David looked at his empty glass for a moment in silence. A recent conversation replaying in his mind. This was exacty the sort of thinking he'd come here to avoid, but it seemed to him that maybe some things couldn't really be escaped.
"I keep... losing people." He paused, frowning a little. "She's dead, and that's something that I have to live with. It's not my place to consider it. I couldn't. That'd be Fel's choice, and one she's not able to make." He lapsed into silence again for a while and rubbed his forehead, wishing he had a full glass in his hand just so he could occupy himself with the action of drinking it. He looked Kate in the eye.
"But, the choice was offered to me. Choices that I shouldn't have to make, but it's worryingly similar to ones I make every day of my life. Acceptable losses, reasonable damage for the goal we're trying to achieve... Lives which aren't mine, and I have to make decisions regarding them. It's tempting. For my own benefit... But I can't say yes. I've considered it, and made my choice. What's happened has happened. It isn't my place to try and undo that."
He looked over at the bar, then back at Kate. "Want another drink?"
Mehndi wipes the sweat off his brow. That bout of dancing had got him pumped, and he was ready for some more. He started walking towards the stage again, but something he heard made him stop.
"Your facial structure is fascinating."
He did a double-take, turned around to see the purple-haired woman talking to Remus. Mehndi then proceeded to smack himself on the head a couple of times. Too much drink. Waaaay too much drink. He'd need to forgo a round on this one. Shaking his head, he jumped on the stage...
"Ladies and Gentlemen..."
He said over the crowd, getting their attention. Then he began performing this.
Lewis slumped in a chair, tired from a bout of frantic dancing. He'd lost a bit of groove. Actually, scratch that, he'd lost almost all of it. From his position, he looked around, and saw a man he didn't recognize seated on the other side. He waved a little to get his attention.
"Hey, I'm Reginald Lewis. Haven't seen you before."
Jake watched as someone approached him, and he set his empty glass on the bar table. "Hey, I'm Reginald Lewis. Haven't seen you before."
"Likewise. I'm Jake Sanders, I don't see other officers much, I guess. This is a... pretty nice place. Drinks are good, at least!" Jake chuckles a bit, and motions the bartender over. "Speaking of drinks, I'll have another one." The bartender simply nods and takes the glass. Jake starts looking around the bar. "Maybe I should go to try and actually meet... He trails off when his eyes land on a purple haired woman at the bar, speaking to someone else. She was... Beautiful. Perfect. Absolutely perfect. Something flickered in the back of his mind at this, but it was promptly ignored. "Yeah, I'm gonna go meet people Reginald, you have fun..." He left Reg and his drink behind, and stepped towards his target. 'Okay Jake, you can be smooth. Impress her. There's no way you could-'
"Allow me to apologise if I said anything wrong. My understanding of human codes and logic is still fairly limited, but I am attempting my best to improve it, which is why I'm here."
"My name is Aurora, it's a pleasure to meet you." she finished, extending her hand.
"I -knew- it! I knew something was odd with her..." but before he could speak his mind and shake her hand... Somebody interrupted them.
"You're pretty hot... I- uh, Hey! I'm Jake! Sanders that is!, Remus turned around to find the Ensign trying to engage a conversation with Aurora. He snickered at attempt of the Ensign.
"Sanders is it?? Didn't you know that its rude to interrupt a conversation?"
She turned to see who just arrived. "Greetings Jake Sanders. I remember you. It has been a long time. However it seems you have bothered the individual you share bonds with here next to me." she finished with a smile.
Kate paused for a few seconds, thinking about what David just said. He could be right, but he could also be wrong. "It's your choice, David. I ain't going to say anything about it."
She paused, as David asked her if she wanted another drink. "Sure why not, alcohol doesn't affect me anymore anyway."
Kohaku entered the club wearing a cream colored sweater and light green cargo pants. Her waist-length brown hair was tied in a ponytail. She looked over the room, recognizing faces, but nobody she knew well enough to approach besides Alexis who was already talking to somebody else. "Man, I hope I'm not too late..."
After standing at the entrance for a few moments, Kohaku approached the bar and ordered a glass of water
Alexis spotted Kohaku. Smiling, she waited for Kohaku to go to the bar before slipping behind the girl and hugging her.
"Heya!" She said brightly, arms still around Kohaku's neck in a light hug. "Nice to see you again."
Letting Kohaku go, Alexis leaned against the bar, glancing over to check on Cat. "Glad you came."
Kohaku jumped when she was hugged, but calmed down when she saw who it was. "Oh, hi Alexis. Sorry I'm late, I was held up at the music store."
She looked over where Alexis was looking. "I thought about not coming because I don't know anybody, but I was already in the area."
"Well, I'm glad you came. It's no fun if all your friend's don't come, right?" She smiles, patting the girl's shoulder. "And you do know somebody. Me. Might not see Admiral Baker, but you still got me. And you still can meet new people. Here, I'll introduce you to Catherine."
Alexis smiles softly, holding out her hand to Kohaku.