation here, because that nobody can be blamed for. It's quite an achievement on your part however. So you being responsible for a Discovery-related project, or even included in a developer project is as a bad idea as the invention of the atomic bomb as far as I'm concerned.
Uhm. What?
Anyhue, I am fooling around with a lot of stuff at the moment. I'm checking out tutorials, seeing what seems interesting, et cetera. I plan to fool around for quite a while longer.
One side's bitching at people from the supposed to be other side. The supposed to be other side's trying to fight off said bitching at them.
Others blame this people.
Some blame that people.
Some people got skills, whatever those be.
Others don't.
Some got some, but according to others can't use them right.
etc. etc.
You guys got such a neat place here in terms of game support. I could tell you about games you actual have to pay for, where development team/moderation and administration is far from the standard you people got here.
Really neat games I'd wish there'd be such a support in all regards, be it development and/or moderation.
You silly kiddos.
Stop bitching and shoot pixels.
Or don't.
There are broadly two ways to develop...well, anything. You can either sit in an ivory tower and develop in isolation, gathering only select opinions...or you can develop after gathering the opinion of the base you're going to distribute the product to.
Both ways have problems. Ivory Tower is what the disco devs did for most of .85...and it led to quite a few glaring oversights. When opinions about development are limited to members of the dev team, quite a few of which have limited connection with the player base...Anyways.
Listening to all of the opinions is also faulty. If you sit around and listen to everyone's opinion on anything...guess what, nothing will ever get done. There won't be time for it. The middle way is usually best. Take opinions from faction leaders and admins and the like, who can usually give an accurate assessment of each faction's problems, and then go from there. This is what the devs seem to be trying right now, and I hope they'll continue in this vein.
No specific comment on the ID issues raised in the first post.
THIS is the first comment on the Dev team organization in the whole thread, and I must totally agree with it. There is no advance if you listen to opinion of -everyone-, a there is no advance if you listen to opinion of -none-.
I must also add that any development will fail if there is no egoistic man that doesn't listen to anyone and decides mod direction by himself. As long as there is no such man improvements good by themselves will form terrible update.
I will also address how current "balance by forum" goes. 90% of posts exist for a sole purpose of calling some troll or disrespectful of Dev job, +1s, "disco is fine as it is", "you don't like it don't play it" etc.
This is not way of constructive argument. Rather than posting something like this try to give other solutions for topic of discussion, or make statements why problem x doesn't exist or solution y can't be used based on LOGICAL reasons that you should present.
(04-23-2013, 11:29 AM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: When "roleplay" around you seems to be diminishing... all you can do is be a new beacon of roleplay to light up everyone else's interactions.
' Wrote:Hey, Devs and Balance Team, I don't think you get it. Stop nerfing stuff, you're killing the community. No matter how much you nerf Trading, or Mining, or Jumping, or Missiongrinding (looking at you, Dab), or Farming NPC's, people are still going to get their caps. You've just gone ahead and killed the JZ, and with the monumentally stupid move of removing all of the old ID's (slaver, vigilante), you've killed that as well.
Dear players,
Stop thinking that everything that is released is balanced from the get go, and that leaving in an economic system that allows you to make billions of credits in record amount of time without any danger from pirates or anyone whatsoever to be balanced in any way. Need I even post a link to the JZ disband thread where Spazzy describes their achievements and the frankly crazy (but totally expected) number of people that joined in to take advantage of the greatest "get rich quick" scheme since the diamond run? If things are too easy, the game is not fun any more.
' Wrote:Calling someone names isnt a constructive way of disagreeing with someone - nor is demeaning their maturity.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
I'd totally agree with you if not for the fact that this entire thread was opened out of total and complete immaturity.
Then again, if that was the case I wouldn't have had a reason to start saying such things.
' Wrote:I can easily compare Disco's community to a bunch of old people arguing about the same things again and again, bearing the same stupid grudges against eachother while waiting in the line at the bakery.