After hearing the reports of the attacks...I came to search for survivors. After extensive scans of the area I found very little of either station remaining. I have found no survivors... This is a dark day my friends, our people have been murdered in cold blood. Our home has been destroyed and for what? I have started on my way to Freeport 9, I will hold there until the rest of the fleet arrives. I hope you all made it out okay.
This is a sad day. I received the news only recently and the search for survivers is already finished. Me and my crew will mourn for our lost brothers and sisters. I will move my other ships to Freeport 9 soon. I have also received word that my new liner, the (\^/)Helios, has been finished, and will join our fleet soon. Let us look for safer space in the deeper unknowns.
This will be my last transmission from this beautiful ship
Due to her heavy damage and many crew members dead
Me and my crew have decided to make it their last place of rest
At the time im sending this
Sunlight is on its way to the sun
This ship was their home and this will be their resting place
*A tear appears in his left eye*
My family died here
My friends died here
I will avenge them
This wont end like this
For now i need some time on my own
I will try to be in touch
Hoshiko couldn't believe her eyes...
After she read the artical in the internal news magazine of the destruction of Freeport 7 Recostruction Site.
She had not yet made many friends but it felt like see had lost many of them already. "Poor people, who could do something like this?"
The only thing what she could do was to respond on the command of the CEO.
"Ok, then", she sighed, "up to Freeport 9."
.:Incoming Transmission:.
From Quiron Lacroix
To the Phoenix members
Greetings fellow Zoners,
I'm Quiron Lacroix, a former member of the Omicroners.
A few years ago I left my brothers and sisters. The life in the edge worlds made me bitter, the struggle with the Nomads and the pressure caused by Corsairs and other parties wasn't the way a Zoner hopes for so I withdrew to Gran Canaria, I've sold my Whale, bought a little land and hoped for a peaceful life.
However something inside me simply cannot let me rest, I was thinking about the Omicrons too much. A few days ago I've decided to get some information about my old friends and I've learned about the Omicroner exodus.
Luckily I've encountered with Necroth Shade who have lightened me up about that there are still some people who wish to continue the heritage of the edge world Zoners and founded a group named Phoenix.
After our talk with Mr. Burton he accepted me in your ranks which for I'm very grateful. I hope I can be your assistance in every segment of this group to reach our mutual goals.
I forgot to mention; our contract with IDF shipping is finished. We're together worked hard on this contract, so here is the benefits. We're earned trust, so Gallia space for now is open for us. You can explore, is so little known to us about this space!
But still need to remind you that standard patrols will attack you; this problem will be somehow solved, but no promises it won't be happen soon.
Our efforts are paying off, again we have established ourselves with a place we can call home. I'm glad to see our progress even after that dark day... not to long ago. To see that through our unity and commitment we can overcome any adversity we may face. I'm honored to know all of you, and thank you my friends! I'm proud to say that I'm part of Phoenix.
You're right Shade, we're standing... And growing. Good work, space extensions for storages almost completed, there is little left of storages construction. Here is a nice guncam of our heritage from a good old times:
I know many of you flying around the Sirius sector. It would be great if you will share a report with us there, we need to know what's going on around Sirius.
Family, I also would like if you will check out high secured communications, Phoenix Neural Net. It's about simplify procedures to join into our family. Please don't leave indifferent. We need to decide the future of our family together.