' Wrote:The Mito addon has been split off (it was a seperate base entry) and moved into Honshu, near the Sigma 13 and Okinawa holes - it will serve as the BD/GC strike point into Sigma 13 from there.
Outcasts get a buffer zone between them and the Taus........yet you were talking about forcing people in the Omegas to pass through Gamma............is Gamma gunna get a similar buffer from the Omegas (a region flush with their enemies)?
Still like the progress. At least stuff be getting done.
' Wrote:Update:
- Omicron Zeta shrunk and encounters/patrols fixed. Added a jumphole to the relocated BHG Core system (Omega 56, to become Omicron Rho) and added a small Core outpost near it. Average travel distance through this system should be around 50K now, instead of the previous 100. Also added a few convenient exclusion corridors in the asteroid field, so caps can move about easier. Order/Core/Keeper capfleets: En-joy.
Any news on what your gonna do with player bases in that system?
Presumably keep them near the objects they are currently next to?
Hmmm drastic changes it seems...
Sucks not being official...
Seems you just get ignored when people change your home
Indeed, this is a fine example of the devs working on autopilot without considering the current RP projects that have been in development for well over half a year. I have seen the OZ RP evolve and imho they should have at least been warned about the changes implemented beforehand to their home system.
' Wrote:Update:
Continued work on the various systems that need it:
- Added a jumphole to the relocated BHG Core system (Omega 56, to become Omicron Rho) and added a small Core outpost near it.
I'm curious, who modded or came up with "Omicron Rho"? Just asking because several years ago I had an idea for a "Planet Rho", and later modded a system called "Omicron Rho". Both were sent to Igiss, but I never really got a response.
If you could bother to take the time, please contact me regarding changes done to Cape Wrath..
I am the player responsible for that station iRP (101st granted my char "reign" over that station). I have some requests for that station i'd like to see realized.
Edit: i think you have my skype. If not, throw me a PM about it.