Lately I've been thinking about resetting or removing the current roleplay of some of my characters, to start a fresh and re-roll the dice. Mostly because I miss playing as my Sentinel characters, great fun they were and I learned a lot from it.
Unfortunately I pulled a bad stunt with the 'latest' updates with them and I'm considering pulling the plug and hitting 'the button' to reset them. Although, would that even be accepted?
Would hitting the reset on my characters be accepted into other's RP? Would their deeds or misdeeds be forgotten?
' Wrote:"The button," as you call it, is actually the "/renameme" commad. Ahh, the wonders of internet anoymity.
Not really, there are only a few things I want to reset in my current train of thought, a total rewrite isn't necessarily needed. I want to carry my older roleplay style, while removing some of the newer writings in an acceptable fashion for others to RP with.
I've renamed and erased a good number of characters, just not to the big sense where it conflicts with other's RP or faction history to a sense.
I have been thinking about this too... I kinda miss smeagle and don't know whether I should try and revive him by just pressing the reset button or leave things be...
Certainly the neat thing with AI roleplay is you can RP something going wrong terribly. Like a memory wipe or something. That way starting from scratch wouldn't necessarily be an OORP event.
Iâll carry this flag
To the grave if I must
Because itâs flag that I love
And a flag that I trust