Well as grumbly as I come across in here, I still couldn't care less about the 'invite only' argument & the fairness/unfairness of it all. That's why I avoid those threads 9 times out of 10. My entire stance is simply, I hate grinding as much as the next guy and if one also hates grinding, they should use the time saving tools provided in order to save time. That's why they're there. It's like looking a gift horse in the mouth.
It's not that I wanted to sound like a dick about it, it's just that I get a bit uppity when people don't fully appreciate how easy things are here now as opposed to how they used to be.
Makes me go all "Awww...booeffin'hoo.":lol:One should either do what they have to in order to get what they want or simply go without & start wanting something else that they deem is better within their reach, in the time they choose to spend playing:yes:
' Wrote:.1 for gunboat, .5 for cruisers and .9 for battleships
Do want! Maybe .89 (current normal) for class 10 / 9, .78 for class 8, .69 for class 7, etc?
And it can definitely be done, each item sold on a base has its own value for rep. Most stuff is at -1.0, but some items are at +0.1 and guard stuff at +0.89. It's lot of work though, having to edit every base that sells them.
' Wrote:It's lot of work though, having to edit every base that sells them.
Control + H.
Yes, I know it's not that simple. I'm just being snarky.
Edit: Marburg, your arguments are all based around intentionally slowing people down to get the good stuff. Trading does that for us. And not everybody has access to friends who are on all the time. I have to scream at some of my buddies for half an hour just to get them to go PvP, much less mission grind.
' Wrote:Edit: Marburg, your arguments are all based around intentionally slowing people down to get the good stuff. Trading does that for us. And not everybody has access to friends who are on all the time. I have to scream at some of my buddies for half an hour just to get them to go PvP, much less mission grind.
Uh, yes. That's exactly what I'm saying...Your entire argument seems based on wanting something for nothing (or closer to it than it is presently) If you are unwilling to take the steps to get what you want even with the shortcuts provided, you simply don't deserve to have 'the good stuff' & you have no logical reason to feel entitled to it just because you're impatient. I thought I was clear on that a long time ago. My bad I guess ::shrug::
and after all this time, like since '08, this gets your goat?
guard rep a grind?
There was this thread I remember once upon a time ago titled "You know you played too much Disco when......"
edit add: what the heck I'll toss in my view. I'm all for ships and equipment that's available in guard systems made available in regular systems for the whole populace. Since I still to this day view the guard system sand box as the only actual honest perk to being an official faction and not any of those illusionary dangling carrots called FRs. I will always be a voice opposed to the removal of guard system, their rep and their tougher NPCs. Removing the Guard IDs was cool as they were unnecessay and only popped into existance much later then guard systems/rep and those unnecessary IDs' lives were very short lived.
It's the only issue I've bothered to talk about, yes.
Now, it seems to me, Marburg, that you're only going halfway with this. You're saying I just don't want things enough if I'm not willing to get a migraine for it. But since ships are never destroyed, there is no risk. Once you get a ship you can then be completely careless with it. Your dedication at that point is moot since you have to intentionally do something wrong to get it removed.
So long as you can explode and keep your ship, it doesn't matter how much you want a thing in game because you'll never have to worry about physically losing it. EVE online gives ships real value and I have no problem working hard for a ship in a game like that because I know that if it explodes, all of the work I put into a ship will be erased.
Yeah, I'm comparing EVE and Disco because I'm tying them together. If I am going to put effort and headaches into getting a thing, I want it to have physical value. Items in Freelancer never disappear so there is no risk of losing it. EVE online items can and probably will disappear. So when it comes to it, I'd rather grind in EVE for a battleship that can be destroyed than for a ship in Discovery that I can fly into the sun time and time again and never worry about losing.
Heh! Your entire argument is hinged on Impatience while mine is hinged on 'suck it up & deal with it'
Let me put it another way: I'm sorry & all that you chose to putter off to a guard system too soon after going green w/ the regular Hessian rep to get guns you were not yet ready to buy & ended up painting yourself into a corner because of it, & I can sympathize with you having & hating lag since I suffer from it & hate it myself...but what I have zero sympathy for is trying to justify to the devs to lower the requirements for everyone on something based simply on a mistake you made & have claimed unwillingness to overcome on your own, even though there are multiple options available to you already to overcome it.
By now, you should just agree to disagree & try much harder to convince the devs that a change is warrented moreso than you've convinced me...cause I simply ain't buyin' your snake oil:P