I was thinking that how Order took the Osiris from LSF/LN, maybe like LSF took it back and only LN and LSF can use it. Since LSF/LN created it, why not have something new like LSF took it back. But then that will make 3 factions have same battleship.
' Wrote:Edit: This thread should probably be in Discovery RP 24/7 General Discussions.
I agree. Topic moved.
Yeah, I've seen an LN ID'd Osiris flying around, actually. It was a different one from the "Manhattan" that got linked up above. So not only can it be done, it is being done, by more than one person.
Thats one of the easy things to get as LN.
There were others who made far crazier combinations:
- Junker RM Battleship
- Xeno Lib Gunboat
- GMG RM Cruisers & Battleships
- Outcast Lib Dreadnought
Special promotion on cloaks. Made In Donesia. *We claim no responsibility for any kind of damage or sudden explosion that might occur from proper use of this product.
' Wrote:Nope, actually, the two SRP IDs were fixed back to 100% core.
The Order did steal the original Osiris from Liberty, that's correct. In order to explain why your LN/LSF captain is commanding an Osiris, you will need to... roleplay. Was it captured from the Order? Was it built in Alaska at Navy shipyards using recovered blueprints?
There's a whole bunch of wreckage over Toledo, probably a couple of Osiris there. That's where my LSF Thresher came from
not really crazy, hell IMO they should get LN tech. However, the Xeno ID doesn't allow gunboats so - yeah.
' Wrote:- GMG RM Cruisers & Battleships
Just RM Battleships atm, when you whoop the ass of a battleship armada expect a few to be disabled with only minor damage in critical places. I also recall them having been completely rebuilt internally.