When you have some time off from trying to get into admiral Orias pants ,
i need you to find me an expert on old barges!
I wanna get Slum City mobile again , and we need someone to fix stuff.
What tires your good uncle even more is the fact that most compartments are still locked...
There might be gold in there!
Or cupcakes!
Your moronic little brother has proven to be too damn stupid to do that job so now you gotta fix it!
Send out a Sirius wide broadcast to find the man we need ,
that should do the trick.
A small beep tells Uncle Pete his personal phone received a new message. Quickly, he removed it from his dirty pocket and recognized the simple format Joe was so accostumed to using when addressing him.
[color=#000000]Greetings, Uncle,
I'll appreciate it if you refrain from insulting my younger brother.
Also, I'd highly suggest that you consider taking OFF that crown if I were you.
Thirdly, I'll get on it.
<span style="color:#000000">The awful plight of he who cannot draw to save his own life.</span>