There are two systems in discovery which are held, for reasons unfathomable, as sacred. Omicron Alpha and Gamma. Intrusion into these systems has, historically, generates a slew of hand wringing and insistence that the rules be shaped so as to deny those persons who would trespass be tossed out the door by vengeful gods of the metagame.
Omicron Alpha and Gamma, I won't point fingers at who I'm talking about specifically here (Gamma) are not special. They have a dock able base in that system which is situated in front of a large collidable object which has a spherical shape and a texture pack which looks like a planet.
The denizens of those systems hold no compunction about visiting their neighbors, in fact they generally hold the largest tourist rights in game, yet seem more intent on sticking next to their texture ball than any other.
The Hessians can go to Gamma. The Corsairs can go to, well wherever the hell Hessian land is. The Corsairs will sob a riot if a body spots a Molly by their texture ball, and rightly so I might add, yet maintain dry eyes whilst parading through Dublin, New London, Berlin and good 'old 41.
I know this post won't change anything and serves little more purpose than allowing me to stutter through my points on a tiny iPhone keypad. But the home systems of the two largest free roaming pirate factions in the mod are not sanctified, they're just as valid a target as any other system. No matter what color your texture ball is or what the info card associated says.
' Wrote:Dusty but inRP those systems are impenetrable by hostile forces, shouldn't that be somehow reflected by the rules?
Eppy had the keys to the defense shield in Alpha but dropped them down a storm drain. Zelot had the keys for Crete's but Sina stole them. In rp they're valid.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: