' Wrote:(Toothless ... you may not like it, but the canon intro video for Disco shows the Nomad StarKiller taking out Sol. The Nomads are a combination of Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Lee, Buce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, Tommy Lee Jones, Jean Claude VanDamme, and yes, even Chuck Norris - all in one little package. They SHOULD scare the crap out of you.)
' Wrote:For nomads it isn't. They didn't wait for Wilds to appear to blow up FP7 using cloaked ships. Nomads technically have them built-in.
/cloak without module for K'Hara ID, or Nomad Cloak module that differs from common ones that can only be used on K'Hara/Wild ID (which both are official factions with very high requirements and kept an eye on by the admins I guess). But I think your genuine paranoia of everything can be abused killed you on this post Andrew xD
I approve of special cloak.
And ye, I paranoid. Sorru.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
Quote:Did the LN blow up Toledo?
Did the KNF blow up Toledo?
Maybe it was the GRN came in and blew up Toledo?
Hell, even my BHG couldn't blow up Toledo.
Nomads. One ship. Boom - no Toledo.
Now how toothless exactly is that?
Metaphorically toothless for a very cliche naturally overpowered alien faction that was the very predictable head of the original campaign. Hell, the climax of the plot of any space game is usually having to do with a hostile alien race that's very powerful.
Quote:No, it should be more powerful because they ARE a hostile alien faction. In the whole time they've been studying the Nomads, the Order and BHG|Core have managed to sort of figure out, what, two guns? That's it. No ships. No thrusters. No shields. Two measly little guns.
Then nobody should be able to play them, if their gear is gonna be naturally opressively overpowered just for one built in reason, also, there is 1 Nomad Thruster availible on Gammu, or was it Primus?
Quote:(Toothless ... you may not like it, but the canon intro video for Disco shows the Nomad StarKiller taking out Sol. The Nomads are a combination of Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Lee, Buce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, Tommy Lee Jones, Jean Claude VanDamme, and yes, even Chuck Norris - all in one little package. They SHOULD scare the crap out of you.)
Disco has an intro video?
According to canon Freelancer lore that never happened.
Quote:And it's BECAUSE they're aliens - until you can figure out a common point of reference, you have NO chance of matching their technology. So while they don't need to be more powerful because they get ganked - they SHOULD be more powerful because they're the FRICKING NOMADS!
IDK about you but the Freelancer 'people' seem very smart.
Rhienlanders developed the first cloaks in the later 700's from the Nomads.
I wouldn't underestimate them.
If we're making factions arbitraily powerful based on so called "lore"
Then where are the Zoner's over 9000 Juggernauts that we supposedly have in Theta?
From a nomad side of view... Nomad GB turrets and Nomad hybrid guns are fairly okay (For some reason Hybrid guns are quite a bit stronger than pure nomad lasers)...
Did i mention that Noms miss any kind of capital ship missile? And whats that thing about noms having OP mortars? Nomad equivalents are cca 10% better than heavy mortars but still outshined by "basic" mortar.
The Keepers and morphs have only ever given good RP (well when they RP'd, I've had my share of KILL MAIM BURN when entering Iota (rofl) but I brought that upon myself)